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Learning Duration
Area:Mathema Grade Quart : 50
DLP No.:4 tics Level:Two er:II mins
Learning visualizes division of numbers up to Code:
Competen 100 by 2,3,4,5, and 10 (multiplication M2NS-
cy/ies: table of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10). IIIb-51.1
Key  Division is the inverse or opposite of
Concepts/ multiplication.
Understan A Division sentence has three parts.
dings to  Dividend is the number to be divided.
be  Divisor is the number that divides.
Develope  Quotient is the answer in division.
1. Objectives

Knowledg Illustrate division as inverse of multiplication.

Skills Demonstrate division as the inverse of
Attitudes Practice cooperation in working with the
members of the group.
Values Show the value of alertness and cooperation.

2. Content Illustrating division as inverse of multiplication

/ Topic
3. Concrete object,semi concrete objects,chart with
Learning exercises
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach to
teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4.1 Drill
Introducto A. Supply the missing number in series.
ry Activity  4 , 8 , ____, 16, ____, 24 , ____ , 30
 5,10 , ____, ____, 25 , ____, 35,___
(10 mins)  10, ____, ____, 40, 50, ____, ____, 80
Review: Find the equal jumps of the following
using the number line.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13
1.12 ÷ 3 =
2. 6 ÷ 2 =
The teacher shows a guava.
Class I have 15 guavas. Into how many sets
can we possibly divided these guavas?
( pupils divided the 15 guavas into different
a. The teacher presents these triangles.

How many rows of triangles are there?
How many triangles are there in each row?
What division sentence can we write?
How many columns of triangles are in each
What multiplication sentences can we write
for this array?
How will you compare the answer on the
division sentence and in the multiplication
Now, how is division being illustrated here?
4.2 Group the pupils into 3 groups.
Activity Group 1
Read carefully and follow the directions.
(5 mins) a. Place the big red rectangle on your
b. Put the 8 green squares on the red
Group the squres into 2 sets. What will
be the dividend? Divisor? Quotient ?
what is the division sentence?
c. Get two big red rectangles inside the
d. Put 2 sets of 4 green squares on each
red rectangle.
e. What multiplication sentence can you
f. What operation did you use?
g. Write the division sentence and the
multiplication sentence.
h. Compare them. State what have you
noticed. ( Expected answer: Division
can be illustrated as the inverse of
Group 2
a.Get the picture inside the envelope.
b. Look at the picture and study it.

c.There are ____ rows.

There are ____ balls in each row.
There are_____balls in all
Multiplication sentence_____________
d.There are ____ balls in all.
There are ____ rows.
There are____ balls in each row.
Division Sentence________________
e. What can you say about the mathematical
sentences? Answer_______
Group 3
Study the pictures. Complete the number
sentence in your paper.

3 x 4 =_____
____÷ 4=______
- After evaluating all the presentation of
the pupils the teacher asks, how do you
find doing the group activity? Why?
- How were you able to get the correct
answers as fast as you can? What
value did you practice? Can you do this
also at home?
4.3 How will you compare the answer on the
Analysis division sentence and in the multiplication
(10 mins) how is division being illustrated here?
4.4  How do we illustrate division?

(3 mins)
4.5 Construct a division sentence whose quotient is.
Applicatio 1. 9
n 2. 7
(5 mins) 3. 8
4. 4
5. 6
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or
Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of Learners’
Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Written Study the pictures. Complete the number
Test sentence in your paper.

( 5 mins) 1.

5 x 2 = _____ _____÷ 2 = 5


3 x 6 =_______ ______ ÷ 3 =
6. Assignment(indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or
Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
Strenghte Write a division sentnece for each of the
ning the following multiplication sentence.
days Ex. 6 x 9 = 54 54 ÷ 9 = 6
lesson 1. 9 x8 = 72
( 2 mins ) 2. 5 x 8 = 40
3. 7 x 6 =42
7. Wrap- Close the period by having a contest on
up / multiplication using mental computations.

Prepared by:
Name: Guadaluppe C. Palma School: Cabungahan Elementary
Position/Designation:TEACHER I Division: DANAO CITY DIVISION
Contact Number: 09422416471 FB Account:palma_guadalupe

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