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Quadratic Equations

a +b= 0, where a, b are
In prvOus classes, you have learnt that an equation of the form
eal nunmbers and a 0 is called alinear equation in one variable. We also learnt that every
linear equation in one variable has a unique solution.
In thischapter, we shallextend our knowledge to quadratic equations in one variable, and
we shallalso learn that aquadratic equation in one variable has atmost two solutions.
Ancquation of the form ax² + bx + c= 0, where a, band c are real numbers and a +0, is called
aquadratic equation in the variable x.
For exanple :
-3x + 2= 0and 6r2 + x -1 =0are quadratic equations in the variable x.
number a is a root (or solution) of the quadratic equation ax² +bx +c= 0if it satisfies
the equation i.e. if aa' + ba + c = 0.
For example :
When we substitute x = 2 in the quadratic equation x - 3x + 2 = 0, we get
22-3 x2 + 2 =0i.e. 4 - 6 + 2 =0 i.e. 0= 0, which is true. Therefore, 2 is a root of the
quadratic equation x-3x + 2 = 0.
When we substitute x = 3 in the quadratic equation x - 3x + 2 = 0, we get
32-3 x 3 + 2 = 0i.e. 9 -9 + 2 = 0 i.e. 2 = 0, which is wrong.
Therefore, 3 is not aroot of the quadratic equation - 3x + 2 = 0.


Factorisation can be used to solve quadratic equations.
The equation ² -3x + 2 = 0 can be written as (x - 1) (* - 2) = 0.
This equation can be solved by using a property of real numbers called
zero-product rule.

7.2.1 Zero-product rule

Ifaand b are two numbers or expressions and if ab = 0, then either a = 0 or b = 0 or both a = 0
and b = 0.
Using this rule, the solutions of the equation (x -1) (*-2) =0 can be obtained by putting
each factor equal to zero and then solving for x. Thus, we get
X-1= 0or x - 2= 0
X = 1or x =2.
Hence, the solutions of the equation x- 3r + 2 = 0 are 1and 2.
solve a quadraticcquation by
7.2.2 Method to
+ C=)
Proceed as under in the forn ax + br
the cauation
fratonsand write factors.
Clear all product of tuo inear
let hand sude into tesullig lmear equations.
Factorisethe solve I
linear factor rqual to zero anl
* Put each original equation.
by substituting in the
Remark checked
(rots) may be
The solutions

Illustrative Exanmples
Example1 Solve : - 2r - 15 =0.
Solution. Given 2 2r - 15 = 0
15 = 0
- 5x + 3r -
5) = 0
r (I-5) + 3 (x -
(1-5) (r +3) = 0
I-5= 0 or +3= 0
X=5 or x = -3.
equation are 5, -3.
Hence, the roots of the given
Example 2 Solve : 6r2 + x - l =
Solution. Given 6x2 + x - 1=0
6x2 + 3r - 2r - 1=0
3x (2x + 1) - 1(2r + 1) = 0
(2r + 1) (3x 1) = 0
2r + 1 =0or 3x - 1 = 0
or x 3
1 1
Hence, the roots of the given equation are 2' 3

Example 3 Solve : 9x2 + 6x + 1 = 0.

Solution. Given 9x2 + 6x +1 =0
9r2 + 3x + 3x + 1 = 0
3x (3x + 1) + 1(3x + 1) =0
(3x + 1) (3x + 1) =0
’ 3r + 1= 0 or 3x + 1=0
1 1
or x =

Hence, the roots of the given equation are

Note that the given quadratic equation has equal roots.
Example 4 Solve:2x - = 1.
Solution. To clear the fractions, multiply both sides of the given equation by x.
We get
2x2 - 1= X

144 Understanding ICSE Mathematics - IX

21--l= 0
2r- 21 +1- 0
2r (1 - )+1(1 - 1) =(0
(2r +1) (1 - ) =0

Hence, the roots of the given equation are 1

Example 5 Solve: 2x + 1
Solution. Given I+3 2x + 1
I-1 3r-5
(r t 3) (3x 5) = (r - 1) (2x + 1)
3r2- 5x + 9x - 15 = 21 + x - 2x - 1
(by cross-multiplication)
3r2 + 4x - 15 = 2y2 -x-1
3r2 - 2r + 4x + X- 15 + 1 = 0
r' + 5x- 14 = 0
’ x' + 7x - 2x- 14 = 0
’ x(x + 7) - 2 (x + 7) = 0
’ (x+ 7) (x - 2) = 0
’ X 7=0or x - 2=0
’ X= -7or x = 2.
Hence, the roots of the given equation are -7, 2.

Example 6 Solve : X-1

Solution. Given +
X-1 2

To clear the fractions, multiply both sides of the given equation by LC.M. of denominators
i.e. by 2x (x- 1). We get
2x x x + 2 (x - 1) (x - 1) = 5x (x - 1)
’ 212 + 212 - 4x + 2 = 5x2 - 5x
4x2 - 4x + 2 = 52 - 5x
’ 4x2 -5x2- 4x + 5x + 2 = 0
- x' + x + 2 =0
’ - 2x + x - 2 = 0

’ x (x - 2) + 1(x -2) = 0
’ (x+ 1) (x - 2) = 0

Quadratic Equations 145

x-2= (0
I+ 1= 0 or
1 - l or x =2. 2.
given equation are -1,
Hence, the roots of the

equations :
Solre the following (1 to 12) (ii) 4r2- 25 = 0.
() 2- 1lx + 30 =0
(ii) r2- 2x = 48.
(i) 212- 5x = 0
(ii) 2r2-3x +1 =0.
() 6+I=2
(ii) 4x2+ 15 = 16x.
(i) 3r2= 2r + 8
(ii) ( + 3) (x - 3) = 40.
(i) x(2+5) = 25
(ii) (3x + 1)(2x + 3)=3.
(i) (2r + 3)(r 4) = 6
(ii) (x4)2 + 52 = 132.
7 ( 4x2+ 4x + 1=0 1

(i) 21x2= 4(2x + 1) (ii) 3

-x-1 =0.

(i) 6x + 29 =
5 (i1) x+ 1 =22
(i) =4.
10 (i) 3x- ° =2
1 3
2x-5 (i)
() x+ 2 4
11 X+1
x-7 X+1 1
8 3 +
12 (i) x+3 2- x
Multiple Choice Questions
to 5):
Choose the correct answer from the given four options (1
1 Which of the following is not a quadratic equation:
(a) 2x2 = 3x-5 (b) (2x -1) (x 1) = 2r2-7x +2
(c) (2x-1) (x +2) = (r-1) (x +1) (d) (x + 1)3 = r+ 2x +2
then the value of k is
2 If 2 is a root of the quadratic equation 2x2 - kx + 1= 0,
(a) 9 (b) -9 (c); (d)
k is
3 If - 3is a root of the quadratic equation kx' + 2x -3 = 0, then the value of
(a) 1 (b) -1 (c) (d) - 9
Which of the following quadratic equations has - 1 as a root?
(a) x' + 5x +6=0 (b) 2r2-3x +1 =0
(c) 2x2+X-3=0 (d) 2r2-X-3 = 0
5 The roots of the quadratic equation x 3x -4 = 0 are
(a) - 4, 1 (b) 4, - 1 (c) 4, 1 (d) -4, -1

146 Understanding ICSE Mathematics - IX

) An Nuation of the torm a +
alled aquadratic equaton inbn+(0, where a. b and c are real numbers and a z
the variable I 0,
aumbera arot (or solution) of the
euation ar' + br + ( = 0if it satisfies it ie. if
)Aquadratic equation can be solved by
solve a quadratic equation, proceed factorisation
as under :
and then using zero-product rule.
ià Clear all tractions and
write the equation in the form ar²+ bx + c = 0.
) Factorise lett hand side
into product of two linear factors.
im) Put each linear tactor equal to zero and
solve the resulting linear equations.

Chapter Test
Sole the following (1 to 3) equations :
1 () x(2r + 5) = 3 (ü) 3r2 - 4x 4 = 0.
(i) 4r - 2r + = 0 (ii) 2r2 + 7x + 6 = 0.

1 X-3 6 2 1
3 +

= 33 (ii) I-1 X-2

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