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Human activities have increased the Carbon pollution also known as green house gas emissions can

deteriorate our ozone layer and cause global warming. This melts the ice caps away and the water levels
rise, as natural disasters get worse by climate change changing and altering the frequency and
intensities of these disasters. The lack of renewable materials and the use of HFCs (Hydrofluorocarbons)
deplete our ozone layer, made by our own factories. Factories have been producing materials for
decades to make things easier. Many inventions and innovations have been manufactured and released
to the public for use and some of the more traditional items like glue have been replaced by more
modern and cheaper methods like PVA (Polyvinyl acetate) as glue. With glue being one of the most
needed items in manufacturing it also has alternatives that are easy to get and are more eco friendly.
One of these alternatives which are part of the Pine tree family (Pinaceae) which is the Chir pine (Pinus
roxburghii), found in the Himalayas, a source of timber in its native area. Taxifolin, a flavonoid is also
contained in this tree. The tree resin found in the Chir pine can be used to apply a protective layer to
surfaces like tables and chairs, its resin can also be used as an adhesive. But resinous plants can also
come from different plants that are not from the Pine tree family. An example of this is the Willow
(Salix) which is from the Salicaceae family, parts of the willow is used to make aspirin (acetylsalicylic
acid) as a pain relieving drug. Another alternative is glue made out of animal bones, collagen and skin.
The glue is usually made from the hooves of horses (Equus cabbalus). These glues are also used to apply
a protective layer to objects these can also restore instruments. The ingredient in animal glue which is
animal bone is also used in the making of our foods which are marshmallows. These two glues are good
alternatives due to the carbon footprint factories are making. Compared to using factories, Tapping Pine
resin does not need major equipment and can be done as long as there are suitable pine trees and the
environment is right. Animal glue an also be made without the use of industrial factories, extended
boiling of connective tissue is how animal glue is created.

These two are both adhesives and their materials these items are created from are also multipurpose.

The researchers have decided to do this research to determine which glue is better between plant resin
and animal glue, to find another option other than PVA glue that can be made commercially without the
use of industrial factories. They chose plant glue and animal glue to compare. The former because it is
very common around the world as humans use for millennia, the latter because it also has been used for
a time and for centuries it has been traditionally used as the glue before PVA glue has replaced it as the
main commercially manufacture glue.

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