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Subject: Science

Grade Level: Grade 6

: How to take care of the nervous system and circulatory system

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics: Understanding the relationship between heart rate and physical

activity. Students will calculate their heart rate before and after different exercises.

2) English: Writing a persuasive essay on the importance of healthy lifestyle for brain
and heart health.

3) Physical Education: Participating in aerobic exercises to promote cardiovascular

fitness and overall health.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Quiz questions, whiteboard]

1) Conduct a quick quiz on the functions of the nervous system and circulatory
system, using multiple-choice questions.

2) Show a video clip demonstrating the effects of exercise on the nervous system
and circulatory system.

3) Engage the students in a discussion about the importance of taking care of their
nervous system and circulatory system.

Activity 1: Brain and Heart Healthy Habits

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Chart paper, markers

Significance: Students will identify and discuss habits that are beneficial for the
brain and heart.


1) Divide the class into small groups.

2) Provide each group with a piece of chart paper and markers.

3) Instruct the students to brainstorm and write down habits that promote the health
of the brain and heart.

4) After a designated time, have each group present their findings to the class.


- Creativity and organization: 5 pts

- Relevance to brain and heart health: 5 pts

- Presentation skills: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are three habits that promote brain health?

2) How can regular exercise benefit the heart?

3) Why is it important to get enough sleep for brain and heart health?

Activity 2: Healthy Meal Planning

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Materials: Food pyramid guide, magazines, scissors, glue, chart paper

Significance: Students will learn about the importance of proper nutrition for the
nervous system and circulatory system.

1) Introduce the food pyramid guide and discuss the different food groups.

2) Divide the class into pairs or small groups.

3) Provide each group with magazines, scissors, glue, and chart paper.

4) Instruct the students to create a healthy meal plan for a day, ensuring that it
includes foods from all food groups.


- Inclusion of all food groups: 5 pts

- Nutritional balance: 5 pts

- Creativity and presentation: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is it important to have a balanced diet for the nervous system and circulatory

2) What are three examples of foods that are good for brain health?

3) How can an unhealthy diet negatively impact the circulatory system?

Activity 3: Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials: Yoga mats (optional), guided meditation audio (optional)

Significance: Students will learn and practice mindfulness and relaxation

techniques to reduce stress and promote overall well-being.

1) Begin the activity with a brief discussion on the impact of stress on the nervous
system and circulatory system.

2) Introduce different mindfulness and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing,

progressive muscle relaxation, and guided meditation.

3) Lead the students through a guided relaxation exercise or provide resources for
them to practice on their own.


- Active participation: 5 pts

- Proper execution of techniques: 5 pts

- Reflection on the experience: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How can mindfulness and relaxation techniques benefit the nervous system and
circulatory system?

2) What are three mindfulness techniques you can use to reduce stress?

3) How often should you practice relaxation techniques to maintain a healthy

nervous system and circulatory system?


Activity 1 - Students demonstrated a good understanding of brain and heart healthy

habits. They were able to present their findings clearly and creatively. This activity
connects to the objective of taking care of the nervous system and circulatory system
by raising awareness of habits that promote their health.

Activity 2 - Students successfully created a healthy meal plan that included foods
from all food groups. They understood the importance of a balanced diet for the
nervous system and circulatory system. This activity emphasizes the significance of
proper nutrition for their care.

Activity 3 - Students actively participated in the mindfulness and relaxation

techniques. They were able to execute the techniques properly and reflected on their
experience. This activity highlights the importance of managing stress for the well-
being of the nervous system and circulatory system.

Taking care of the nervous system and circulatory system involves adopting brain
and heart healthy habits, maintaining a balanced diet, and managing stress through
mindfulness and relaxation techniques. By practicing these habits, individuals can
support the optimal functioning of their nervous system and circulatory system.


[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Students will research and create a poster or infographic on the effects of
smoking on the nervous system and circulatory system. They will present their
findings to the class.

Task 2 - Students will design a fitness routine that includes exercises specifically
beneficial for the nervous system and circulatory system. They will demonstrate and
explain their routine to the class.


[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

[Instructional Materials: Discussion questions]

Question 1 - How can you integrate brain and heart healthy habits into your daily

Question 2 - What are the potential consequences of neglecting the care of the
nervous system and circulatory system?

Question 3 - How can you promote awareness of the importance of taking care of
the nervous system and circulatory system among your family and friends?

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Assignment 1 - Students will interview a healthcare professional or conduct online

research to gather information on common diseases or conditions that affect the
nervous system and circulatory system. They will create a written report
summarizing their findings.

Assignment 2 - Students will keep a journal for a week, documenting their daily
activities and habits that promote the health of their nervous system and circulatory
system. They will reflect on the impact of these habits on their overall well-being.

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