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Living things undergo this

process to ensure the survival
of their species.

Asexual Sexual

combines the genetic

material from two parents
produces offspring
through only one parent

It occurs rapidly through It begins when the

budding, fission, reproductive cells or
fragmentation, or gametes of two parents
vegetative reproduction. unite. They produce a
fertilized cell or zygote.
This is the first cell of
the offspring.

Offspring is
genetically identical
to their one parent.

Offspring is genetically
distinct from parents or
other offspring.

Various types of fu
plants like ginger
, and
even animals such
worms and sea star
s Human beings, the
reproduce through
majority of complex
asexual means.
animals, and
flowering plants
reproduce sexually.

Reference: T, Deepthi. “Significance of Reproduction: Biology.” CK, CK-12 Foundation, 8 Aug. 2022,
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