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Faculty of Science / University of Algiers 1 LP - TMC - 1st Year Architecture

Module: Construction Materials Technology

Lab Practical 2: Particle Size Analysis by Sieving
(Standard NA 2607: NFP 18-540: EN933-1)

I. Introduction:
Aggregates consist of a mixture of grains of various shapes and different sizes. Granulometric
analysis by sieving allows for the determination and observation of the various grain diameters
that constitute an aggregate. The choice of the number and dimensions of the mesh is based on
the nature of the sample (sand, gravel).
Refuse: the quantity of material that is retained on the sieve. The cumulative refuse is the sum
of the material retained in the sieves (from the top sieve downwards to the sieve in question).
Cumulative refusals are expressed as a percentage of the initial mass of the aggregate sample.
Passing material (or pass): the quantity of material that passes through the sieve. Cumulative
passing materials for "n" sieves represent the sum of the material that passes through these
II. Scope of Application:
Granulometric analysis by sieving is applicable to natural or artificial aggregates used in the
field of construction and civil engineering.
1. Purpose of the Test:
The purpose of granulometric analysis is to:
• Characterize the grains, determine their size, and the percentage by size.
• Establish the granulometric curve, which provides highly precise information about the type of
aggregate being studied.
2. Test Principle: The test involves dividing a material into multiple particle size classes using
a series of sieves stacked on top of each other (see fig. 1), with openings decreasing in size from
top to bottom. Granulometric analysis allows for the determination of the size and respective
weight percentages of the different grain families constituting the sample. The sieving process is
considered complete when the refuse (material retained on the sieves) does not vary by more
than 1% between two sequences of vibration of the sieve shaker. The granulometric curve is
then plotted on a graph, with the percentage of passing material under the sieves represented on
the y-axis, and the mesh sizes (D) indicated on the x-axis using a logarithmic scale. For
example, when plotting the granulometric curve of a 0/4 sand, a certain quantity (after drying) is
weighed, typically ranging between 200D < M < 600D (D = 4.0 mm, and M represents the mass
in grams).
The masses of the different refusals or those of the different passings are related to the initial
mass of the material, and the percentages thus obtained are either used in numerical form or
graphically (granulometric curve).
Faculty of Science / University of Algiers 1 LP - TMC - 1st Year Architecture

Figure 1 : Electric Sieve Shaker

3. Necessary Equipment:
The equipment required for the test consists of:
• An electric sieve shaker.
• A series of sieves with a solid bottom and a lid.
• A balance with a relative precision of 0.1%.
• A ventilated oven set at 105°C ± 5°C.
• Trays and brushes.

4. Sample Preparation for Testing:

1. The sample should be prepared following the requirements of standard NA 453. The dry
sample mass M for the test must be greater than 0.2D, with M expressed in kilograms
and D being the largest specified dimension in millimeters. As an indicative reference,
the following masses can be used:
• For 0/1 sand ............ 1 kg
• For 0/4 sand ............ 2 kg
• For 3/8 gravel .......... 2 kg
• For 8/15 gravel ......... 4 kg
• For 15/25 gravel ....... 6 kg
2. Weigh the sample with a precision of 0.1g.
3. Stack the sieves one on top of the other, with the dimensions increasing from bottom to
top. Place a sieve with a solid bottom first to collect the finest particles.
4. Pour the weighed quantity onto the top sieve and cover it.
5. Shake for 5 minutes.
6. Weigh the material retained on each sieve (refuse).
7. Record the results in a summary table.
Faculty of Science / University of Algiers 1 LP - TMC - 1st Year Architecture

Determination of various coefficients:

1-Fineness Modulus (Mf)

French Standard [NFP 18-540]

The fineness modulus is equal to 1/100th of the sum of cumulative refusals expressed as
percentages on the sieves in the following series: 0.16 - 0.315 - 0.63 - 1.25 - 2.5 - 5 mm.

Norme Européenne [EN 12620]

The fineness modulus of a sand corresponds to the sum of the percentages of cumulative
refusals on sieves with the following mesh sizes: 0.125 - 0.25 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 - 4 mm.

Figure 2 : Sieve Column

A smaller fineness modulus indicates finer sand. For good concrete sand, the fineness modulus
should be greater than 2 but less than 3.4.
In construction, the preference is for 2.5 ≤ FM ≤ 2.8.
2 - Coefficient of Curvature The coefficient of curvature is used to quantify the particle
distribution in a granulometric curve.
Faculty of Science / University of Algiers 1 LP - TMC - 1st Year Architecture

It is the ratio between the diameters of particles corresponding to 60% of cumulative

passing and the diameters of particles corresponding to 10%.

(𝐃𝟑𝟎% )𝟐
Cc =
𝐃𝟔𝟎% 𝐃𝟏𝟎%
 sand with few fine particles is typically characterized by a C.C greater than 1.
 sand with a well-spread gradation will have a C.C. of 0.5.
 Well-graded, clean sand has a coefficient of curvature between 1 and 3.

3 - Coefficient of Uniformity: to quantitatively characterize the spread of a granulometric

curve, a coefficient of uniformity (C.U.) is defined as follows:
Cu =

 CU ≤ 2: Very tight gradation sand.

 2 < CU ≤ 5: Tight gradation sand.
 5 < CU ≤ 20: Semi-spread gradation sand.
 20 < CU ≤ 200: Spread gradation sand.
 CU > 200: Very spread gradation sand.

I. Required Work

The required work is to conduct a granulometric analysis of the two sands according to the
principles explained above and determine the following:
The percentage of refusals and cumulative passing material (see Table 1).
Plot the granulometric curve for both sands (Figure 3).
Calculate the coefficient of curvature (Cc) and the coefficient of uniformity (Cu).
Determine the percentage of fines and the fineness modulus (Mf) for the sand.
Conclude your analysis.
Table 1
Size Sieve Partial Cumulative Cumulative Passing (%)
(φ mm) Refusals Refusals Refusals (%)
(grams) (grams)
Faculty of Science / University of Algiers 1 LP - TMC - 1st Year Architecture

Figure 3. Granulometric Analysis Curve

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