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Custom Essays Writing

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Custom Essays Writing Custom Essays Writing
Hotels And Motel Industry Summary
INDUSTRY PROFILE Hotels Motels in Europe Reference Code: 0201 0520
Publication Date: October 2011 Datamonitor USA 245
Fifth Avenue 4th Floor New York, NY 10016 USA t: +1 212 686 7400 f: +1 212 686
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London EC1R 3DA United Kingdom t: +44 20 7551 9000 f: +44 20 7675 7500 e: Datamonitor Middle East and North Africa
Datamonitor PO Box 24893 Dubai, UAE t: +49 69 9754 4517 f: +49 69 9754 4900
e: datamonitormena@ Datamonitor Asia Pacific Level 46, 2 Park
Street Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia t: +61 2 8705 6900 f: +61 2 8705 6901 e: Europe Hotels Motels Datamonitor. This profile... Show
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This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0201 0520 2010 Page
6 MARKET OVERVIEW MARKET OVERVIEW Market definition The hotels
motels industry value consists of all revenues generated by hotels, motels and other
accommodation providers through the provision of accommodation and foodservice.
The value does not include any revenues generated through other interests, such as
casinos, shops and
Household Design of the 1950 s
American corporate designers were learned in Modernist theory, but nevertheless
found bulbous aerodynamic bodyshells an appropriately slick garb for wares of a
vigorous, efficient society with an aggressive faith in its future. Flashy
exaggeration at the hands of the stylists, ever compelled to improve on last year s
model, gave streamlining a bad name. (Hodges, Coad, Stone, Sparke, Aldersey
Williams, The New Design Source Book, 1992, p.158) Discuss in relationship to
the innovation in household designs of the 1950 s, how do these designs compare to
similar examples of today? Do designers today feel compelled to improve on last
years model? American corporate designers were learned in Modernist theory, but
nevertheless found... Show more content on ...
The consumer society of the 1950s was presented with machines such as fruit
juicers, coffee makers, vacuum cleaners and toasters that eliminated the burden of
manual tasks and increased leisure options. Designers and manufacturers continued
to appeal to the consumer s aspirations, by producing streamlined forward looking
products, targeting the American dream . In the USA the majority of people
aspired for such things as a secure job in a large corporation, a house in a nice
suburb, a large family, a large car, and an array of labour saving devices. Designers
and Manufacturers targeted this new generation of homemakers and consumers.8
Hence, design became undoubtedly linked with mass production and mass
consumption. The affluence of the decade famously summed up by British Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan as having never had it so good. 9 The consultant
designers of the 1950s moved increasingly into corporate
Oracle Technology
Objects are checked out for editing and checked in for loading in the server
memory in which of the following mode: Mark for Review (1) Points Both A and
B. Neither A nor B. Online (*) Offline IncorrectIncorrect. Objects are checked out
for editing and checked in for loading in the server memory in the online mode. 2.
Oracle Application Server is required in order to run OBIEE. Mark for Review (1)
Points True False (*) CorrectCorrect. The Oracle Application Server is not required
in order to run OBIEE. 3. What are the levels of building a BI business case (from
lowest to highest)? Mark for Review (1) Points Data and Infrastructure gt; BI
Foundation and PM Applications gt; Use, Governance and... Show more content on ...
Dashboard layout and default look and feel can be modified using Custom Style
Sheets (CSS). 18. Default look and feel of dashboards can be modified. Mark for
Review (1) Points True (*) False CorrectCorrect. Default look and feel of
dashboards can be modified. 19. Which of the following types of BI Business cases
focuses on helping customers do the right things? Mark for Review (1) Points IT
Alignment Effectiveness (*) Efficiency Transformational CorrectCorrect.
Effectiveness focuses on helping customers do the right things. 20. Which of the
following statements is TRUE? Mark for Review (1) Points An organization can best
achieve significant competitive advantage by focusing on management excellence,
which can be described as having lean and mean business processes. An organization
can best achieve significant competitive advantage by focusing on management
excellence, which can be described as being smart, agile and aligned. (*) An
organization can best achieve significant competitive advantage by focusing on
operational excellence, which can be described as smart, agile and aligned. An
organization can best achieve significant competitive advantage by focusing on
operational excellence, which can be described as having lean and mean business
8p23 Chromosomal Deletion Case Study
Genetic Disorders and 8p23 Chromosomal Deletion

Abstract: The Deletion in the distal region of chromosome 8p23 is associated with
major manifestation of congenital heart defect, diaphragmatic defect, developmental
delay, low muscle tone, and behavioral difficulties. Haploinsufficincy of genes
GATA4, SOX7, TNKS, MCPH1, NEIL2, and ZFMPM2 have a strong correlation to
the array of health complications. To better define the genotype and phenotype
relationships associated with this unique chromosome mutation, we review the
complex arrangements of the genes located in the segment of chromosome 8p23.

The human genome is composed of the DNA in chromosomes, that contains the
complete genetic material of a human. Genes, information that is stored ... Show more
content on ...
Numerical abnormalities, or aneuploidy, is when an individual is missing a
chromosome or has an extra chromosome. Monosomy is when there is only one
chromosome present from a pair due to nondisjunction at the second division of
meiosis. The only known viable case of monosomy, is Turner s syndrome, where an
individual only have one sex chromosome . Trisomy are cases where there are three
of a particular chromosome when there should only be two present. Cases of an
additional chromosome are seen in both autosomal and sex chromosomes. Majority
of cases are not viable, however there are common types that do survive. The most
notable cases are trisomy 21 and Klinefelter syndrome. Trisomy 21 is a genetic
disorder of chromosome 21 having three copies, causing intellectual and physical
growth delays. The four types of structural abnormalities are chromosomal deletions,
duplications, translocations, inversions, and rings. When chromosome mutations are
created, either through a mistake in cell division or by a mutagen, protein synthesis is
affected. The structural changes can produce a varying degree of developmental
difficulties in an individual, depending on which genes experiences the structural
change. Chromosome changes are often damaging to an individual causing
developmental difficulties and in some cases death can be an outcome. A deleted
section of a chromosome can result in developmental delay, heart problems,
behavioral problems, delayed muscle development, and
Essay about Why The Stalemate on the Western Front Was
Why The Stalemate on the Western Front Was Broken The Following Were
Equally Important Reasons Why The Stalemate On The Western Front Was
Broken: New technologies like the tank The American entry into the war The
blockading of German ports The German Offensive of March 1918 New
technologies developed during the war were a major help in breaking the stalemate.
One of the most useful developed was the tank. A formidable ally in the 1st world
war. The tank first appeared in September 1916, but the first designs of the tank were
actually useless, they blew up to easily, were not armoured enough or... Show more
content on ...
Another huge development was that of planes. They were usually used for
recognisance but because of their noise and need to fly at a low level, they were
always spotted and the enemy moved position before the plane could relay the
information back to it s base camp. There moment of glory was once again at the
counter attack to the spring offensive, where they were used to shoot at soldiers
moving across open ground. A German advance in technology was the U boats.
They were used to try and starve Britain into surrender. There were developed to
blockade British ports and destroy cargo and transport ships. Their main role in
breaking the stalemate was the fact that they were one of the main reasons that the
Americans joined the war. The Germans nearly succeeded in starving Britain, but
they blew a boat called the Lusitania in May 1915. 124 Americans were aboard the
ship, all were killed. The Germans stopped the attack on the boats for a while after
this, but started once again in 1917 in another attempt to starve Britain. They sunk 9
U.S ships. Initially the U.S was happy to stay out of the war and sell weapons to
both sides. The U boat attacks made them less eager to stay away. The final straw for
them was the fact that ion the 1st of march, Britain released a document that was
intercepted, travelling between the German foreign minister Zimmerman and the
German Embassy in
Communication Between Rhesus Infants And Their Non...
Using the phrase instinct very liberally creates many issues when discussing the
behaviors of non human primates, and in this case mothering rhesus macaques. To
determine the source of the disturbed agonistic behavior of the mother rhesus toward
her offspring, one must first look at the environmental conditions in which the mother
rhesus was reared as an infant. The correlation between environmental conditions and
behavioral tendencies of the mother rhesus can be observed in the behavioral
differences of the mother rhesus and related members of the group, owing to
differencing environmental conditions. In addition, one must consider exactly how
certain behaviors are used as a means of communication and socialization between
individuals, as various gestures, vocalizations, and facial expressions are a common
means of communication between members of a social group. Observing the various
signal response communication between rhesus infants and their non agonistic
mothers, and comparing that communication to that of infants and the rhesus
agonistic mothers, could give possible insight in the cues that infants give to their
mothers for interactions, such as feeding. Collected social observations from these
agonistic mothers may suggest that maternal instincts are not genetically determined,
but instead greatly influenced by the social structure and environment that the
mother, as an infant, was reared in. One of the variables that should be considered to
have a heavy
Dylan Roof Case Study
Dylan Roof was born into an outwardly common American family; his father a
carpenter and his mother a descendent of Timothy Stanly, founder of Harford,
Connecticut. However, his childhood exhibited numerous plights including parental
divorce, interest in drugs, social withdraw, and violence towards peers. Today, Roof
resides on death row alongside of 2,901 other convicts; his crime: the murder of nine
African American civilians. In court, his defense lawyers had the intention to claim
insanity, in conjunction with introducing evidence that Roof suffered from delusions,
an anxiety disorder, depression, and autism, however Roof objected the insanity plea.
In total, Roof is the perfect case of the influence natural elements and environmental
circumstances... Show more content on ...
Murdering accomplishes a desire akin to a sexual yearning of turning their
fantasies into a controllable reality. In the nonfiction novel, In Cold Blood by
Truman Capote, the reader can identify this same dilemma in Perry Smith, one of
the two murders in the Clutter family murder case. Perry was abandoned by his
family as a child and was severely abused by nuns and other caregivers. He never
passed the third grade, but as an adult he has an incredible thirst for knowledge,
vocabulary, and literature. He is calm and gentle, and he seems to want love and
acceptance, but he is eventually revealed to be the more brutal of the two murderers
in the Clutter case. One of his main motivations for the murders was the perfection he
thought he saw in the Clutter family, something he never
Somali Ethnic Groups
The History, Religion, and Traditions of Somalia s Ethnic Groups Somali ethnic
groups do not only live in Somalia, they live in northern Kenya, the Ogaden region of
eastern Ethiopia, and Djibouti. Even though Somali ethnic groups live in different
places around Somalia, they still consider themselves as one. The country of Somalia
is best understood by learning about the Horn of Africa, defining its common religion,
and examining its rich traditions. Comprehending the history of the Horn of Africais
important in order to understand its effect on Somali ethnic groups. Unlike most of
African nations, Somalia is made up of single, homogeneous ethnic groups (Lewis).
Somalia shares a uniform language, religion, and culture that leads to a common
ancestor. In the mid 1800s, Somalia was broken down into several territories by
Colonies. The French controlled the northern region (the area that is now Djibouti),
the British colonized northern Somalia (creating a country called British Somaliland),
Italians governed southern Somalia (creating Italian Somaliland), Ethiopia controlled
the region of Ogaden, and Kenya controlled the northern border that contains
Somalis (Lewis). In 1900, British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland peacefully
obtained independence and were united to form the current borders of Somalia
(Lewis). After World War II, British gain control of Ogaden which was designated as
part of Ethiopia. Military conflict arose between Ethiopia and
Sistine Chapel Ceiling and The Last Judgment
In this research paper I will be looking at two different artworks by the same artist.
The two I will be looking at are the Sistine Chapel Ceiling (1508 1512) and The Last
Judgment (1534). Both of these painting are painted in the Sistine chapel which is
located in the Vatican. I am going to attempt to evaluate these two pieces of art
painted by Michelangeloand explain the cultural and religious aspects of them. I
will also look to other scholars to get their perspective and their reactions to the
paintings. The last step of my research will be to formulate a theory about the
relationship between culture and religion and use my topic to help defend my theory.
Michelangelo was born in a time in which the church had a great influence on... Show
more content on ...
The paintings of Michelangelo had figures that were nude and caused an uproar.
The Bible states that Adam and Eve were naked until they knew sin, then they
were ashamed. The nakedness of the bodies could have been a scene of a time
before sin. It helped to open the minds of some of the church members. To show
them that the Bible should be the authority to which they live by and not the
church. Michelangelo s painting went against what the church wanted, however it
still stayed within the realm of the Bible. By doing this, it showed how the church
would try to overstep its boundaries, while trying to place itself above the Bible.
When looking at the religious and the cultural aspects of Michelangelo s paintings,
it shows that both his cultural beliefs and his religious beliefs are both very strong
and appeal to him. At different points of his life, he uses one or the other to express
different points that he is going through. The culture of his upbringing and those
around him was to obey and follow the church. If the church said something was
wrong, then you obeyed. The church had control of how daily life was carried out.
However, Michelangelo helped to change things through his painting and actions to
reform the church. As our book by Tillich states An artistic style is honest only if it
expresses the real situation of the artist and the cultural period to which he belongs .
Antjie Krog s Poem For All Voices, For All Victims Essay
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, commenced in order for South Africans
to be able to talk about their experiences during apartheid as well as testimonies to
the public ( For all voices, for all victims by Antjie Krog, 2013). The main aim of
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission were the hearings, which acted as an
indication to democracy and transition. In her poem, For all voices, for all victims,
Antjie Krog, made use of this poem as a response the occurrences of the apartheid era
and the struggles that those who had been oppressed in those years. Furthermore this
poem reminds the readers, not only of the struggles that were experienced during
apartheid, it continues to talk of the human rights that had been violated to the... Show
more content on ...
Through the use of personalizing her poem, Antjie Krog shows her empathy towards
the victims, with hope in mind that all races within South Africa can now come
together and live amongst each other with no hate in their hearts for their neighbour.

The Personification of For all vices, for all victims :

In her poem, For all voices, for all victims, Antjie Krog makes use of the metaphors
in lines four through eleven to bring life to the redeemed South Africa in a post
apartheid time: it breathes becalmed after being wounded in its wondrous throat

in the cradle of my skull it sings, it ignites my tongue, my inner ear, the cavity of
heart shudders toward the outline new in soft intimate clicks and gutturals

The idea of the line, it breathed becalmed, (Krog, in Carolin, 2014: l. 4) Antjie
Krog creates a sense of relief with, as the feeling of calming is one felt only by
humans, she makes use of the comparison to personify South Africa. The image
created by a calming country can only take place if to one that has previously been
harmed, hence the line, after being wounded, which further explains the image that
South Africa is calmed after the severity of the wound which was caused by the
apartheid era. The following lines, it sings, it ignites/ my tongue, my inner ear, the
cavity of heart/ shudders towards the outline/ new in soft intimate clicks and
gutturals, (Krog, in Carolin, 2014: ll. 8 11) shows that
Health Reflection Paper
At the age of fifteen, my mother had just finished cooking dinner when I noticed her
slurred speech and incoherent sentences. Flustered by the sequence of events, I
dialed 911 for help. On the way to the hospital, I recall one of the EMS personnel
shakily exclaim: her blood glucose is 899, she needs insulin ASAP. Having no
understanding of what any of this meant my anxiety multiplied and I was eager to
understand why these abnormalities were occurring. At the hospital, the doctor
addressed my mother with a sympathetic and yet assuring tone and stated: Latrice,
you have type 2 diabetes. He went on to explain how her body was not utilizing
insulin and as a result had high levels of blood glucose. Although the prescribed
medication resulted in dramatic improvements in my mother s condition, the
confusion remained. I had no understanding of her condition or how medication alone
helped to assuage her symptoms. The unanswered questions learned from this
shocking experience precipitated a drive to learn more about the human bodyand
health prevention. To learn more about the human body and the devastating effects of
disease, I began to shadow Dr. Murthy, a forensic pathologist at the Stark County
Coroners office. Dr. Murthy placed high value in effective communication to ensure
that the patient s family was completely informed of the diagnosis of their loved ones.
During the autopsies, he was thorough, detailed and highly critical of information
obtained from
Nt1310 Unit 3 Systems Paper
Hello, my name is Robert Parker, and I was sent over by the IT consultant firm you
just hired to give you a comparison and contrast of the three main OS systems you
may choose to use within your company. The three we have chosen are Microsoft,
Linux and Mac OS. Mas OS has been around the longest, and then Microsoft, these
are the main two that most companies use today. Not to say one is better than the
other, for it is mainly up to what the company s mission is and what is needed to
accomplish that mission.
Identify and describe a small business startup company Let s look at the Parker s
United mission and see what is the best OS needed for it to operated now and in to
future. Parker s United is a hardware and software, repair and backup company. Main
job is to ... Show more content on ...
Compare and contrast the Mac, Linux, and Windows operating systems The first
OS we are going to look at is Linux, it can be a hard system to use and understand, if
you have not used it before, you must have a good knowledge of computers in order
to deal with Linux. Commands have to be typed in on the command line, and most
people do not know or understand command line text. Linux does not have a great
number of vendor selling their computer or software, so there is not a good support
system for it.
One of the good thing about it is that it is free to use and distribute to your other
computers. Linux is not a fully operation system, and it needs additional software
in order for it to work to its full potential. There are so many different packages, that
there will be one that will fit you needs. Even though it is not a fully operation
system, and can be loaded on most computer except Mac, is still only have just a
few virus problems, good graphic interface and still good for use, but not much
Why Is Connor A Hero
Is Connor a Hero? Unwind, a very well written science fiction book by Neal
Shusterman. There are a few arguments arguing whether Connor, a male character
in Unwind, is a hero or not. According to my opinion on this argument, I would say
that Connor is a hero and is not a hero, but goes more towards being a hero. Connor
Lassiter is a 16 year old male in Unwind. He was very aghast when he saw a letter
signed by his parents as to Unwinding him. Unwinding is the transplanting of a
teen s body parts to another person who is in need of those parts. In the following
three paragraphs, I will tell you what specifically is a hero, why Connor is a hero,
and why Connor isn t a hero. What is a hero? When you think of a hero, you
possibly will think of... Show more content on ...
That is part of what a hero is, but that is not exactly what a hero is. A hero is
usually a man, who is admired for their courage, dedication, outstanding
achievements, or kingly qualities, ( Heroes are the ones who put
their best selves forward in service for humanity. A hero doesn t necessarily have to
be physically violent, he/she can be a hero mentally or socially.. You can be a hero
mentally by having good deeds in your mind. You can also be a hero socially by
giving others superior advice. As you clearly know what specifically a hero is, the
paragraph below will discuss with you the heroic traits of Connor and why Connor
is a hero. Connor Lassiter, is he a hero? Firstly, Connor is a hero being the one who
saved Lev from being tithed, or being sacrificed in the church. Connor wouldn t
have saved Lev if he didn t have this physical and mental heroic deed in him. Also,
for saving Lev, Connor had put his own life
Argumentative Essay On Athena
According to the article titled Athena published in Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek
World, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, war and the crafts. Although the derivation
is unknown, the name Athena, similar to the city Athens, is considered a part of the
non Greek language. She was also referred to as Pallas Athene, which originated from
her childhood friend who she unintentionally slain while acting a mock battle (Sacks).

As stated in the article titled Athena composed in Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman
Mythology, Athena arose fully grown wearing body armor and a helmet. She
conveys a spear, aegis, and a shield that is adorned with the head of Medusa. Athena
s shield, a gift from Perseus, has the aptitude to transform her enemies into stone. She
was acknowledged as one of the goddesses of virginity. Athena ... Show more content
on ...
Minerva was in many ways parallel to Athena. Both goddesses were represented by
warfare and cleverness. They played major roles and had significant temples build in
their honor. Similar to Athena, Minerva was a prominent goddess of craft and art.
Both goddesses were born directly from their father s head fully grown and equipped
in armor (Roman).

As reported in the film titled Athena: Armed Wisdom published in the Great Greek
Myths series, Zeus, Athena s father, swallowed her pregnant mother, Metis, to ensure
that they had a girl who would not have the ability to steal the thrown. Zeus was
experiencing excruciating head pain which led to Hephaistos splitting his head and
Athena emerging fully grown and adorned in armor. A legendary tale is the story of
Athena and Arachne. After Athena saw Arachne s flawless tapestry, she was outraged
with jealously. Arachne was heartbroken for enraging her deity, so she tried to hang
herself until Athena turned her into a spider to spin webs eternally ( Athena: Armed
ValoraciГіn de empresas VALORACION DE EMPRESAS http:/
/ Julio A. Sarmiento S. Profesor
investigador Departamento de administraciГіn Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
ValoraciГіn de empresas La tasa de descuento en la valoraciГіn de empresas La tasa
de descuento apropiada para descontar el DCF es el Costo Promedio Ponderado de
Capital (WACC) WACC t = d Г— D% (t в€’1) + e Г— E% (t в€’1) Donde: d =
Costo de las deuda en el perГodo t D% (t 1) = Porcentaje de deuda sobre activos al
comienzo del perГodo t e = Costo del Patrimonio (equity) en el periodo t E% (t 1) =
Porcentaje de patrimonio sobre activos al comienzo del perГodo t El WACC depende
de dos componentes: 1. situaciГіn del mercado... Show more content on ...
ValoraciГіn de empresas SegГєn Ruback: (ОІa в€’ D% ОІ D ) ОІe = E% Donde:
ОІe: Prima de riesgo del patrimonio. ОІa: Prima de riesgo de la compaГ±Гa. E%:
ProporciГіn patrimonio sobre deuda ОІd: Prima de riesgo de la deuda Implica (si se
toma CAPM) calcular los betas de deuda y patrimonio: D = R + ОІdRm E = R +
ОІeRm WACC = D%( R f + ОІ D RP) + E %( R f + ОІ E RP) WACC = R f + (D%
ОІ D + E % ОІ E )RP ОІa = D% ОІd + E % ОІe ОІe = (ОІa в€’ E % ОІ D ) E%
ValoraciГіn de empresas SegГєn Ruback: (ОІa в€’ D% ОІ D ) ОІe = E% Donde:
ОІe: Prima de riesgo del patrimonio. ОІa: Prima de riesgo de la compaГ±Гa. E%:
ProporciГіn patrimonio sobre deuda ОІd: Prima de riesgo de la deuda Implica que el
beta de Rho es igual al Beta de la CompaГ±Гa: E% Suponiendo : ОІa = 2.5 y E% =
1, entonces (2.5 в€’ 0ОІ D ) ОІe = 1 ОІ e = ОІ a = 2 .5 ОІe = (ОІa в€’ D % ОІ D )
ValoraciГіn de empresas Implicaciones de MM en la valoraciГіn de empresas. En
forma similar (VГ©lez 2001): et = ПЃ t в€’ dD % t в€’1 E % t в€’1 Donde: e =
Costo del Patrimonio (equity) en el periodo t ПЃ = Costo del Patrimonio (equity)
cuando no existe deuda d = Costo de las deuda en el perГodo t D% (t 1) = Porcentaje
de deuda sobre activos al comienzo del
Otto Frank Conflict Essay
Conflict is a constant in people s lives and has always affected humans, regardless
of whether they are aware of it. Experiencing conflict impacts people by proving
their character and challenging their beliefs. This is especially true in the cases of
Otto Frank and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. Otto Frank is the father of the famous
Anne Frank, who authored the diary entries in Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young
Girl. In the movie adaptation of this book, The Diary of Anne Frank (2009), Otto
Frank was a prominent figure whose experiences were prime examples of how
conflictcan prove a person s character. A specific instance where this is true is the
scene where robbers entered the warehouse and office under the Annex, the hideout
where Anne,... Show more content on ...
Martin Luther King Jr. is the well known name of an important civil rights leader.
By many of his admirers, he is imagined as a paragon for heroes, or an awe
inspiring figure who possesses no flaws. But the reality is quite different. Towards
the end of his life, Dr. King battled self doubt and depression. The New York Times
article, Wiretaps Reveal Dr. King Feared Rebuff on Nonviolence, by writer Ben A.
Franklin includes and discusses wiretapped conversations Dr. King shared with his
colleagues and friends that were transcribed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(F.B.I.). An impactful line from this article states, The afternoon after the unexpected
chaos in Memphis the F.B.I. transcribed a conversation in which Dr. King, shocked
and demoralized by his inability to control the young Memphis marchers, declared, I
think our Washington campaign is doomed. At this time of his life, King suffered
through internal conflict. When his plans went wrong, he would take the mistake to
heart and blame himself. This made him question his qualification to be a leader of
the civil rights movement. The man versus self conflict swirling in Dr. King s mind
challenged his belief in himself and in his ability to successfully carry out the great
plans of campaign and reform in his
George s Moral Dilemmas
The novela Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck features two laboring men, George
and Lennie, working in California and trying to survive the Great Depression.
Lennie is mentally challenged and as a result, does not understand his own strength.
This continually gets him and George in trouble and costs them their jobs. While
working in Soledad, Lennie accidentally kills a Curley s wife, and a group of
farmhands then go on a search for Lennie, with the intention of beating him and
serving justice. George fears what they might do Lennie, and so he shoots Lennie in
the neck, killing him instantly. George s killing of Lennie is a moral dilemma as it
exists in the gray area of permissible euthanasia. George was ultimately correct and
justified in the... Show more content on ...
Over the course of the novela Lennie has proven to be an increasing danger to those
around him. In the past, Lennie had unwarily killed several mice with his strength.
He also accidentally killed his puppy and Curley s wife. However, after each death,
Lennie showed immediate remorse and extreme distress. He never intended for the
death of any individual but due to his mental handicap and enormous strength, it
seems to be a common occurrence. If Lennie was not prematurely killed by George
the future confrontation with Curley and the other farm hands would not have ended
without blood due to Lennie s incredible strength. Thus Lennie s death not only
secures the safety of himself but other individuals. Lennie is a danger to those around
him, although this is not a justifiable reason for euthanasia by itself, under the
circumstances, it only reinforces George s decision as morally
The Implementation Of The Management And Treatment
DEOH 202 Assignment Student ID: 7559879

The objective of the assignment is to discuss the implementation of the

management and treatment carried out on the patient (18999). Patient X is a New
Zealand European and age 36 years male. He was presented for dental hygiene care
in May 2014 as part of his 12 months recall. Patient X was hospitalised at an early
age due to glue ear grommet procedure and later on with ankle surgery from sports
injury. As a result, he takes antifungal medications, Voltaren and Lamisil weekly and
annually as he is prone to infection. In addition to that, antihistamine is taken when
required to control hayfever. Patient X lives with his partner and is in full time
employment. He had not been a regular attendance until two years ago when he
visited the urgent care with regards to his restorations. He was later referred for
periodontal maintenance. Patient was under the impression that dental visits are
referenced to restorative care rather than preventive. Furthermore, he preferred
seeking dental care unless it is necessary, such as pain and was not too found on the
specialised dental team. The periodontal health of the patient had been identified as
localised plaque induced gingivitis which generalised light plaque and subgingival
calculus was evident. The following discussion will focus on the planning,
implementation and evaluation of the dental hygiene care.

Regular attendance for a routine dental

John Kander Accomplishments
Music is a work of art and only the one understands the true importance of music
can have a successful career in musical world. On March 18, 1927, a legend was
born, in the city of Kansas. John Kander who is one of the many legends who
realized the real value and significance of music and devoted his life composing and
creating musical masterpiece such as Chicago, Kiss of the Spider Woman and
Cabaret. He was interested in the world of musicsince his childhood but worked as a
conductor and accompanying pianist in his early career. He later became an
inspiration and a role model to thousands of musician all over the globe.
Kander s music resonated strong raging romanticism as seen in stage musicals and
theater. In 1962, the producer of A Family Affair hired Kander and Fred Ebb to open
the show in Alvin theater which was not a hit but it solidified their bond. Cabaret
which opened on 20 ... Show more content on ...
Both Kander and Ebb always complemented each other s raging romanticism and
witty cynical work while they worked in the same room which maintained a perfect
balance in their music. Their unique style of musical hasalways been appreciated in
music industry. In 2000, they were honored with Oscar Hammerstein Award for
Lifetime Achievement by the York Theater Company of New York City.
Music is a work of art filled with passion and emotion. John Kander did not let go
of his love for music ever since his childhood and that passion for the musical art
and his dedication towards it is what led him to a successful career in music
industry. Though he worked as a conductor and choral director in his early days, it
supported his passion for music. For me the real fun is writing, and then, being in the
rehearsal room. (John Kander). Just the pure joy in playing the music and
appreciating the beauty of the art is a major motivating factor for someone who is in
the music industry and wants to
Persuasive Essay About Makeup
In past times, there were few makeup products to choose from. A majority of these
products were home made. As time has went on, more products were made as
makeup and beauty products became popular as the advertisement industry began
to grow. At this point in time, many places sell products with prices affordable up
to being ridiculous prices but they are sold because of the want for the products by
many people. Advertising is everywhere; from billboards, trucks, magazines,
online apps, and the radio. In the advertisements, they include a description of
what the product is supposedly able to do to make you look flawless or beautiful .
The thought that you need a beauty product to meet society s expectations is not
good and can affect your self esteem especially if the product does not even do
what it was supposed to have done. In the 21st century, make up is used for many
things from covering up natural parts of your skin like redness, blemishes, and
freckles to wearing make up for a date, costumes, holidays, going to the store, work,
or even school. Society makes it seem as if you want to be beautiful you have to
have a face full of makeup and perfect skin like the models used in advertisements.
The models used for advertising skin products already have what society s view of
perfect skin is without the use of the product. These models are not chosen due to
the use of the product on their skin making them look the way they do but because
they are society s view of
The Use Of History Was Very Effective Because The
Ta Nehisi Coates use of history was very effective because the things teach us our
background and also help us learn more about our history. Coates makes several
references to racism, as he interviews Dr. Jones. She talks about her encounter with
racism as a child. When she was growing up in Opelousas, Louisiana, there was still
segregation going on. One day Mable Jones and her mother was traveling on the
greyhound bus, when Dr. Jones sat in a seat near the front of the bus, a few
minutes later my mother was looking for me and she took me to the back of the
bus. Blacks were assigned to sit at the back of the bus, and if her mother had
allowed her to continue sitting in the front, there would ve been an issue. This was
very powerful because we are no longer segregated and because of these
altercations, they have paved the way for the future generations. Coates also make
several mentions about slavery, he says, Enslavement was not destined to end, and
it is wrong to claim our present circumstances. Slavery was never anticipated to
end, even today we are either slaves to the policemen or the lives that were killed
were moderates of slaves in the harsh world that we live in. There was a purpose for
slavery and racism, so one must be aware and not have to live in fear because of
these things.
2.)Did this book alter your understanding of racism as an issue in 21st century life? If
so, how?
I believed this book altered my understanding of racism as an issue in the
Architecture in Melbourne is thriving with creativity, new...
Architecture in Melbourne is thriving with creativity, new buildings such as the
Manchester Unity Building, Capitol Theatre and Century building, which are all
located on Swanston Street in the Heart of Melbourne. There are also other
Modernist commercial building in Melbourne, such as the Myer Emporium and
Yule House. Not all of these buildings are in Melbourne s centre, there are many
which are in Melbourne out skirts, for example Percy Everett who designed the
Technical School in Essendon which opened in 1939. There is much modernist The
Manchester Unity Building, built in 1932 and designed by Marcus Barlow, was the
tallest building in Melbourne in 1932. This building was built between and brings a
cosmopolitan style of building to... Show more content on ...
The ornate cornices on the ceiling also reflect some History about Australia. The
Manchester Unity Building was also the first building in Melbourne to have
Escalators. The Manchester Unity Building also had its own heating and cooling,
in summer cooling was obtained by large underground tanks which cooled the air.
In winter time the building was heated by oil heaters which heated the air, it also
had its own generator in case of a power failure. A state of art building, ahead of its
time, due to the technological and material advancements. It also contained elevators
which could speed up to 600 feet a minute. This building also provides a shopping
retail centre, with many shops of all sorts being able to set up business. It also
provides a social centre with cafГ© s also opening up, especially the roof top cafГ©
where people can enjoy the view of Melbourne as well as spend time with their
colleagues. unity building
/ndp/del/article/4495498 Modernist design not only was located in the heart of
Melbourne, it was located on the out skirts of the centre also, the Essendon
Technical School which was designed by Percy Everett is one of these. Percy Everett
is appointed as Chief Architect for Victorian Public Works Department. He has
The Story Of Fun With Dick And Jane
The story of Fun with Dick and Jane is one about a very up and coming business
man who loses his job as a result of his employer s economic difficulty.
Consequently, these circumstances leave his family not only in a financial crisis,
but in clear and utter hopelessness. From the grass literally being pulled out of their
front yard to their home foreclosure, Dick and Jane faced tragic difficulties that
many others faced in the recent foreclosure crisis. Dick and Jane felt so desperate
that they decided the most appropriate solution was stealing what they needed to
feed their family. This sense of desperation is what all those recovering from a
foreclosure feel. Often times if families survive the immediate hardships of
foreclosure, then there are lasting ramifications such as poor credit, emotional stress,
and the loss of their home that they must face. In addition, they will struggle with
obtaining future loans, be subject to higher interest rates, and subject to higher
security deposits for utilities. These circumstances make it entirely difficult to
recover from foreclosure and next to impossible to own a home once again.
However, among these trials there are methods those recovering from a foreclosure
can use to obtain a home such as a land contract. A land contract is a way to purchase
a home with financing through the seller rather than a bank. There is also a time
period in which monthly payments are made, and at the end of that time the buyer
must pay for the home.
George Berkeley
George Berkeley sort of follows up on John Locke s philosophy in being
immaterial or idealist. The excerpt seems to me like an attempt in solidifying
Locke s notions about ideas existing but directly questions the existence of matter
or substance. I don t feel Locke was being so bold. According to Berkeley,
something exists only if it can be perceived. An entity must be able to perceive and
form notions/ideas about the object in order for said object to exist. Anything that
cannot be perceived does not exist? As I was quickly forming counter arguments to
this claim, Berkeley goes on to say that God, of infinite mind, perceives all objects so
even if no other entity is there to perceive it, the object remains in existence. Talk
about a master key. My... Show more content on ...
In some ways, I believe our thought functions have evolved sufficiently in the course
of the last few hundred years that allow us to conceive of bodies extended and moved
without attributing sensible qualities. A moving naked singularity somewhere out in
the intergalactic medium comes to mind. It has no sensible qualities that I can
ascribe to it. Any primary and secondary qualities would arise wholly from other
material around the singularity. Without material around it, it still exists to me
without qualities (unless he would call my notions of the affect the singularity
would have on incident matter qualities). I still acknowledge its existence and
therefore recognize its potential roles in cause and effect. What would Berkeley s
thoughts be on inertial forces in accelerated reference frames? Specifically, the
gravitational force, a force that arises by the mere presence of substance. True to
determine anything quantitative you would need the qualities of the substance, but
even a singularity imposes a gravitational force and a singularity doesn t even have a
formally defined radius or extent yet alone any of the other qualities he
The Pros And Cons Of Evolution
Space and time are linked, stars, worlds, and people are born, grow up, and die.
Human beings live about 70 80 years, but the lifetime of the sun is 100 millions
longer. Matter is older than life. Millions of years before the Earth was formed,
atoms were synthesized inside the stars, and where thrown back out to space when
they exploded. From this stellar remains appeared many planets; the Earth, and all
living beings are formed from star s dust, but from our human thinking, evolutionhas
been really slow, from the molecules from the primitive oceans, up until the first
bacteria. The reason why evolution is not the same for everyone is because is
because it advances really slowly and lasts a long time. Why is it that if human
beings who live 75... Show more content on ...
There was a specific sequence of environmental accidents and causal mutations in the
DNA, a unique timeline for this life on earth, in this universe. As a consequence, the
ruling beings in this planet come from simple fish. through the way many species
went extinct, there were a plentitude of species compared to today, if they developed
a slight different change, they would have survived, nevertheless. During millions of
years life was only present in water, but later it dared to crawl on the land, if things
had been different, the dominant species would still swim on the
Sally Langston Scandal
Scandal has rocked the White House once again during the return of the ABC
series, in which President Fitzgerald Grant and Olivia Pope s affair will come to
light. In the first episode of Scandal season 5, a yet unknown person leaked private
photos of President Fitzgerald Grant (Tony Goldwyn) and Olivia Pope (Kerry
Washington) to Vice President Sally Langston (Kate Burton). The U.S. president
will try to uncover the identity of the scandal leaker in the next episode, according
to Design N Trend (DNT). Langston is one of those characters who are aiming to
take down the president in any way. But she might not be working alone in
executing the demolition job against Olivia and President Fitz, Den of Geek reports.
In the premiere episode of
Synthetic Vs. Natural Polymers
Synthetic vs Natural Polymers in Conditioning Shampoos
Introduction and Thesis
Cosmetics have been used for thousands of years to enhance the visual appearance of
people, either through ritualistic or aesthetic motivations. With the turn of the 20th
Century, the growing trend of the film industry caused an uprising in the
commercialism of cosmetic products. This coincided with the increasing
development in the chemistry industry, to accommodate the multi billion dollar
industry which is present today. Previously, cosmetics were extracted out of natural
resources such as minerals and natural plants, however it became necessary to
synthetically produce some components included in cosmetics to accommodate the
major increase in product demand (Polymer Solutions, 2014). Polymers are the
second largest class of ingredients in the cosmetic industry (Lochhead, 2016).
Polymers are molecules made up of a large number of low molecular mass units, or
monomers, that are covalently bonded together (, 2016;
Gruber, 2016). The combination of monomers in a chain determines the structure,
performance and physical properties of each polymer. The backbone of a polymer
includes repeating monomers; if there is only one repeating monomer than it is a
homopolymer; if there is more than one repeating monomer then this forms a
copolymer, which can either be linear or branched depending on the side groups
attached (, 2016; Draelos, 2016).
The Sound and Music Industry
The Sound and Music IndustryReference No:
Dennis Tuckerman
Tutor: Adam MorrisAssessor:
Date Set:
10/09/07Completion Date:
18/11/07Learning Hours: 60
Unit no
Unit Title(s): This project assesses the following module Outcome(s)/Assessment
39The Sound and Music Industry1

Assignment BRIEF:
This assignment will introduce different areas of the music industry and should on
completion, provide an overview of the В‘bigger picture of the industry as a whole.

This essay is split into (a) areas (b) careers and (c) royalties but there is obviously a
lot of overlap between these areas throughout.
Hunter S Thompson said of the record industry В‘It is a cruel and shallow money
trench, a long ... Show more content on ...
Also in this modern digital age there are no other routes available via the Internet
whereby the whole Record Company bit can be bypassed; smaller acts are
building up a following by doing live gigs and home studio recordings and then
building up their fan base on websites such as FaceBook, MySpace, 2ndLife,
BroadJam and releasing their music as pay for downloads freeing them up from
the costly recording and distribution process. These acts are also looking after their
own Music Publishing as well, keeping a bigger share of any eventual royalties
(these are discussed in depth later in this essay). Huge bands such as RadioHead are
also jumping on to the Internet bandwagon, releasing their latest album as В‘pay
what you think it is worth ; this is discussed in more detail under the Marketing area
of the Industry.

1. Music Publishing:

Once an artist/group has written a song they have created 2 distinct components (a)
the lyrics and (b) the music or musical score/notation В– i.e. the melody that
accompanies that song, unless obviously it is an instrumental (e.g. The Shadows).
The song could be co written by different members of the band, or the lyrics written
by a pure songwriter (who doesn t perform as a musical act) for a band who then
perform the songwriter s work; or someone else writes
Pervasive Developmental Disorder Paper

Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs) is a collection of disorders

characterized by gross deficits in many areas of cognitive, emotional, and social
development which results from severe and pervasive impairment of social
interaction and communication skills. One out of every ten children in the U.S. is
affected by a PDDSs disorders. (Chad Raymond, 2013). The purpose of this paper is
to examine the historical background and the neurological basis to the disorder,
providing up to date information on the full range neuropsychological assessment,
and Psychological Treatment and finally as the efficacy of the Neuropsychological
Assessment/Treatment and Psychological assessment and treatment available to help
children ... Show more content on ...
Educational treatment of autistic children. In: Rutter ML, editor. Infantile Autism:
Concepts, Characteristics and Treatment. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1971. pp.
258 88.
Shuvabrata Poddar, Noufal T. Hameed, Jyoti Mishra Pandey,1 Sayantanava Mitra,2
and Urbi Mukherjee. Psychological interventions in pervasive developmental disorder
: An overview .Ind Psychiatry J. 2014 Jul Dec; 23(2): 94 100.doi: 10.4103/0972
6748.151671 PMCID: PMC4361986 Albany, NY: New York State Department of
Health; 1999. New York State Department of Health Early Intervention Program.
Clinical Practice Guideline, Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorders:
Assessmentand Intervention for Young Children.
Stevens MC, Fein DA, Dunn M, Allen D, Waterhouse LH, Feinstein C, et al.
Subgroups of children with autism by cluster analysis: A longitudinal examination. J
Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2000;39:346 52.
Szatmari P, Bartolucci G, Bremner R, Bond S, Rich S. A follow up study of high
functioning autistic children. J Autism Dev Disord. 1989;19:213 25
Hauser Cram P, Warfield ME, Shonkoff JP, Krauss MW, Sayer A, Upshur CC.
Children with disabilities: A longitudinal study of child development and parent well
being. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev. 2001;66:i viii.
The Central And Peripheral B Cell Tolerance
Name :Amol Chaudhari CSU I.D 2571148 Checkpoints for the central and peripheral
B cell tolerance Introduction : B lymphocytes are the effectors of humoral immunity
and provides defense against pathogens by producing antibody. B cells constitute
approximately 15% of peripheral blood leukocytes and arise from progenitors and
precursors in the bone marrow. B lymphocytes undergo random immunoglobulin
variable gene rearrangements at the heavy and light chain loci. These chains pair with
the IgО± and IgОІ polypeptides to form the mature B cell receptor which is then
transported onto the cell surface where it can bind antigen and signal inside the
cell. Different populations of B cells result in pre immune pools where each cell in
these quiescent populations expresses a B cell antigen receptor with a unique
specificity. The BCRs come in contact with their specific antigen and generate
several intracellular signals are which leads activation, differentiation, and formation
of plasma cells and memory B cells. This process mediates the response to
subsequent antigen challenges. B lymphocytes play an essential role by not only
producing antibodies but also functioning as antigen presenting cells and certain B
cells can also negatively regulate the immune response by producing regulatory
cytokines and directly interacting with pathogenic T cells via cell to cell contact.
Newly generated immature B cells are selected to enter the peripheral mature B cell
pool only if they do not
We’ve come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell
We ve come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell first invention of the
telephone to today s technological gadgets. Advances in technology have helped
our fast pace, moving society. For the past two decades, the advances in
technology have enable us to communicate by fax, cell phone, e mail, text
message, and other social networks like never before, and the generations before
us has a lot to say about it. Few people are sending letters to each other and most are
using emails to communicate. It also has changed so much while I was growing up.
No longer are we able to make an excuses of not being able communicate because we
don t understand each other, google translator has come to the rescue.
When I spoke to my grandpa about how technology ... Show more content on ...
Now we re able to have face time, and have other apps to help us communicate.
Well, to me technology seems to be getting better, and better every day. From my
mom s viewpoint, she thinks it made people closer to one another. The use of
mobile technologies like the cellphone and the Internet enabled us to now text, talk,
or send images/videos anywhere in the world at blazing fast speeds across landlines,
optics, and satellite frequencies). Before the only way to communicate besides, the
telegraph was by horse/train Even, the use of telegraph was a great invention, and our
messages were limited and disoriented at times. The coming of the telephone and the
intercontinental telephone lines, enable us to speak with people thousands of miles
away in an instant. It also helped with writing papers. For example, the type writers,
they were a lot more complex to use than the accessible computers we have now. We
also have no problem with understand other peoples language when talking to them
because of the handy dandy google translator. Technology has a come a long way to
help us.

Whether technology has brought the world together, or at the same time made us
lazier which were made evident by the drop of the beautiful written letters to one
another and the escalation of the text messages. People will always have opposing
viewpoints on it, and some will keep it to a neutral. But, technology has definitely
Analyzing Boaz Keysar s Level Of Closeness Of Their...
People often do not have good communication with people they are close to although
they believe that they do. Even married couples can communicate like strangers.
Boaz Keysar reveals that people over estimate their relationships with other people
and they take the communication for granted. They are biased and can t make a good
judgment of the level of closeness of their communication.
There was a research and 24 couples who were married were asked to try and guess
meanings of certain phrases. They turned backs to each other while they were sitting
in their chairs. The couples believed that their communication was on a better level.
For example if a woman says that she is hot in the room, she wants to let her husband
know that he should turn on air conditioning, but he understands that she feels like
making love. Also, the research showed that spouses were not understood better by
each other than by strangers. This ... Show more content on ...
I told her that I needed a vacation and she understood that I was inviting myself to
her place which I was not. I felt embarrassed when she told me that she would have
invited me if the house was done with redecorating. I understood what she meant
by it and I explained to her that I was not referring to her house when I was talking
about resting by the seaside. Moreover, I was thinking about going to a foreign
country. I thought that she understood me and I also misunderstood her non verbal
communication. Afterwards, I remembered that she didn t feel very pleasant while
we were talking about holidays. This kind of miscommunication can happen
because people are not articulate enough about their wishes. I wanted to say that I
needed a vacation by the seaside, but I completely forgot that she had a house in
such a place. At the same time, she was thinking that I referred to her house and was
embarrassed that it was not ready for guests as
Poseidon And Zeus In Greek Mythology
Poseidon is one of the twelve Olympian deities of the pantheon in Greek Mythology.
Zeus is the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek religion, who ruled as a king of the
gods of Mount Olympus.
Zeus and Poseidon are brothers and they are both gods in greek mythology. They
reign their own terrain. Poseidon has the ocean and Zeus has the sky.
Poseidon and Zeus reflect on greek because they are both gods in greek mythology.
The whole culture is built around their religion and temples
Brother and sister is about a brother and a sister who live in a castle with only a
dad because their mother died. Their step mom beat them every day and they were
never happy. They were thirsty one morning so they went to get a drink from the
brooks but the step mom bewitched all the brooks, so if they drank from them they
would turn into wild beasts. The brother drank from one and turned into a
roebuck.The daughter was taken into the forest where she was torn to pieces by wild
beasts, but the witch was cast into the fire and miserably burnt. When the witch burnt
down to dark, black ashes, the ... Show more content on ...
Now on a day in winter, when the countryside was covered with snow, she was
sitting at her window sewing. As she sewed she pricked her finger, and a drop of
red blood fell on the sill in the golden sunlight. And a bird in a tree outside sang a
song and the queen wondered what the song meant.So the bird told her that in a
castle far, far away, and further still, there dwelt the noblest and handsomest prince
in the world, with skin as white as snow and lips as red as blood and hair as golden
as the sun. A spell had been cast over him, so that he fell into a deep sleep from
which he could wake only once a year, on St John s Night. And thus it would be
until the end of time. But if a maiden were to watch beside his bed, so that he might
see her when he woke, then the spell would be
Elissa Scott #CO2428176 Professor Abraham Tarango ENG100 September 8,
2014 ARABY AND WILD BERRY BLUE Araby and Wild Berry Blue are similar
short stories yet evolve in various ways. Both narrations involve main characters
agonizing with young angst over the admiration of perceived love. The two
narrators see themselves as two individual adolescents pining for mysterious and
alluring representations of beauty, who they feel will set them free from their
suffering. This infatuation distracts them from the drudgery of daily, boring lives
and it becomes all consuming. From the narrator s perspective, the two kids ache
and yearn for an ideal. Araby s protagonist feels insignificant, as he is ignored in his
requests to his uncle... Show more content on ...
I also see the puppet as a metaphor as she feels as though she wants to be cut loose
from her own puppet strings of childhood and her parents, hence the freedom
represented in the bad boy image of Roy. She also glorifies the mermaid which is
considered trashy by others, but to her again, is a symbol of freedom and beauty in
its mystique. Whereas the Araby boy already had the freedom to run the streets with
his friends and go to a fair by train at ten at night alone. He simply
Rabbit Proof Fence Themes
Rabbit Proof Fence

Write down a few of yours own thoughts about the film Rabbit Proof Fence. How
did you react to the film? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?
I enjoyed the film, despite how sad it was. It brought attention to an important theme
and it told the story in an exciting, yet realistic way. The fact that it was based on a
real story only made it sadder. I believe this film should be watch by all to inform
about the flaws in AustraliaВґs legal system and the horrors experienced by the native

What do you think are the film s key themes and issues?
I believe the film works as a critique of AustraliaВґs former treatment of itВґs native
population. The theme is injustice, which is shown through the difference in how
white and aboriginal children were treated. The story also deals with important issues
such as growing up, responsibility and family, and how teenagers experience these
things. Especially important is the focus on the way the children have to stand up for
themselves, get out of tricky situations and face challenges children should never
have to face. ... Show more content on ...
One in a few short words or phrases and another in a full paragraph commenting on
its style, what the film is about, where it is filmed, the key characters and what you
learn from the film.
Rabbit Proof Fence is a film about three young girls who are taken from their family
and placed at Moore River, a settlement for Aboriginal girls, where they are given a
Christian education. The girls dislike this settlement and runs away. The remaining
part of the film centres on their 2,400 kilometer walk to get home to their
Essay on Importance of Symbols in “the Thing in the
Brandon Doder 11/1/11 Importance of Symbols in The Thing in the Forest In
many fairytales, we are given characters who set out on an adventure to better
themselves whether they know that they are on one or not. In A.S. Byatt s The
Thing in the Forest we are taken on such an adventure, but this is more than just a
children s fairytale. Through figurative language we are shown that the main
characters, Penny and Primrose, are dealing with more than just a creature in the
forest, and that with this use of symbols as a way to express a larger meaning to
objects in the story, we better understand how Penny and Primrose are dealing with
being away from their family during a time of war in England. In this story we are
exposed... Show more content on ...
With the use of symbols, Byatt can make reference to problems with the girls or
make a comment on the larger picture of war at the time. The three largest symbols
that appear in the story are the mansion, the forest, and of course, the thing in the
forest. Each symbol represents something bigger in the whole scheme of things.
The mansion that the girls are first sent to is a cold and dreary place to the
children. Byatt describes the mansion as cold and dark. This is because of war
time in England and they are tying to not be obvious. This dreariness only helps
the symbol of the mansion to represent what is going on at that time. The house is
a representation of the State. That being the government and everything that is part
of the security it provides. There is a sense of security in a way that the mansion is
used. The government commandeered the mansion for use as a safe house,
although there still is a feeling of doubt about it. To the girls and other children, the
mansion is a place of security or home until they move on. This is most likely not
what the girls had in mind when they arrived. For them to feel any sort of comfort in
this time of tragedy, they will need to stick together and make the best of the
situation. The girls seemed to be thinking the worst of every event but at the
mansion, things were taken care of to the best of the ability of the adults there to care
for them. Unlike the
History Background of Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines
Cindy Carbaugh
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

According to section 1.07 of the APA Publication Manual (2001), â€Å
An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows
readers to survey the contents of an article quickly, and like a title, it enables
abstracting and information services to index and retrieve
articles” (p. 12).

OPERATIONS The Statements 4 Fleet Composition 4 Hub ... Show more content on ...
Louis from Love Field.
Southwest is the largest domestic carrier in the United States with the corporate
headquarters located at Love Field, Texas. November 1, 2009, Southwest flew to 68
cities in 35 states, with 438 nonstop city pairs with more than 3,300 flights a day.

The Statements
The Mission Statement for Southwest Airlines is,  Dedication to
the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth,
friendliness, individual pride and company spirit” ( ). The Vision
Statement is,  to provide the best service and lowest fares to the
short haul, frequent flying, point to point, and non interlining
traveler” ( ).
Fleet Composition
Southwest presently operates 544 Boeing 737’s aircraft,
including 737 300 (181), 737 500 (35), 737 700 (338) ( ). In addition, 75% of the
aircraft owned or capital leases and the remainder are operating leases. The future
orders Southwest has with Boeing include 104 aircraft orders, 62 options and 54
purchase rights.
The use of Boeing 737 series of aircraft helps Southwest reduce maintenance costs,
costs of replacement parts, and cost of parts inventories. Southwest maintains four
maintenance centers: Dallas Love Field, Houston Hobby, Phoenix Sky Harbor and
Chicago Midway.
Hub Activity
Southwest only major airline that uses regional point to point
M S Case Study
s Case Study: Marks and Spencer Where now for an icon of British retailing?
History and background Early history Marks and Spencer (M amp;S) was founded
by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer in 1884 he called his business penny
bazaars with signs reading Don t ask the price, it s a penny (the forerunner of
stores like Poundland today?) The company went public in the 1920 s and by the
1970 s M amp;S had established itself as a British institution with locations in
every major town and with 99% of products branded as M amp;S goods. By the
late 80 s the company had over 700 stores in the UK, 300 stores in over 40 countries
and prided itself on offering high quality clothing, home decor products and premium
quality food at... Show more content on ...
Despite these innovations however, the company has experienced another decline in
its share price and stagnating profits due to the financial crisis and increasing
competition post 2008. Current status * 2011/12 sales ВЈ9.9 billion with operating
profit of ВЈ658m * Marks and Spencer currently has 703 stores in the UK with a
further 390 stores in 44 countries worldwide (planned space growth of 3% per year
until 2015/16). Employs 78,000 people with 21m customers per week in the UK. * 5
year plan (established 2010) identified key objectives: * Focus on core UK business *
Establishing M amp;S as high quality food retailer * Establishing M amp;S as
leading multi channel retailer with sales of ВЈ800m 1billion by 2013/14 * Increasing
international sales to ВЈ800m 1billion by 2013/14 * Investment in IT / logistics
/ supply chain Product range M amp;S products can be divided into 4 areas: 1)
Clothing: women s, men s and children s wear, 2) Homeware: Home decor,
children s toys, books and cosmetics 3) Food: prepared, fresh and ethic foods,
meats, alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks 4) Financial services: store credit card,
loans, unit trusts, insurance business sold to and now run by HSBC (Hong Kong and
Shanghai Bank) Values Marks and Spencer has been built on a number of core
company values which have remained largely unchanged since its earliest beginnings:
Quality: Delivering excellent standards
Varying Dress Codes In Schools
I just feel like [the dress code] needs to be explained better, like they need to do a
better job of presenting it to us, instead of just saying we can wear crew necks and
then taking us out of class if we wear our crew necks, (Tori Taylor). This quote is a
perfect example of how dress codes are not properly executed in schools all across
America. Varying depending on school, dress codes can be confusing and
extremely hard to navigate. Girls all over the country have been forced to take time
out of their day to change or even leave the school, because of shirts they ve worn a
thousand times before. If there is a shirt that supposedly breaks dress code, a girl
should be reprimanded every single time she wears it, right? Wrong. This is because
Public Shunning Research Paper
Jared Fogle Public shunning is the act of persistently rejecting and ostracizing
someone for their actions. It was a common occurrence during the Puritan times,
and it affected the outcasts and the loved ones of the outcasts. Public shunning is a
way to punish those who have sinned and have violated a community s values. It
has not always been as lenient as it is now. In the Puritan times, people were
publicly humiliated in many ways. Some were branded, displayed on the scaffold,
or simply paraded in front ot the town. The worse case for public shunning were
executions in front of the whole town. In today s world, public shunning is not as
harsh. It is now done by parading an outcasts face and sins everywhere in the world
by the news and articles. One of the most recent broadcasted Shunnings is Jared
Fogle. November 19, 2015, Jared Fogle pleaded guilty in court for statutory rape
and child pornography. He was found guilty for receiving and distributing child
pornography, for paying children for sex, and for having sex with at least two
minors. He engaged in these acts with minors from 2007 until June 2015. Russell...
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It ruined their lives, and the lives of the people who loved them. Hester committed
infidelity in a puritan society. Jared molested minors while he was married to
someone else. Jared Fogle and Hester both committed adultery in different ways, and
they were both shunned for it. They both received their punishments by becoming
outcasts. Hester was considered an outcast because she was named unholy and
unfaithful by her community, and the puritans did not want her unfaithfulness to
spread. Fogle is an outcast because he went against the modern value of children and
the laws against such actions. To further his humiliation, he was fired and sentenced
to jail. Fogle is currently, receiving more retribution through the prisoners who beat
him for his actions (Rough and
The Breakfast Club By John Hughes
From the neon sign opening titles to the derivative angst of the dialogue, it s a
touchstone of 80s pop culture, and a schizophrenic one, too. This could only be
describing the John Hughes classic film, The Breakfast Club. This film follows five
high school students from different ends of the social spectrum coming together and
finding themselves. The Breakfast Club is a perfect representation self concepts
and social perceptions how difficult it can be to figure out who you are and what it
is like to discover true reality. This paper illustrates part of the students journey and
what concepts they utilized to figure out that each of them is a brain, a basket case,
an athlete, a princess and criminal.
The Self Image is the idea that one has of their abilities, appearance and personality
but it does not necessarily reflect reality. It is influenced by parents, friends, social
media, etc. The Who Are You? essay that principal Vernon assigns the group depicts
the idea of self image particularly well. The students describe themselves by their
social roles from the get go a brain, athlete, basket case, princess and a criminal. They
immediately confirm the distinctiveness theory, only acknowledging what makes
them different. Self esteem refers to the extent to which we like, accept or approve of
ourselves, or how much we value ourselves. Claire portrays an aura of high self
esteem. She has a positive view of herself and who she is. Typically someone with
high self esteem
William Carey Essay
The Mission was initially started to fulfill The Great Commission of Matthew
28:19. Approximately 50 years ago a few Church leaders wanted to end the mission.
Since that time the number of missionaries and finance has increased higher than
ever. The Missionary is one called by God and sent by the church to serve Godin a
culture, or geographic location most likely different from their own. According to
Genesis 12:1 3 God s mission was known to the Israelites, but they chose not to
follow the Abrahamic Covenant. Goyim meaning group of people with distinct
political, ethnic, or territorial identities, as a nation or people, i.e. non Israeli
(Isaiah 11:1; 12:4). Israel was labeled as am . William Carey was called the father
of Modern Missions for two reasons. One reason was his prolific letters and
pamphlets, writing in support of World Mission outreach. The other reason was
Carey s development of a functioning structure for deployment of Missionaries.
Around 1970 the Presbyterian Missionaries started Theological Education by
Extension (TEE) this was a precursor to online classes. The initial use of the TEE
system was to prepare pastors for rural churches.
Development of leaders was initially accomplished by one on one or trainings in
small groups. Currently faith groups are using Bible Institutes or ... Show more
content on ...
For example, the first ordained African American George Lisle, went to Jamaica
1782 with other freed slaves to begin a Baptist Mission. A former slave Prince
Williams went to the Bahamas in 1790 and planted the Baptist Church, which has
must fruit now and the largest denomination in the Bahamas. John Marrant who
was a free black in 1770 from New York that preached in Native American in Canada.
Marrant took the gospel to four tribes the Creek, Cherokee, Catawar, and Housaw.
The story of Eliza Davis George was most
Analysis Of Girl At War By Sara Novic
Sara Novic s brutal but exquisite debut novel, Girl at War, is a gripping portrait of
conflict and its consequences. It tells the tale of a schoolgirl immersed in her
country s civil war who, a decade later, is tormented by what she has seen and done.

At the start of the Yugoslavian hostilities, Ana Juric is a carefree ten year old
living in Zagreb. She finds the trappings of war as more fascinating than
treacherous. The police built the sandbag walls [and] by the end of the week we d
absorbed the sandbags into our playscape. Soon the war becomes real when the family
takes Ana s critically ill sister across the border for a MediMission flight. On the
perilous journey home, Chetnik paramilitaries slaughter Ana s parents. She escapes
Analysis Of Datura Stramonium As A Medicine
Analysis of Datura Stramonium as a Medicine
Levi Phillips
Dr. Mark Watson University of Charleston

Taxonomy Datura stramonium is a plant that can be as helpful as it is deadly. A

member of the Solanaceae family, the plant contains three different types of alkaloids.
These alkaloids are atropine, hyoscamine, and scopolamine. Some members of the
Solanaceae family are potatoes, coffee, peppers, and tomatoes. (Gaire Subedi, 2013)
This essay will focus primarily on uses of scopolamine from the Datura stramonium
for medicinal uses. Negative effects will focus on the entirety of the plant, such as in
poisoning cases. The format used for the essay will be APA.
Diseases, Conditions, and Plant Preparation Scopolamine is a tropane ... Show more
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Those in the research group were split into two groups. Both groups were given
methadone for the first three days. One group would be giving gradually less
methadone over the days, while the other group was given a combination of
scopolamine and chlorpromazine intravenously. Depression, heroin cravings, anxiety,
and first heroin use after the experiment were significantly lower for the scopolamine
and chlorpromazine users than the methadone users. (Liu, et al., 2013)
Negative Effects of Plant Anticholinergic poisoning can still occur, however. Two
children, aged five and four, swallowed a tea blend made with leaves and flowers of
Datura stramonium. The first child had no reaction to light, had a temperature of
37.9В°C, and hallucinogenic delirium. The second child had similar complications,
with a weak reaction to light, and a temperature of 37.6В°C, Babinski reactions on
both feet when prompted. The first child was treated with benzodiazepine
medication, and transferred to a quiet room. The second child was treated with
activated charcoal, and placed under intensive care. The first child was discharges in
48 hours, and the second child was discharged in 72 hours. (Rakotomavo,
Andriamasy, Rasamoelina, Raveloson, 2014)
Datura stramonium can be dangerous if taken directly. However, scopolamine can be
properly extracted from the plant, and used in a variety of cases. Its effectiveness
against heroin
Analysis Of The Passage Of Proverbs
Summary: Literary Context: Proverbs 3:1 12, Wisdom is the most valuable thing
you will process so hold on to it tightly. 3: 1 4 when you are taught good doctrine it
leads to wisdom by having reliable teachers 3:5 6 To Rest in God because you trust
in His leading. 3:7 10 God will reward you for being obedient to His instructions.
3:11 12 God will correct you when you do wrong, but the wisdom is in knowing this.
Historical Context: Author = King Solomon wrote most of the proverbs and was
thought to have written chapter 1 10 along with others. There were others authors
who wrote different proverbs chapters also. Date = Some commentaries said around
the 10th century, but some... Show more content on ...
The Kingdoms of Israel stretch as far north of the Euphrates, to south west of
Egypt s border. The cities were known for the cooper mines. Solomon made store
cities and cities just to hold his chariots and for his army. Cultural Context:
Political = International politics with foreign countries Religion = Jewish
(Monotheistic) but Solomon was close to be Apostasy Economics = Natural
resources, mines, stone quarries, roads built for world trade and seaports for
foreign trade such as gold, silver, ivory, apes and peacocks, having home markets
and domestic products overseas making Israel a very wealthy and prosperous
Kingdom. The people learn Arts, science and music. Observation Context: 1.
Observing that in verse 4 Solomon calls God by the name God, But in verses 5, 7,
9, 11, 12 Solomon call Him Yahweh (Lord). 2. There were commands and rewards
in this passage, when God gave a command in a verse he followed it up with a
reward. There was a command in verse 1, 3, 5 6a, 7, 9, 11 and there were rewards
in verses 2.4, 6b, 8, 10, 12. 3. True Wisdom which was divinely from God,
commentaries say that Solomon understood when the animals and birds spoke.
Solomon could discern truth in a person just by looking at their face. Solomon is
talking to his son giving him instructions for the things that he will encounter in life.
Solomon also tells his son not to forget them because he will need them to make it.
Military Vs. Military Robotics
Are we truly enlightened in the advancement of what technology has given for all the
branches in the army? From science fiction movies such as The Terminator and I,
Robot, robotics has come pretty far in the military industry from building prosthetic
arms for the injured veterans to unmanned aircraft that can do surveillance without
getting caught under the radar of enemy territory. Militaryrobotics have stretched
beyond the previous potential of what it originally supposes to accomplish; the
military even has robotics where little drones that are controlled by a remote can
camouflage in any terrain. Even though critics and politicians claim military
robotics cause more destruction and can be hacked into their databases by a single
binary code, the military needs to continue implementing more robotic soldiers,
drones, vehicles and aircraft because they are such an asset in reducing casualties,
superior abilities to humans that cannot be done manually by soldiers easily, and
being work efficient as well as cost efficient. Without these robotics from the
military, the heroes of our nation have a lower chance of making it back home to
their families knowing they may not live to see them unless they have serious
assistance from technology. The history of military robotics dates back to World War
II and the Cold War. During those times of spying, weaponry and strategic attacks,
these robots were in the form of Germany s type of robotics and Russian weaponry
called teletanks .
Undocumented Immigrants Should Not Be A Citizen Of
Who deserves to be a citizen of the United States (U.S.)? The founders of The United
States of America believed people who immigrated and spent years building lives in
this country deserved citizenship. They were also keenly aware that making new
immigrants wait for citizenship while denying them the very rights that Americans
had just fought to claim for themselves would be detrimental to our relatively new
and fragile country. Today, it s a question President Barack Obamaand Congress have
been trying to answer. As the President and lawmakers, alike, negotiate the contours
of an immigrationreform bill, they should keep in mind that the granting of legal
status to undocumented immigrants would be a boon for the United Stateseconomy.
Moreover, allowing undocumented immigrants to become U.S. citizens would be
equally beneficial to America. Legal status and citizenship enable undocumented
immigrants to produce and earn significantly more than they do when they are on the
economic sidelines. The resulting productivity and wage gains ripple through the
economy because immigrants are not just workers, but they are also consumers and
taxpayers. Once illegal immigrants are granted citizenship, the newly welcomed
citizens can begin to spend their increased earnings on goods and services that will
stimulate demand in the United States economy, which will, ultimately, help create
jobs and expand the economy as well.
Currently, illegal immigration is a growing concern in the United
The Theme of Carpe Diem in Robert Herrick s To the...
The Theme of Carpe Diem in Robert Herrick s To the Virgins to Make Much of Time

Robert Herrick s poem, To the Virgins to Make Much of Time, focuses on the idea of
carpe diem. More specifically, in this poem the idea of marriage while love and flesh
are still young should be heeded or one may suffer in their later years alone and
loveless. Herrick suggests that this gift of virginity might be a great waste if not
given while it is still desirable. Virginity is a gift for the simple reason that it can
only be given once to the taker of the prize, which he believes should be the husband.
Therefore, he says to go out and find husbands, for youth is not perpetual and will
eventually succumb to old age and loneliness. Through Herrick s ... Show more
content on ...
As the glorious Lamp of Heaven, the sun, is rising and is reaching it s peak. The
sun is pictured as a marathon runner in line 7 with, The sooner will his Race be run.
And as with all good things in life there must be an end. The sun will then set and the
youthfulness of the virgins will fade. The choice of words that Herrick uses in the
second stanza such as getting, sooner, and neerer create a mood of urgency which
also leads to a degree of anxiety. Time is moving on in every aspect of nature and
beyond, and the virgins must come to realize that they must harness the same
momentum and move into the next levels of their lives marriage (Rollin 83).

Consistent with the idea of time being unconquerable, the third stanza agrees that
youth should be made advantage of but not to be taken for granted. Herrick simply
states, That Age is best, which is the first, When youth and blood are warmer. Youth
carries its own certain attractable energy that is possibly irresistible. Yet, Herrick
does not want the virgins to be deceived in believing that youth will last forever.
Time is personified once again as an opposition to youthfulness. In one foul swoop
time overcomes youth.

The final and fourth stanza is the most direct and powerful. The young women in
which the poem addresses are told not to be coy. For their receptivity to love is under
their control
Argumentative Essay On Horoscopes
Horoscopes are frequently consulted in day to day life. They are a diagram of the
heavens, showing the relative position of planets and the signs of the zodiac
(, 2015) that use the time of a birth to foretell events in a person s
life. People have attempted to explain the seemingly illogical events of life such as:
wars; weather abnormalities; economic hardship, and the link between people s lives
to the stars above. This resulted in the making of a combination of religion and
science astrology(Grabianowski. E, 2005). While most people who read daily
horoscopes treat them as nonsense, others use them to guide their lives are more
than likely influenced by them. There has always been an argument about the
reliability of horoscopes and whether people should blindly place their faith in them
or not. It needs to be determined whether astrology should be treated as a real
science instead of a pseudoscience; whether people should live by their horoscopes;
if different religions have their own way of reading and making horoscopes; and
what people use horoscopes for.
Definition of Astrology
The prefix astro in astrology means a combining ... Show more content on ...
Since that time, one of the main motives for astronomical observations and theories
was the desire to improve the accuracy of astrological predictions. Temming
maintains that astrology continued to be part of mainstream science until the late
1600s. Isaac Newton had demonstrated some of the physical processes by which
celestial bodies affect each other (Temming, 2014) and since then, astronomy has
evolved in importance and scientific recognition. However, astrology has declined in
credibility and is now regarded as a leisure activity and a pseudoscience. Nonetheless,
thousands of people around the world still request astrologers and astrology
publications to provide advice about important professional, medical, and personal
matters (Temming,
David Hume On Sympathy
Hume states that sympathy is the chief source of moral [judgments] Sympathy is a
powerful principle in human nature, a mental principle that causes us to feel what
others are feeling. Sympathy is a psychological mechanism that enables one person to
receive by communication the sentiments of another. Our moral evaluation of people
s character traits arise from our own emotions, or sentiments of moral approval and

According to Hume, moral judgments originates from sympathy. Hume believes that
the ability to judge from a moral point of view is only possible when we have
experienced sympathy or understand what sympathy is.

The word sympathy has its roots in Ancient Greek. The prefix sym means with or
together, and Pathy refers ... Show more content on ...
But generally, we know that sympathy is not merely an emotional experience; it
also moves us to do something. For example, adverts for charities that show children
with dirty, tear stained faces appeal to our sympathy and are designed so that we
will be moved to donate some of our money. This kind of emotional response to the
suffering of another living being is sometimes called pity. This is usually what people
nowadays think about when they hear the word sympathy.
According to Hume s theory, we can catch on to the emotions of other people all
kinds of emotions, the happy and the sad. But there should be a second point to it:,
when you experience an emotion, you can chose to act or not act. You might be
moved to tears by an advertisement put out by a charity for starving children, but then
decide not to donate any money. Yes, the motion in e motions in human beings is not
automatic. But in general, these are the kinds of things that motivate us to act: our
desires, our fears, and our

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