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Borneo Nature Foundation

Compiled by Karin

Table of Content
Course Outline…………………………………………………………………… 2
Self-Introduction……………………………………………………………….. 3
Pretest………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Pretest Discussion……………………………………………………………… 5
Group Discussion……………………………………………………………….. 7
Writing……………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Presentation of Writing……………………………………………………… 9
Role Play: Camp Tour…………………………………………………………. 11
Study Tour…………………………………………………………………………. 12
Final Project……………………………………………………………………….. 12
Vocabulary………………………………………………………………………… 13

Course Outline
English for Field Staff KHDTK

April 2022 Introduction and Pretest

May 2022 Art Night and Discussion of Pretest

June 2022 Group Discussion

July 2022 Writing a Paragraph

August 2022 Presentation of Writing

September 2022 Role Play: Camp Tour

October 2022 Study Tour and Post Test

November 2022 Final Project: Camp Tour

Here, we will learn how to introduce ourselves.
Disini kita akan belajar untuk memperkenalkan diri.

“Draw something related to yourself. Prepare to introduce

yourself and explain why you draw it in the front of class!
Then, don’t forget to assess your friends’ performance.”

How to introduce yourself:

Hallo/Hi/Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening

Halo/Hai/Selamat Pagi/Selamat Siang/Selamat Malam

Let me introduce myself. My name is …………

Perkenalkan, nama saya …………….

My hobby is/My hobbies are …………

Hobi saya adalah…………….

My favourite food is……..

Makanan kesukaan saya adalah…………….

My favourite drink is……..

Minuman kesukaan saya adalah…………….

I drew ……… because …………..

Saya menggambar ……. karena ………..

Pretest is a gate for our course. Let’s do it! ☺
Tes awal adalah gerbang untuk kursus kita. Ayo kerjakan! ☺

What you need to take note:

1. Don’t be nervous. It’s just pretest.

Jangan gugup. Ini hanya tes awal.
2. Read the question slowly, but surely.
Baca pertanyaan dengan perlahan, tapi pasti.
3. If you have question, please ask the tutor.
Jika kamu mempunyai pertanyaan, silahkan bertanya kepada tutor.

Pretest from Emcam Education Institute Test Course English Beginner (Level

Pretest Discussion

“Having a position on the other or further side of something;

facing something, especially something of the same type.”

Old New Day Night Ugly Good Looking

Lama Baru Siang Malam Jelek Cantik/tampan
Big Small Start Finish Tall Short
Besar Kecil Mulai Akhir Tinggi Pendek
Lazy Dilligent Good Bad Expensive Cheap
Malas Rajin Baik Buruk Mahal Murah
Write down three pairs of opposite words!
Tulislah dibawah ini 3 pasang kata yang berlawanan!


“Having a position on the other or further side of something;

facing something, especially something of the same type.”

an an apple, an eagle, an orange, an
*digunakan untuk menyatakan kata umbrella
“sebuah” untuk pelafalan a, i, u, e, o
an hour
a a desk, a month, a handphone, a
*digunakan untuk menyatakan kata paper, a cherry, a lamp, a house
“sebuah” untuk pelafalan selain a, i, u, e,
o a university
a universe
the Example:
*digunakan ketika suatu benda telah 1. the end (when a movie ends)
disebutkan sebelumnya 2. I have a book. The book is so


An auxiliary verb (or a helping verb as it's also called) is used

with a main verb to help express the main verb's tense, mood,
or voice.

Subject Auxiliary Verb Example of Sentences

I am was - I am a Field Staff of KHDTK.
- I was a student ten years ago.
You are were - You are so handsome.
- You were in Palangka Raya yesterday.
We are were - We are together.
- We were separeted before.
They are were - They are policeman.
- They were pilot before retirement.
She is was - She is beautiful.
- She was sick two days ago.
He is was - He is dilligent.
- He was at the classroom.
It is was - It is a cat.
- It was a rainy day.

Group Discussion
We will have a group discussion about “what can you do to preserve
Kita akan berdiskusi mengenai “apa yang bisa kita lakukan untuk
melestarikan lingkungan?”

Our theme of group discussion is preseving our environment starts from me.
Tema dari diskusi kelompok kita adalah Pelestarian lingkungan kita bermula dari aku.

We will discuss:
1. What is preserving the environment?
Apa itu pelestarian lingkungan?
2. Why do we need to preserve the environment?
Mengapa kita perlu untuk melestarikan lingkungan?
3. Who can preseve the environment?
Siapa yang bisa melestarikan lingkungan?
4. When is the right time to preserve the environment?
Kapan waktu yang tepat untuk melestarikan lingkungan?
5. How do we preserve the environment?
Bagaimana kita melestarikan lingkungan?

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a

mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves
and to one another. ― Chris Maser”

Feel free to communicate what is inside your head. Let’s start our discussion now!
Bebaslah untuk mengkomunikasikan apa yang ada di dalam kepalamu. Mari kita mulai
diskusi kita sekarang!

Writing a Paragraph
We will learn how to write a paragraph at this meeting.
Kita akan mempelajari bagaimana menulis sebuah paragraf pada
pertemuan ini.

The theme of our writing is No Forest, No Future.

Tema tulisan kita adalah Tidak Ada Hutan, Tidak Ada Masa Depan.

Here some guidance to write a paragraph:

Ini adalah tuntunan untuk menulis sebuah paragraf:
1. Brainstorm the theme “No Forest, No Future.”
Pemetaan tema “Tidak Ada Hutan, Tidak Ada Masa Depan.”
2. Write main topic.
Tulis topik utama.
3. Describe the main topic with supporting details.
Deskripsikan topik utama dengan detail pendukung.
4. You can add the closing sentence or conclusion at the end.
Kamu bisa menambahkan kalimat penutup atau kesimpulan di akhir paragraf.

Below are the examples of how to brainstorm (mind mapping) and the writing.
Di bawah ini adalah contoh – contoh bari bagaimana pemetaan (pemetaan
pikiran) dan tulisan.


Nature is made of everything we see around us – trees, flowers, plants, animals,

sky, mountains, forests and more. Human beings depend on nature to stay
alive. Nature helps us breathe, gives us food, water, shelter, medicines, and
clothes. We find many colors in nature which make the Earth beautiful.
Animals, fish and insects also get their food and shelter from nature. Different
trees grow up due to sunlight and water provided by nature. Humans should
stop causing harm to the elements of nature for their needs. Nature is very
important to maintain the growth and balance of life on earth.


Presentation of Writing
Yahooo, here we will have presentation of our writing at the previous
Yuhu, disini kita akan mempresentasikan tulisan kita pada
pertemuan sebelumnya.

Here, some tips to presentate your writing:

Ini adalah beberapa tips untuk memaparkan tulisanmu:
1. Never just read the text book!
Jangan pernah hanya membaca teks dalam buku.
2. Summarize your writing and write the point. It helps you to really understand
your writing.
Rangkum tulisanmu dan tulislah poin – poin. Itu membantumu untuk mengerti
dengan sungguh tulisanmu.
3. Explain your writing confidently.
Jelaskan tulisanmu dengan percaya diri.
4. When you speak, see others’ eyes. It shows you’re confident and make your
charm shining.
Ketika kamu berbicara, lihatlah mata peserta lain. Itu menunjukan kamu percaya
diri dan membuat daya tarikmu bersinar.

Confidence is the key of presentation and preparation

is the source of it!

Roleplay: Camp Tour
Horrray, today we will play roleplay:
Camp Tour Hore, hari ini kita akan bermain peran.

How to play:
1. Separate KHDTK Field Staffs into two groups: Team A and B.
Pisah Staf Lapangan KHSTK menjadi dua kelompok: Tim A dan B.
2. Firstly, Team A has a role as KHDTK visitors. Then, Team B has a role as tour guide
who explain about KHDTK.
Pertama, Tim A mempunyai peran sebagai pengunjung KHDTK. Kemudian, Tim B
mempunyai peran sebagai pemandu kunjungan yang akan menjelaskan
mengenai KHDTK.
3. Next, reverse the role of Team A and B.
Selanjutnya, tukar peran dari Tim A dan B.

Role-playing or roleplaying is the changing of one's

behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill
a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role.

Study Tour
This is Fun Time. We have a study tour! Let’s call it a picnic.
Ini adalah Waktu yang Menyenangkan. Kita akan berkunjung dan
belajar! Mati kita sebut ini sebuah piknik.

Learning is so much fun, only if you enjoy it!

Final Project
The course will finish soon, so make it count.
Kursus ini akan segera berakhir, jadi buatlah berarti.

Final Project: Role-Playing as a Tour Leader of KHDTK.

A vocabulary is a set of familiar words within a person's language.
Sebuah Kosakata adalah sebuah rangkaian dari kata – kata di dalam
bahasa seseorang.

Hmmmm, How many vocabularies that you get from

this course? Let’s write down below!

Vocabulary Meaning


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