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07:34, 09/03/2023 Goddess’s Day or Women’s Day?

| Du Chinese

Du Chinese Lessons / Goddess’s Day or Women’s Day?

Goddess’s Day or Women’s Day?

One of the criticisms of Women’s Day in China comes from its Chinese name.

Goddess’s Day or Women’s Day?

March 8th is coming up. This day is International Women’s Day, a holiday that belongs to women all over the world.
Many men show their respect and gratitude by sending blessings to female family and friends around them on this day.
It is not only a day of harmony but also a day of “love”.
“International Women’s Day” has been a popular holiday in China for nearly a hundred years.
However, in recent years, with rapid social and economic development, ..
.. there have been some changes to the name of this holiday, and it seems to have become less straightforward than before.
Why this change? The reason is the two characters, “fu nü”.
The meaning of “fu nü” in a Chinese dictionary refers to an adult female, that is, a female aged 18 and above.
All adult women, regardless of whether they are married or unmarried, can be called “fu nü”.
But that’s just a dictionary explanation.
The reality nowadays is that if you call an unmarried woman “fu nü”, that would be a very bad thing.
In the minds of modern people, “fu nü” more often refers to married women.
Call a young or unmarried woman “fu nü”, and you’ll get a big eye roll.
Not only do women who are not married dislike being called “fu nü”, ..
.. but women who are married actually also dislike being called “fu nü”.
And why is that? The reason is still in the name. It’s because of the character “fu”.
If you use the character “fu” to form words, what words can you think of?
The words daughter-in-law, housewife, and married woman … are all nouns that refer to women in different capacities.
In the traditional way of thinking, these women all share the same characteristic ..
.. of being housekeepers, doing a lot of housework, and working for their families their entire lives.
In the past, this was not only the norm but also praised as traditional female virtue.
But what about now? Is it still the case?
“Women’s Day” has been celebrated in China for a hundred years.
The status of women in China today has changed significantly from what it was a hundred years ago, ..
.. and many people’s mindsets have changed as well.
Compared to the domestic submissiveness of the past, modern married women hold independence and freedom in higher esteem.
Although they love their homes and take care of their families just as much, ..
.. they are no longer willing to be bound by outdated rules as women were in the old days.
They don’t like to be defined, especially by the traditional identity represented by the character “fu”, ..
.. and they seek a life that is more for themselves.
Many people have noticed this huge change in thinking, so they have changed the name of “Women’s Day” in line with the trend.
“Girls’ Day”, “Queens’ Day”, and “Goddess’s Day” are all new names that have emerged in response.
Among them, it seems that “Goddess’s Day” is the most popular.
So on March 8th, you can hear many Chinese women receiving good wishes such as “Happy Goddess’s Day”.
Of course, people will voice different opinions on everything.
While the new names were well received, there were also objections raised.
Opponents argue that compared to true understanding and respect, ..
.. “Girls’ Day”, “Queens’ Day”, and “Goddess’s Day” are just superficial names.
A truly independent and self-empowered woman is not influenced by, let alone defined by, any superficial name.
So, instead of pursuing the vanity of these names, why not stay true to yourself and accept a “Happy Women’s Day”?
In the end, whether it’s “Goddess’s Day” or “Women’s Day”, ..
.. behind it is actually the new thinking of women in the new era, which is a good thing.
If you have a female friend from China, what would you like to say to her on March 8th? 1/3
07:34, 09/03/2023 Goddess’s Day or Women’s Day? | Du Chinese 2/3
07:34, 09/03/2023 Goddess’s Day or Women’s Day? | Du Chinese

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