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21:21, 12/03/2023 The Metaverse | Du Chinese

Du Chinese Lessons / The Metaverse

The Metaverse
What exactly is the metaverse, and what do different people have to say about it?

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The Metaverse
Recently, the concept of the metaverse has been continuing to heat up.
Many companies have started to get involved in the field of the metaverse, setting up the layout of the metaverse.
What exactly is the metaverse? There is actually no standard answer yet. Tech moguls all have different ideas.
For example, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg believes that ..
.. the metaverse is an extremely immersive social media platform that combines virtual reality technology and uses exclusive hardware.
China’s Tencent believes that the metaverse is a virtual digital world independent from the real world.
Once users enter this world, they can use a new identity to begin a new life.
In Alibaba’s eyes, the metaverse is a 3D shopping space that vendors can build themselves.
This allows customers to have a cloud shopping experience …
Although the metaverse does not yet have a standard definition, it does have some generally acknowledged characteristics:
First, the metaverse must exist forever. It cannot disappear because any one company goes bankrupt.
Second, the metaverse must be decentralized.
The power to interpret the rules of the metaverse must not belong to a certain company or country.
Third, the metaverse must be connected to reality.
The economic system in the metaverse must also be linked to the economic system in the real world.
Tech moguls are very passionate about the concept of the metaverse.
Ordinary internet users have varying attitudes toward it.
Some believe that the metaverse provides an opportunity for people to reinvent themselves and live the lives that they want.
Some people say that the metaverse, no matter how profound, ..
.. is only a virtual system that cannot solve the problems of life in the real world.
To put it bluntly, you’ll still be hungry if you don’t eat.
Other people think that when the metaverse technology matures, that is also when human functioning will regress.
Because when everything is virtual, whether it’s life or socializing, you can do everything without leaving home.
If things carry on like this for a long time, humans may not remember how to live …
In real life, the discussion about the metaverse continues. Whether it’s good or bad is still up in the air. Let us wait and see. 1/3
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21:21, 12/03/2023 The Metaverse | Du Chinese

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