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Title: "The Awkward Interview"

[The scene is set in a small, cluttered office. JERRY, the interviewer, sits behind a desk, while BOB, the
interviewee, nervously takes a seat.]

JERRY: (looking at Bob's resume) So, Bob, it says here you have a unique talent. Care to share?

BOB: (nervously) Oh, yeah! I can make really realistic animal noises.

[JERRY raises an eyebrow, intrigued.]

JERRY: Really? Well, let's hear it.

[BOB clears his throat and attempts a series of animal noises. Unfortunately, they sound more like a car
struggling to start.]

BOB: Um, that was supposed to be a monkey.

[JERRY stifles a laugh.]

JERRY: Right, impressive monkey. Moving on, what would you say is your greatest weakness?

[BOB scratches his head, thinking.]

BOB: I'm too honest.

[JERRY raises an eyebrow again.]

JERRY: Too honest? Is that really a weakness?

BOB: (nodding) Yeah, like when someone asks, "How are you?" I can't just say, "Fine," even if I'm not.
I start telling them about my day, and, well, people get uncomfortable.

[JERRY chuckles.]

JERRY: Fair enough. Last question, Bob. Why do you want to work here?

[BOB looks around the office, then back at JERRY.]

BOB: Well, I heard you guys have a great snack selection, and I'm all about the snacks.

[JERRY bursts into laughter.]

JERRY: (still laughing) Bob, you might just be the perfect fit for this place. Welcome aboard!

[BOB looks surprised but thrilled as they both share a laugh, setting the tone for an unexpectedly
amusing work relationship.]

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