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The present world is indeed different from the past where technology, science

and human reason takes place because to Philosophy which gives a huge impact
in our daily life. Philosophy is the study of all being in their ultimate causes and
principles aided by human reason alone it is also the basis of action or belief. In
short Philosophy is the Love of Wisdom where people seek for answer with the
use of human reason alone which is known to be Philosophers.
“Learning is not a learning unless it is put into practice” that’s our professor Fr.
Mike Delarosa in Introduction to Philosophy always reminds us. I learned that
studying Theories and how Philosophers think can also make a huge change
especially once applied on our everyday life. I remember that the first philosopher
we encountered is The Greek Historian Herodotus who’s the first to use the word
Philosophize and also known as investigator. He also introduced us to Socrates
who’s one of the famous philosophers in the world and what I like about Socrates
is his quotation that says “The more you know, the more you don’t know” and
he is also known for his Socratic Method which is questioning in order to arrive
what is truth. We’ve met a lot of philosophers on our journey in Introduction to
Philosophy such as Plato, Aristotle, the three Ionian Philosophers Thales which
states that water is the universal principle, Anaximander which is known for
infinite and indeterminate and Anaximenes the student of Anaximander that
states that air is the universal principle and many other known names. We also
met St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquianas along the way and I learned that Faith
and Reason complements one another, Fides Quaerens Intelectum or in English
translation “Faith Seeking Understanding” which explains that by Faith and
Reason we able to understand and arrive on what is the truth. We also studied
the Stoics which believes that perception is the basis of true knowledge. Their
mindset is to attain inner peace by overcoming adversity, practicing self-control
and being conscious of our impulse that helped them to live their nature and not
against it. Next we learned on the Skeptics where it is a western Philosophy, their
attitude of doubting knowledge claims set forth in various areas. Philosophers
really change the life of millions of people with the use of crude physical
speculation attempt to guess what the world is made out of even without the use
of technology. That’s all I can recall but all of this knowledge that I got from our
last year class really helped me especially in facing everyday life challenges.

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