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Use of a/an Examples

1. B efore a singular countable noun, I can see a book on the table.
when it is m entioned for the first tim e They live in aflat.
and represents no particular person or He bought an ice-cream.
2. B efore a singular countable noun A child needs love =
w hich is used as an exam ple o f All children need/Any child needs love.
a class o f things:
3. W ith a noun com plem ent. This Myfriend is a manager.
includes nam es o f professions: She'll be a dancer.
4. W ith certain num bers. a dozen, a hundred, a million (but one dozen,
one hundred, one m illion is also possible).
1-t kilos = one andahalf kilos or
Before half w hen half follows a kilo and a half;
a w hole num ber. a half-holiday, a half-portion,
But j k g = h a lf a kilo, though a half-share;
a + half+ noun is som etim es
possible. a third, a quarter etc., but one is alsopossible.
W ith j , etc a is usual:
5. In expressions o f price, speed, ratio5p a kilo, sixty kilometres an hour, four times a
etc.: day; (Here a/an = per)
6. Before a singular countable noun Such a long queue! Such long queues!
after the w ord what in Whatapretty girl! W hat pretty girls! *
exclam atory sentences and after the She is still quite a child.
words such, quite, rather: It is rather a difficultproblem.
7. W ith the nouns in the function o f The report was made by Petrenko,
apposition. a student ofour University.
But w hen the apposition refers to a Jack London, the great American novelist, was
well-know n person the is used: born inSan Francisco.
8. In a number of set expressions: a lot of, a great many, a great deal of,
agood deal of, a great number of agood many, a couple, a little, afew, at a
speed of, at a time when, at a time, in time, ona large (small) scale, all ofa sudden,
by bus (train), to be in a hurry, to be in aposition, to be_____ at a loss, it’s apity, for a
short (long) time, as a result of, as a matter
offact, tohave a good time, to have a mind, ina loud (low) voice, tohave
a look, tohave a headache, totake a sit, tohave a cold, togofor a walk.

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Use o f «th e» E x a m p le s
1. Before a noun which has become I sawa newfilm on T V yesterday.
definite as a result of being T h e f i l m wasn't very interesting.
2. Before a noun made definite by thegirl in blue; the boy that I met;
the addition of a phrase or clause: theplace where I met him.
3. When the object or group of the earth, the sea, thesky, the moon, the
objects is unique: sun, the world.
4. Before a noun which by reason of Ann is in th e g a r de n . ICh-mpetK*
locality can represent only one (the garden of this house), fo ^ ,
particular thing: Please open th e w in do w .
5. Before superlatives and first, thefirst week; the best day; the only way.
second etc. used as adjectives or
pronouns, and only. Myu V
6. Before a noun that represents is a domestic animal.
T h e c ow
a class of animals or things: is an evergreen tree.
The p in e
But man, used to represent If oil supplies run outpman have
the human race, has no article. tofall backon the horse.
7? The + adjective represents a class of th e o ld = old people in general.
people: th e rich = rich people in general.
8. Before certain proper names of TheAtlantic, the Thames, theAlps,
oceans, rivers, seas, gulfs, groups of the BlackSea, the Crimea, the City,
islands, chains of mountains, plural the UnitedStates ofAmerica,
names of countries, deserts, and the Sahara, the Persian Gulf.
before certain other names:
9. Before the adjectives east/west etc. the East/WestEnd, the East/WestIndies, the
+ noun in certain names: North/South Pole.
10.Before other proper names TheNational Gallery, the Tower ofLondon.
consisting of adjective + noun or
noun + o f + noun:
11 .Before names of newspapers, the Times, the Great Britain,
ships, orchesras, pop groups etc. the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Beatles.
12.the + plural surname can be used to the Smiths = Mr andMrs Smith
mean «the ... family»: (and children).
13.the + a singular countable noun (type T h e b ic y c le is an excellent means of transport.
of machine, invention, musical When was th e te le p h o n e invented? T h e p ia n o
instruments). is myfavourite instrument.

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Uses Examples
1. Before plural nouns: Myfriends are students.
2. Before abstract nouns except when Menfear death.
J they are used in a particular sense: but: The death of thePrime Minister left his
party without a leader.
— I : After a noun in the possessive case, or a the boy's uncle = the uncle of the boyJ j u J k
It is my (blue) book = The (blue) book is mine.
possessive adjective:
-j 4. Before names of meals: The Scots haveporridgefor breakfast
but: The wedding breakfast was held in her
father's house.
-j 5. Before names of games: Heplays golf.
6. Before parts of the body and Raiseyour right hand.
articles of clothing, as these He tookoffhis coat.
i normally prefer a possessive
| adjective:
When home is used alone, i.e. is not He is at home. He went home.
preceded or followed by I arrived home after dark.
a descriptive word or phrase: I sent himhome.
8. Before the nouns: bed, church, We go: to bed to sleep; to church to pray; to
court, hospital, prison, courtas litigants; to hospital as patients; to
school/college/university, when these y .?. s.prison as prisoners;
places are visited or used for their toschool/college/university to study;
primary purpose. similarly we can be: in bed, sleeping ‘or
We can be/get back from resting; at church as worshippers;
school/college/university. in hospital as patients; at school as
1 We can leave school, leave students.
hospital, be released fromprison.
£ .it: When these places are visited or used Sometimes he goes to theprison
for other reasons the is necessary: togive lectures.
9. work = place of work. He is at work.
He's on his way to work.
10. We go tosea as sailors. To be at sea = to be on a voyage
(as passengers or crew). But to go to or be at the sea = to go to or
be at the seaside. We can also live by/near the sea.
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