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1. Some identities I think most about are my religion and my ethnic background.

Where my
family came from, what are our main roots? How my parents met and who my friends are are
things that relate to me directly in my everyday life, like my relationships with my first cousins.

2. Idenities that I think about least often are things like my age, where I am going in life, and
who are my real friends and who aren't. Some other things I least often think about are my
values with my friends, because I don't want to have "values" with them; I just want to be by
myself with them, if that makes sense. Other things include the environment and eco-friendly

3. Some identities I would like to learn more about are: who am I? Not only my cultural
background and family, but who am I as a person? What are my hobbies? What are some
things that I like and others that I don't?

4. Some identities that have the strongest affect on me as a person are my religion. My religion
plays a big part in my life; I follow it, respect it, and live by it every day.

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