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Synopsis- Action Thriller

Ordinary World:
Shourya a skilled and hard-boiled ring boxer, aims to win a championship in national boxing.
Though impeccable at her boxing skills, her quick anger and impatience always caused
problems. Despite her stoic heart, her inner self is always a child. Shourya grew up under her
aunt and uncle after their parents' accident. Her only aim is to make sure of sister 's well being,
in fact she becomes a parent when it comes to her sister.

Inciting Incident:
As Shourya in her boxing class, she gets a call from her aunt. She immediately rushes to the
hospital. Shourya is clueless regarding what happened, as she went to hospital, she was
devastated after seeing her sister, Kamala, lifeless. Her aunt tells that some one raped her
Komala and beaten to unconsciousness. Shourya world shattered and unable to process her

After the doctor explains the reports to Shourya she decides to venture to the culprit in her own
hands. Vijay police officer arrives at the hospital. She assures her that the culprit will be caught
soon, her case will be brought to justice and tells her to be patient. As Shourya is sat voidly in
the corridor, autopsy office comes to Shourya and tells that Kamala had been brutally raped, as
officer is saying report, Shourya mind narrows, sounds reverbrates in her minds, visual blurs,
she holds her head. Quick cut: Shourya promises Kamala that she will protect her like a child.

As Shourya is unable to sleep with her unsettled mind. Shourya goes to investigate Kamala, she
meets her college friends, She meets Gagan and he reveals that some of their friends saw her
sister as hostess in the club, She disbelieves the information. He shows the Kamala photos in the
club as a hostess. She gets shocked by those photos. She punches Gagan on his face, saying it's
not real.

Act turn l :
In the morning Shourya gets a call from Vijay to meet him in the station. Shourya after reaching
the station gets to know that the case is closed as a homeless man confessed to the crime.
Shourya doesn't understand anything. SI bluntly comments to her sister that the consequence
happened because of her sister's character and personality. Though Shourya fist is waiting to
punch SI, she suppresses her anger. Shourya falls in the suspense “whether her sister really led a
secret life”? This makes Shourya decide to take action into her hand and catch the culprit.
As Shourya exits , she gets a sms pop, its photo of her sister with a lady in it and men beside
Kamala is blurred face. It sent by Hamza, he is standing behind her and hacked her sister's
phone, telling her it's her last day photo. Hamza introduces himself that he is her sister's
classmate and wanted to help in her sister's case.

Shourya intensely practicing in the training center, as each punch reflects her inner questions of
her sister, Arjun, a skilled martial artist trainer , advises her on how to punch properly.
Frustrated Shourya provokes him to fight with Arjun. They took a quick fight, Arjun wasn't able
to bear her raging anger and her unpredictable skills, Arjun managed to defeat her and was
impressed with her skills. Arjun instantly forms a bond with her after knowing about her sister's

Act turn ll (part l) :

Arjun assures Shourya to join in her pursuit. Shourya, Hamza and Arjun trying to trace the lady
in the photo. While sneaking into an underground crime gang, they weren't able to get Megha,
Arjun finally gives information about Megha. Megha is a professional kick boxer and martial
artist working under “Black Lotus”. Finally they find a way to meet Megha and confront her,
upon seeing Shourya's stubbornness. Megha offers a fight in exchange of information about the
culprit if shourya wins, Shourya agress for it.

Arjun opposes her fight with Megha as she is much more experienced and ruthless fighter when
compared to Shourya, but She is determined to go any extent to save her sister. Arjun reveals
that she is a raging bull and tells that she is his ex lover. Seeing Shourya's obsession, Arjun
offers to train her- a training montage.

On the day of the fight a huge mano a mano takes place, Shourya finds it hard to cope with
Megha but finally manages to stand still, as it seems Shourya is about to win, Megha punches
hard, Shourya goes unconscious. Megha gives victory shouts and screams, as she is occupied in
win rage, Shourya grabs her neck from back and chokes, causing her to fall and insists to tell
about the culprit. Megha finding it hard to speak, As Shourya shouts hard, a voice echoes from
the garage speakers, it's unknown voice saying that he is impressed with her skills and throws a
challenge to catch him and reveals that Kamala is his girlfriend. If she catches him, he confesses
her sister's crime and gives all evidence of her sister.

Act turn ll (part ll) :

It's a martial arts training class, students are practicing under Partha (55). Here it is established
that Partha is highly skilled and known for his subtle form of mystical martial arts combined
with Indian marma kala. His practices are mostly traditional and conventional.

Shourya punches sand bag with intense focus, her thoughts are filled with the mysterious voice
and her each punch is striving to catch the culprit. Hamza sitting beside Shourya, trying
something on his laptop. Hamza says that the IP address that connected to the speaks is from a
club known as “Club o Pub”, so the mysterious man might be from the club. Shourya halts her
practice and calls Arjun. Arjun brings all information regarding the link between “Black Lotus”
and “Club O pub” where it is run by Black Lotus back handedly and in the name of black lotus,
members are doing organized crime in a syndicate way where crimes are convicted to homeless
or orphan people. They decided to expose the underground activities to the public.

They plan to sneak into the club to understand their things inside and catch the suspect. They
make a detailed plan and get fake VIP passes and get inside. Hamza hacked the CCTV and
guided each of them. Shourya gets a suspect on identical twins, Dashagreeva and Hayagreeva,
they are the stakeholders in Black Lotus. She follows them and looking to strike them, Hamza
warns to stop her plan, Arjun and others are petrified with the Shourya. Finally Shourya strikes
Dashagreeva and Hayagreeva, they are shocked by the sudden attack and Shourya asks if they
are the reason for her sister, parallelly bodyguards are rushing to the spot, Hamza runs to the
back of the club and shuts down the power. Arjun grabs Shourya's hand and all escape from the
club, but they are all caught at the brink.

Meanwhile Vijay got fired for reopening the case of Kamala. Arjun reveals that Black group is
much bigger than they think. Dhagreeva and Hayagreeva meet Ajay. They tell him about the
Shourya and their intrusion into their system, Ajay feared his stake in the organization, they
suggest Ajay to rope Shourya into their gang to make a match with him so that their VVIP
members will get increased. Ajay goes into perplexity. Meanwhile Shourya gets information that
her sister got kidnapped from the hospital. As she is rushing to the hospital she gets a call from
a mysterious number, its Ajay. Ajay appreciated Shourya for almost tracing him. He tells that he
kidnapped her. He offers to fight with him and confront him or else lose her sister.
Dhashagreeva and Hayagreeva arrive at the police station, they propose to Shourya to take the
fight with Ajay or be in jail till her sister's death, Shourya with no option left accepts the fight.
Act turn lll:
All are sat in a void. Vijay arrives to the Shourya team and decides to help them.Vijay explains all
criminal activities done by the Black Lotus, Dashagreeva and Hayagreeva are fund providers to
the organization, Ajay is entitled as Samrat for holding his position and also tells that he
couldn't tell who started the organization and a mysterious person behind it. Shourya and Arjun
are practicing boxing in the grounds, as they are practicing, Partha comments on their false
moves, Arjun scoff at his suggestion, Partha tells him to try him once. Arjun and Partha
fight,where in quick steps Partha defeats Arjun. Shourya and Arjun are shell shocked, Shourya
requests Partha to be her mentor. Partha declines her, as he is not interested in it. As Partha is
about to depart, Shourya tells that she needs to defeat Samrat Ajay, hearing that name Partha
stops and looks at them, his eyes depicting some connection to the name-Training montage of
Shourya by Partha. Partha methods are orthodox and conventional compared to what Shourya
thought to be. In the training montage, Partha tells that He is the mysterious man who started
black lotus and Dashagreeva and Hayagreeva took over Black lotus and made it into a crime

As Shourya and Partha are in training, Megha arrives at their place, she tells them that she
wanted to join in their vengeance. Megha reveals that in order to gain Samrat title, one needs to
sacrifice their lovable ones, so Ajay made sacrificed Kamala to get raped in front of members as
ritual for his Samrat title. Kamala is not interested in any of the activities of Ajay, but Ajay forced
Kamala to participate in clubs and pubs. Shourya eyes are filled with rage. Partha tells that, no
gain will be frutified if Ajay is defeated or killed, the organization continues to work. He suggests
destroying the organization with the help of anti Black lotus members who are ex-Black Lotus
members. While Arjun and Megha are in search of gathering anti-members. Partha and Shourya
are intensely occupied for training.

In the heart-pounding climax, the luxurious cruise ship stood against the vast expanse of the
shimmering sea, the night sky illuminated by stars and a silver moon. Shourya and her loyal
team of anti-members, dressed in a combination of elegant evening wear and tactical gear,
were positioned strategically across the opulent ballroom. The atmosphere crackled with
tension as they awaited the right moment to strike, knowing that their time had come to finally
dismantle the notorious Black Lotus organization. The VVIP crowd cheered and waited for the
fight between SHourya and Ajay.

The confrontation between Shourya and Ajay was inevitable, their shared history fueling the
intensity of the impending battle. The two adversaries engaged in a fierce and brutal fight, the
clash of their combat skills resonating through the air. Each move was calculated, each strike
precise, as they exchanged blows with a raw determination to emerge victorious.

But after a grueling exchange of blows, Shourya managed to gain the upper hand. With a final,
decisive move, she overpowered Ajay, ending the fight with a combination of exhaustion and
triumph etched onto her face. Shourya remembers Partha words about her impatience and
anger, as she needs to overcome her emotion and strike at the right moment. The room fell
silent, the tension lifting as the realization of Ajay's defeat settled in. Hamza swiftly executed his
plan. He hacked into the cruise ship's systems, taking control of the power grid. Partha emerged,
flanked by Dashagreeva and Hayagreeva, their mission was clear – to eliminate these symbols of
Black Lotus's tyranny.

Partha's swift movements were a blur as he engaged in a high-stakes duel with Dashagreeva
and Hayagreeva.With Ajay defeated, Arjun and Megha, and the rest of the anti-members sprang
into action. The elegant ballroom transformed into a battleground as they engaged in fierce
combat with the remaining Black Lotus members. In the midst of the chaos, the ship has
become a wreck, it's totally damaged, it lost its control, fire engulfed the ship, the team is
waiting in an escape boat for Shourya, Ajay pleads Shourya to take him with her and tells that
he loved her so much, he did it for his title. Shourya replies “may what you love saves you”.
Shourya leaves from the engulfing fire and escapes. Destruction of the cruise represents his
greed and corruption took over him.

Vijay at the end exposes the organization to the media and gets his job back. Shourya gets her
sister back. In the aftermath Shourya, Partha and Arjun run Black lotus for training a wide
range of martial arts. Shourya participates in national championship fights, with her training
skills and real fights, she wins the championship.

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