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Nathan: Wizard (Wands/Staffs)

Nathan was always the one to dabble in fantasy and magic, he would buy fake wands and ‘Magical
Books’ whenever he could, his parents thought he was a massive disappointment because he got D-
for every subject and he would always disrupt class, eventually Nathans parents decided they have
had enough and signed Nathan up for boarding school in China, though Nathan didn’t understand
what was happening, he knew something was bad, the next day Nathan woke up in a ship, though
he couldn’t see anything, when suddenly text lit up on the wall, it was some strange enchantment,
without thinking Nathan immediately started chanting the words, upon finishing the final line,
everything around him started ripping apart, and showed a grassy plain stretching for miles, Nathan
jumped though immediately in hopes of freedom, and right before he fell though, the grassy plain
changed into fiery cave, yet it was too late, Nathan tried to stop but ended up tripping and falling
though, trapping him another realm, permanently.


LVL: 1

Mana: 4/4





Magical blast (Shoot magic out of your hand dealing 1d6 + wand/staff weapon DMG, 1 Mana)

Magic Bubble (Cast a magical bubble around someone making them unable to attack or take damage
for 2 turns or until cancelled, 4 Mana) OR

Purple Radiance (All enemies around you roll with a -4 until your next turn, 3 Mana)

LVL: 2

Mana: 12/12


Anti-stumble Stick (Cast out a magical Anti-Stumble Stick holding the target up making them immune
to being knocked down or crippled, 2 Mana)

Ice blades (Conjure 5 ice blades from the ground each dealing 2d8 to shoot at anything, 3 Mana) OR

Comet (A small star shoots down onto your target dealing 10d4 +5DMG and crippling them for 2
turns, 4 Mana)

LVL: 3
Mana: 18/18


Greatest Weapon (Enchant an ally’s weapon making it deal +3d8, until combat ends, can only cast
once per combat, this can also only affect one weapon at a time, 7 Mana)

Fireball (Summon a fireball to shoot at an enemy dealing 6d8 area DMG, 6 Mana) OR

Planted Tumour (Mind control an enemy for 2 turns by casting a tumour into their brain, you cannot
do this to bosses, twice per combat,15 Mana)

LVL: 4

Mana: 28/28


Teleport (Teleport anyone anywhere in sight, once per turn, 8 Mana)

Memory stick (Conjure a magical stick that forces anyone you attack with it to tell you whatever you
ask (like truth serum), if used in combat, it will bring a traumatic memory into the targets mind
forcing them into a state of panic for 2 turns, 8 Mana) OR

Void ring (Summon a magical circle/trap that when stood on will activate, sucking in all
small/medium enemies killing them and leave the loot unharmed, the void remains for 2 turns 12

LVL: 5

Mana: 40/40


Clear minded (After casting gain all your mana back, and any nearby ally’s regain half of their Mana,
once per fight)

Caster Of Air (This spell takes 3 turns to cast and you cannot do anything while casting, if you are hit
while casting the spell is cancelled, if you are hit or cancel the spell, you still lose the Mana cost, if
you successfully cast this you and your ally’s turn incorporeal making attackers unable to hit you, and
you can faze though objects for 3 turns, 27 Mana) OR

Poison Blast (Shoot 10 darts out of your fingers, each dart that hits will deal 8d8 area DMG and will
poison the target on a direct hit causing them to take 5DMG per turn for 4 turns, 18 Mana) OR

Quad Cast (The next spell you cast will be casted 4 separate times, for only the mana cost of casting
it twice, 3 times per combat)

LVL: 6

Mana: 47/47


Avatar Of Air (Gain the Caster of Air ability, but you cast it immediately, if you already have the
Caster of Air ability you still get the immediate casting, but it now lasts 5 turns, you also gain the void
ring ability, if you have if you already have void ring, it will now only cost 8 Mana to cast: Passive) OR
Avatar Of Fire (Gain the Fireball ability, if you already have the Fireball ability, your fireball now does
8d12 area DMG, you also gain Quad Cast, if you already have Quad Cast, it now only costs the price
of casting that ability once: Passive) OR

Avatar Of Space (Gain the Comet ability, if you already have the Comet ability, it now does 10d8 area
DMG +8DMG and now cripples the targets for 3 turns, you also gain the Greatest Weapon ability, if
you already have the Greatest Weapon ability, when casted it now no longer costs anything and
permanently gives the weapon +6d8 and +2d20, you may also cast this on up to 3 different weapons
at any given time: Passive)

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