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Caselet based DI

Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.

There was a survey conducted about four basketball players. The survey included
data of about eight years of records of these players, including the total number
of shots taken by them.

Brian threw (P) shots out of which only (Q) % were a basket, which was 68 less
than the number of shots taken by Brandon that missed the basket, which in turn
was (R). (R) is 40% more than the total shots taken by Brandon that were a
basket. Total number of shots taken by Brandon is 384 which were (T) times of
that by Brian. Average number of shots taken by Brandon and Bryce together is
342 while number of total shots taken by Brampton is 48 less than total shots
taken by Bryce. Out of total number of shots taken by Brampton, (S) were baskets
while 83.33% missed the basket. Total shots taken by Brian and Brampton that
missed the basket are 294.

Note: Total number of shots taken is a sum of number of shots that were a basket
and number of shots that missed the basket.
निर्दे श: िीचे र्दी गई जािकारी के आधार पर प्रश्नों के उत्तर र्दीनजए।

चार बास्केटबॉल खिलाऩियनों के बारे में एक सर्वेक्षण नकया गया था। सर्वेक्षण में इि
खिलाऩियनों के लगभग आठ र्वर्षों के ररकॉर्ड का र्े टा शानमल नकया गया, नजसमें उिके द्वारा
नलए गए शॉट् स की कुल सोंख्या भी शानमल थी।

ब्रायि िे (पी) शॉट फेंके नजिमें से केर्वल (क्यू )% बास्केट थी, जन ब्रैंर्ि द्वारा बास्केट से
चूकिे र्वाले शॉट् स की सोंख्या से 68 कम थी, जन बर्दले में (आर) थी। (आर) ब्रैंर्ि द्वारा नलए
गए कुल शॉट् स से 40% अनधक है जन एक टनकरी थी। ब्रैंर्ि द्वारा नलए गए शॉट् स की कुल
सोंख्या 384 है जन ब्रायि द्वारा नलए गए शॉट् स की (T) गुिा थी। ब्रैंर्ि और ब्राइस द्वारा नलए
गए शॉट् स की औसत सोंख्या 342 है जबनक ब्रैम्पटि द्वारा नलए गए कुल शॉट् स की सोंख्या
ब्राइस द्वारा नलए गए कुल शॉट् स से 48 कम है। ब्रैम्पटि द्वारा नलए गए कुल शॉट् स में से ,
(एस) बास्केट थे जबनक 83.33% बास्केट से चूक गए। ब्रायि और ब्रैम्पटि द्वारा बास्केट से
चूकिे र्वाले कुल शॉट 294 हैं ।

ध्याि र्दें : नलए गए शॉट् स की कुल सोंख्या उि शॉट् स की सोंख्या का यनग है जन बास्केट में थे
और उि शॉट् स की सोंख्या जन बास्केट से छूट गए।

Q1. What is the ratio between P and R?

P और R के बीच का अिुपात क्या है ?

A. 6:7
B. 5:4
C. 15:14
D. 1:1
E. None of these
Q2. The shots taken by Brian that missed the basket are what percent more/less
than shots that were a basket for Brampton?

ब्रायि द्वारा नलए गए शॉट जन बास्केट से चूक गए, ब्रैम्पटि के नलए बास्केट र्वाले शॉट से
नकतिे प्रनतशत अनधक/कम हैं ?

A. 50%
B. 100%
C. 200%
D. 150%
E. None of these

Q3. If it is given that number of shots that were a basket for Bryce is [R + 36], then
what percent of shots taken by Bryce were not a basket?

यनर्द यह नर्दया गया है नक ब्रायस के नलए बास्केट में नलए गए शॉट् स की सोंख्या [आर + 36]
है , तन ब्रायस द्वारा नलए गए नकतिे प्रनतशत शॉट बास्केट िहीों थे ?

A. 16.66%
B. 15%
C. 6.66%
D. 3.33%
E. None of these

Q4. What is the sum of roots of the quadratic equation given below?

िीचे नर्दए गए नद्वघात समीकरण के मूलनों का यनग क्या है ?

[X2 – (2.5T) X -96 = 0]

A. -20
B. -4
C. 20
D. 4
E. None of these
Q5. If the number of baskets made by Ben were 25% more than that by Brian and
total number of Shots taken by Ben is 20% less than that by Bryce, then what is
the number of baskets missed by Ben in these 8 years?

यनर्द बेि द्वारा बिाई गई टनकररयनों की सोंख्या ब्रायि द्वारा बिाई गई टनकररयनों की सोंख्या से
25% अनधक थी और बेि द्वारा नलए गए शॉट् स की कुल सोंख्या ब्रायस द्वारा ली गई
टनकररयनों की कुल सोंख्या से 20% कम है , तन इि 8 र्वर्षों में बेि द्वारा छऩिी गई टनकररयनों की
सोंख्या नकतिी है ?

A. 55
B. 45
C. 65
D. 35
E. None of these


1. C
2. B
3. E
4. D
5. B

Hint: In a Caselet DI always try to note the exact given values first and then
solve according to clues given that are related to these values (if any).

In this question direct values given are,

Shots taken by Brandon = 384

Shots taken by Bryce = (342*2) – 384 = 684-384 = 300

Shots taken by Brampton = 300-48 = 252

Shots missed the basket by Brampton = 252*83.33% = 210

(S) = shots that were a basket for Brampton = 252-210 = 42

Shots missed the basket by Brian = 294-210 = 84

Shots that hit the basket: Shots that missed the basket (for Brandon) = 5:7

So, 5u +7u = 384

12u = 384

1u = 32

So, shots that were a basket for Brandon = 5*32 = 160

& shots that missed the basket for Brandon = (R) = 7*32 = 224

Now, shots that were a basket for Brian = 224-68 = 156

Total shots by Brian = (P) = 156+84 = 240

(Q) % = [156/240] *100 = 65%

(T) = [384/240] = 1.6

Player Total Shots Baskets Made Baskets Missed

Brian 240 156 84

Brandon 384 160 224

Bryce 300 - -

Brampton 252 42 210

Q1. P: R = 240:224 = 15:14

Q2. Required % = [(84-42)/42]*100 = 100%

Q3. Baskets by Bryce = R + 16 = 224 + 36 = 240

Basket missed = 300-240 = 40

% missed = 40/300% = 13.33%

Q4. X2 – (2.5T) X -96 = 0

X2 – (2.5*1.6) X -96 = 0

X2 – 4X -96 = 0

(x-12) (x+8) = 0

X = 12, -8

Sum = 12+ (-8) = 4

Q5. Shots Taken by Ben = 300*0.80 = 240

Shots that were a basket by Ben = 156*1.25 = 195

So, Shots that were a Basket by Ben = 240-195 = 45



Directions: study the passage given below and answer the following questions.

Two sellers P and Q bought five different types of square sheets at different
prices. Following line graph represents data regarding discount given by these
sellers on marked price of different sheets and profit earned by them on
respective items. First line graph shows the profit earned (in rupees) and second
line graph represents discount given (in rupees) on each item. The Perimeter of
these square sheets represents the marked price of each sheet.

निर्दे श: िीचे नर्दए गए गद्ाों श का अध्ययि करें और निम्ननलखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर र्दें ।

र्दन नर्वक्रेताओों पी और क्यू िे अलग-अलग कीमतनों पर पाों च अलग-अलग प्रकार की

र्वगाड कार शीटें िरीर्दीों। निम्ननलखित लाइि ग्राफ इि नर्वक्रेताओों द्वारा नर्वनभन्न शीटनों के अोंनकत
मूल्य पर र्दी गई छूट और सोंबोंनधत र्वस्तुओों पर उिके द्वारा अनजडत लाभ के सोंबोंध में र्े टा
र्दशाड ता है । पहली पोंखि का ग्राफ़ अनजडत लाभ (रुपये में) कन र्दशाड ता है और र्दूसरी पोंखि का
ग्राफ़ प्रत्येक र्वस्तु पर र्दी गई छूट (रुपये में) कन र्दशाड ता है। इन वर्गाकगर शीट ों कग
पररमगप प्रत्येक शीट के अोंककत मूल्य क दशगातग है।
Profit (in rupees) [मुनगफग (रुपये में)]



200 200 220

190 190

150 150 Seller P

130 Seller Q
100 100



Discount (in rupees) [छूट (रुपये में)]


200 200
160 160
150 150
Seller P
120 120
Seller Q


Types of Ratio of Side of Difference between
Sheets Square Sheet sides of Square Sheets
of P & Q
(शीट् स के
[P और Q की वर्गाकगर
प्रकगर) [वर्गाकगर शीट की शीट ों की भुजगओों के बीच
भुजग कग अनुपगत अोंतर]

A 7:9 24

B 2:3 63

C 11:13 84

D 4:7 96

E 17:13 100

Q1. What is the difference between overall profit % earned by seller P on selling
sheets A and C together at no discount and overall profit % earned by him by
giving respective discounts on the same sheets?

नर्वक्रेता P द्वारा शीट A और C कन एक साथ नबिा नकसी छूट के बेचिे पर अनजडत कुल लाभ
% और उसी शीट पर सोंबोंनधत छूट र्दे कर अनजडत कुल लाभ % के बीच अोंतर क्या है ?

A. 19.64
B. 20.14
C. 24.54
D. 27.64
E. None of these

Q2. Cost price of all given sheets together for Seller P is (approximately) what
percent more/less than cost price of all sheets together of Seller Q ?

नर्वक्रेता P के नलए र्दी गई सभी शीटनों का लागत मूल्य (लगभग) नर्वक्रेता Q की सभी शीटनों के
लागत मूल्य से नकतिे प्रनतशत अनधक/कम है ?
A. 16% more
B. 15% more
C. 15 % less
D. 16% less
E. None of these

Q3. If length of sides of sheet D for Seller P and Q are decreased by 25% and
12.5% respectively, then what will be the difference between new selling prices of
Seller P and Q?

यनर्द नर्वक्रेता P और Q के नलए शीट D की भुजाओों की लोंबाई क्रमशः 25% और 12.5%

कम हन जाती है , तन नर्वक्रेता P और Q की िई नबक्री कीमतनों के बीच क्या अोंतर हनगा?

A. 400
B. 630
C. 340
D. 460
E. None of these

Q4. If seller P and Q allows an additional discount of Rs. 250 and Rs 260
respectively on sheet E, then new average cost price of sheet E for sellers P and Q
is (approximately) what percent of the average actual cost price of item E for
seller P and Q?

यनर्द नर्वक्रेता P और Q रुपये की अनतररि छूट की अिुमनत र्दे ता है । शीट E पर क्रमशः

250 और 260 रुपये हैं , तन नर्वक्रेता P और Q के नलए शीट E का िया औसत लागत मूल्य
नर्वक्रेता P और Q के नलए आइटम E के औसत र्वास्तनर्वक लागत मूल्य का (लगभग) नकतिा
प्रनतशत है ?

A. 58%
B. 68%
C. 48%
D. 78%
E. None of these
Q5. What is the ratio of the sum of the 3 highest cost prices of sheets of seller p to
the sum of the 3 lowest cost prices of seller Q?

नर्वक्रेता P की शीटनों की 3 उच्चतम लागत कीमतनों के यनग का नर्वक्रेता Q की 3 न्यूितम

लागत कीमतनों के यनग से अिुपात क्या है ?

A. 1420:541
B. 2940:1096
C. 1470:547
D. 2740:597
E. None of these


1. B
2. A
3. E
4. D
5. C

Formulas required in this DI set:

Perimeter of a square = 4*(Length of side)

Cost Price = Selling Price – Profit

Selling Price = Marked Price – Discount

Profit % = [(Selling Price – Cost Price)/Cost price] %

Discount % = [(Marked Price – Selling Price)/Marked price] %

For Sheet A:

Ratio of sides of P and Q = 7:9

Difference = 2u = 24

= 1u = 12

Side length for P = 7*12 = 84

for Q = 9*12 = 108

Perimeter (which is equal to marked price) for P = 4*84 = 336

for Q = 4*108 = 432

Selling Price for P = Marked Price – Discount = 336-120 = 216

Selling Price for Q = Marked Price – Discount = 432-150 = 282

Cost Price for P = Selling Price – Profit = 216-100 = 116

Cost Price for Q = Selling Price – Profit = 282-130 = 152

For Seller P

Types of Cost Price Selling Price Marked Price


A 116 216 336

B 184 334 504

C 1398 1648 1848

D 212 352 512

E 1330 1520 1700

For Seller Q

Types of Cost Price Selling Price Marked Price


A 152 282 432

B 436 636 756

C 1734 1954 2184

D 506 696 896

E 1030 1140 1300

Q1. For sheets A and C of seller P

When there is no discount then Marked Price is the Selling price

Total Selling Price without Discount = 336+1848 = 2184

Total Selling Price with Discount = 216+1648 = 1864

Total Cost Price = 116+1398 = 1514

Difference in Profit % = [(2184-1514)/1514] % - [(1864-1514)/1514] %

= 44.25-23.11 = 21.14

Q2. Total Cost price of all sheets of

P = 116+184+1398+212+1330 = 3240

Q = 152+436+1734+506+1030 = 3858

Required % = [(3858-3240)/3858]* 100 = 618*100/3858 = 16.01% = 16%

Q3. For sheet D

When length of side is decrease, new length for

P = 128*0.75 = 96

Q = 224*7/8 = 196

New marked price for P = 96*4 = 384, For Q = 196*4 = 784

New selling price for P = 384-160 = 224, for Q = 784-200 = 584

Required Difference = 584-224 = 360

Q4. Average of original cost price of sheet E for P and Q = (1330+1030)/2 = 2360/2

Average of new cost price of sheet E for P and Q = (1330-250+1030-260)/2 =


Required % = (1850/2) / (2360/2) = 185/236 = 78% (aprox)

Q5. Required ratio = (1330+1398+212) : (506+152+436) = 2940:1094 = 1470:547


Arithmetic Questions:


Quantity I: There is a leak in the bottom of the tank. This leak can empty a full
tank in 16 hours. When the tank is full, a tap is opened into the tank which intakes
water at rate of 30 L per hour and the tank is now emptied in 24 hours. What is
the capacity of the tank?

Quantity II: Two full tanks, one shaped like a cylinder and the other like a cone,
contain wine. The cylindrical tank holds 700 L of wine more than the conical tank.
After 300 L of wine is taken out from each tank, the cylindrical tank contains twice
the amount of wine in the conical tank. How many liters of wine did the cylindrical
tank have when it was full?

मात्रा I: टैं क के तल में ररसार्व है । यह ररसार्व एक भरे हुए टैं क कन 16 घोंटे में िाली कर
सकता है । जब टैं क भर जाता है , तन टैं क में एक िल िनला जाता है जन 30 लीटर प्रनत घोंटे
की र्दर से पािी लेता है और टैं क अब 24 घोंटे में िाली हन जाता है । टैं क की क्षमता क्या है ?

मात्रा II: र्दन भरे हुए टैं क, एक नसलेंर्र के आकार का और र्दूसरा शोंकु के आकार का,
नजसमें र्वाइि है । बेलिाकार टैं क में शोंक्वाकार टैं क की तुलिा में 700 लीटर अनधक र्वाइि
रिी जा सकती है । प्रत्येक टैं क से 300 लीटर र्वाइि निकालिे के बार्द, बेलिाकार टैं क में
शोंक्वाकार टैं क की तुलिा में र्दनगुिी र्वाइि हनती है । जब बेलिाकार टैं क भरा हुआ था तन
उसमें नकतिे लीटर र्वाइि थी?

A. Q1>Q2
B. Q1<Q2
C. Q1=Q2
D. Q1≥Q2
E. Q2≥Q1


Quantity I: Three friends P, Q and r start running around a circular track with
circumference 144 m at the same time from the same point. The respective
speeds of P, Q and R are 6, 9 and 18 metre per minute. After how much time will
they meet again at the same point for the first time?

Quantity II: A man can cover a certain distance in 3 hours 36 minutes if he walks
at the rate of 5 km/hr. If he covers the same distance on cycle at the rate of 24
km/hr, than the time taken by him in minutes is?

मात्रा I: तीि नमत्र P, Q और r एक ही समय में एक ही नबोंर्दु से 144 मीटर पररनध र्वाले एक
गनलाकार टर ै क के चारनों ओर र्दौ़ििा शुरू करते हैं । P, Q और R की क्रमशः गनत 6, 9 और
18 मीटर प्रनत नमिट है। नकतिे समय बार्द र्वे पहली बार उसी नबोंर्दु पर पुिः नमलेंगे?

मात्रा II: यनर्द एक आर्दमी 5 नकमी/घोंटा की गनत से चलता है तन र्वह 3 घोंटे 36 नमिट में एक
निनित र्दूरी तय कर सकता है । यनर्द र्वह समाि र्दूरी साइनकल पर 24 नकमी/घोंटा की गनत से
तय करता है , तन उसके द्वारा नलया गया समय नमिटनों में नकतिा है ?

A. Q1>Q2
B. Q1<Q2
C. Q1=Q2
D. Q1≥Q2
E. Q2≥Q1

Q3. A father invested Rs. 36000 in his son’s name, in a bank, 7 years ago when his
age was 5 times his son’s age. The present age of the father is 3 times the age of
son’s present age. If the rate of simple interest is 50% of his son’s present age,
then what is the interest accrued in the current year?
एक नपता िे रु. का निर्वेश नकया. 7 साल पहले, उसके बेटे के िाम पर 36000 रुपये बैंक में
थे, जब उसकी उम्र उसके बेटे की उम्र से 5 गुिा थी। नपता की र्वतडमाि आयु पुत्र की
र्वतडमाि आयु की 3 गुिा है । यनर्द साधारण ब्याज की र्दर उसके बेटे की र्वतडमाि आयु का
50% है , तन चालू र्वर्षड में अनजडत ब्याज नकतिा है ?

A. 12400
B. 13600
C. 12600
D. 13400
E. Cannot be determined

Q4. There are three events A, B and C, one of which is must and only one can
happen. The odds are 4 to 3 against A, 7 to 4 against B. Find the odds against C.

तीि घटिाएँ A, B और C हैं , नजिमें से एक अर्वश्य घनटत हनती है और केर्वल एक ही घनटत

हन सकती है । A के नर्वरुद्ध सोंभार्विा 4 से 3 है , B के नर्वरुद्ध सोंभार्विा 7 से 4 है । C के नर्वरुद्ध
सोंभार्विा ज्ञात कीनजए।

A. 10/77
B. 16/77
C. 12/77
D. 15/77
E. Cannot be determined

Q5. Given the Cost Price of two articles is the same. While one is sold at a profit of
20%, the other is sold for Rs. 110 more than the 1st. if overall profit is 25%, then
find the cost price of each article.

नर्दया गया है नक र्दन र्वस्तुओों का लागत मूल्य समाि है । एक कन 20% के लाभ पर बेचा
जाता है , जबनक र्दूसरे कन रु.1 से 110 ज्यार्दा. यनर्द कुल लाभ 25% है , तन प्रत्येक र्वस्तु का
लागत मूल्य ज्ञात करें ।
A. Rs. 1000
B. Rs. 1200
C. Rs. 1300
D. Rs. 1100
E. None of these


1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. D

Q1. Quantity I

1 hour of work of leak (without tap) = 1/16

1 hour of work of leak (with tap) = 1/24

1 hour of work of tap = 1/16 – 1/24 = 1/48

Hence, the tank can be filled by the tap in 48 hours

Capacity of tank = 48 * 30L = 1440L

Quantity II

Let the conical tank have ‘a’ L of wine

So, cylindrical tank will have = ‘a+700’


(a-300)*2 = (a+700-300)

2a – 600 = a + 400

A = 1000 L


Q2. Quantity I

Time taken to complete one round by:

P = 144/6 = 24 minutes

Q = 144/9 = 16 minutes

R = 144/18 = 8 minutes

So, required time = LCM of 24, 16 and 8 = 48 minutes

Quantity II

Distance covered in 3 hours and 36 minutes [3(3/5) hours] = 5 *18/5 = 18 km

So, time taken at 24 km/hr = [18/24] * 60 = 45 minutes


Q3. Let the Father’s present age be ‘F’ years and Son’s present age be ‘S’ years.

Now, given

F-7 = 5(S-7)

F - 5S = -28

3S – 5S = -28

S = 14

So, Rate of interest = 14 * 50% = 7%

Interest accrued after % years = 36000*5*7% = Rs. 12,600

Q4. Given

P(A) = 3/7 and P(B) = 4/11

We know, P(A) +P(B) + P(C) = 1

So, P(C) = 1 – [3/7]-[4/11] = 1-[61/77] = 16/77


Let the CP of each article be Rs ’x, then Total Sales

1.2x + [1.2x + 110] = 1.25(x+x)

2.4x + 110 = 2.5x

x = Rs. 1100

Quadratic Equations:

Q1. If product of zeroes of a quadratic equation is (-72) and sum of zeroes is (-1).
What is the quadratic equation?

A. X2 -x -72 = 0
B. x2 +2x – 72 = 0
C. x2 – 2x – 72 = 0
D. x2 + x -72 = 0
E. No such equation is possible

Q2. If product of zeroes of a quadratic equation is (23) and sum of zeroes is 120.
What is the quadratic equation?

A. x2 -23x -120 = 0
B. x2 +23x +120 = 0
C. x2 –23x +120 = 0
D. None of these
E. No such equation is possible

Q3. Solve both the equations and mark the correct option.

I. 21x – 55 = 85-7x
II. (y+194)1/2 – (64)1/2 = (36)1/2
A. x>y
B. x<y
C. x<= y
D. y<=x
E. x=y or no relation can be established

I. (x-18) = {(5x-36)/(x-10)}
II. y2 – 28y + 195 = 0

A. x>y
B. x<y
C. x≥y
D. x≤y
E. x=y or no relation can be established

I. 17𝑥 − 9𝑦 = 186
II. 15y + 13x = 324

A. x>y
B. x<y
C. x≥y
D. x≤y
E. x=y or no relation can be established

1. D
2. C
3. A
4. E
5. A


Q1.Sum of Zeroes = -1

Product of zeroes = -72

We know’

P(x) = x2 – (sum of zeroes) x +(product of zeroes) = 0

Only option D satisfies P(x)

Q2. Similar to the concept in question 1, we can say

Only option C fits.


Eq 1: 21x – 55 = 85-7x

28x = 140


Eq 2: (y+194)1/2 – (64)1/2 = (36)1/2

(y+194)1/2 = 6+8 = 14

(y+194) = 196


Q4. X= 24, 9

Y= 13, 15
So, no relation can be established

Q5. X= 951/62
Y= 515/62
So, 𝑥 > 𝑦

Number Series
Q1. What will come in place of ‘?’ in the given number series if value of Z is 54?

Z-4, Z+6, 1.5Z-6, 1.5Z+14, (?)

A. 115
B. 110
C. 120
D. 125
E. 70

Q2. A series is 21, 41, 71, 113, 169, 241

If another series 63, (a), (p), (z), (r), 283 follows the same pattern as the above
given series, them which of the following statements is /are correct?

A. Value of p = 113
B. Value of r = 292
C. [(63+a)*0.5] + 40 = p
D. Both A and C
E. All A,B and C

Q3. Solve the question given below based on the series given below.
32, 80, 200, 500, 1250
48828.125 is the nth term of this series.
Find ‘n’.
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. 12
E. 20

Q. Three series are given below which follow different patterns. Find the missing
values of all the three series and answer the questions that follow.

Series I: 18, 28, 40, 56, 80, X

Series II: 92, 85, 172,181, 284, Y

Series III: 29, 67, 125, 223, 354, Z

Q4. If another series that follows the same pattern as Series I starts with 32, what
will be the sum of the 1st five terms of that series?

A. 426
B. 336
C. 546
D. 656
E. No such series is possible

Q5. What is the difference between sum of Z and Y and sum of Y and X?

A. 425
B. 405
C. 415
D. 305
E. 315

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. B



Z-4 = 50

Z+6 = 60

1.5Z-6 = 75

1.5Z+14 = 95

Pattern formed:

50+10 = 60

60+15 =75

75+20 = 95

95+25 = 120

Q2. We call the pattern seen in this series as FIP (Frequently used pattern) as it is
one of the most asked pattern in banking exams, i.e. Difference between terms
follows the pattern of product of consecutive integers.

21 + (4*5) = 41
41 + (5*6) = 71

71 + (6*7) = 113

113 + (7*8) = 169

169 + (8*9) = 241

Similarly, the new formed series will be

63, 83(a), 113(p), 155(z), 211(r), 283

Only option A & C are correct as

[(63+83)*0.5]+40 = 73+40 = 113

Q3. The pattern followed here is:

32*2.5 = 80

80*2.5 = 200

200*2.5 = 500

Doing so we will see, the 9th term is = 19531.25 * 2.5 = 48828.125


Series I:

18 × 2 – 8 = 28

28 × 2 – 16 = 40

40 × 2 – 24 = 56

56 × 2 – 32 = 80

80 × 2 – 40 = 120 (X)
Series II:

8² + 28 = 92

10² – 15 = 85

12² + 28 = 172

14² – 15 = 181

16² + 28 = 284

18² – 15 = 309 (Y)

Series III:

3³ + 2 = 29

4³ + 3 = 67

5³ + 5 = 125

6³ + 7 = 223

7³ + 11 = 354

8³ + 13 = 525 (Z)

Q4. A series that follows the pattern of series I starting with 32 will be

32, 56, 96, 168, 304

Sum of 1st five terms = 656

Q5. (Z+Y) – (Y+X) = Z – X = 525-120 = 405

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