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Name: Adizas, Regine T.

Course & Section: BSED-MATH 2A

Instructor: John Niño Pallan

LESSON 1: Basic Concepts and Principles in Assessing Learning


Let us check what ideas you have acquired about the basic concepts and principles in assessing

1.What is assessment in learning?

Assessment in learning refers to the process of gathering information or evidence about the
progress and achievements of students’ learning. It helps educators in evaluating whether students have
met the learning objectives and goals set for them. Assessment can take various forms, such as tests,
quizzes, projects, presentations, or observations. The primary purpose of assessment is to measure
students’ understanding, skills, and knowledge acquisition. It also provides valuable feedback to both
students and teachers, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and guide future learning.
Effective assessment practices promote active engagement, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding
of the subject matter, fostering student growth and development.

2. How similar or different is assessment from measurement, evaluation, testing, and grading?

Assessment, measurement, evaluation, testing, and grading are all interconnected, yet distinct
terms in the field of education. While they share similarities, they also have fundamental differences.
Assessment refers to the gathering of information to make informed judgments about students’ learning
progress. Measurement involves establishing a numerical representation of a student’s performance or
ability. Evaluation involves making an informed judgment based on assessment data. Testing presents a
structured set of questions to measure knowledge or skills. Grading, on the other hand, assigns symbols
or ratings to indicate student performance. These terms are related but encompass different aspects of
educational assessment.

3.What is the main difference between classical test theory and item-response theory?

Classical test theory and item-response theory are two widely used approaches in assessment. The
main difference between them lies in the way they measure and interpret test results. Classical test
theory focuses on the overall performance of test takers, providing a single score for each individual. In
contrast, item-response theory considers the response to each specific test item, allowing for a more
detailed analysis of test takers’ abilities and assessing the quality and difficulty of individual test items.

4.What are the different types of assessment?

Assessments are methods used to measure a person’s knowledge, skills, or abilities. There are
various types of assessments that serve different purposes. The first type is a formative assessment,
which is used to gather feedback during the learning process to improve understanding. Next, there are
summative assessments that evaluate a learner’s overall performance at the end of a learning period.
Next, diagnostic assessments used to identify areas of weakness, Placement Assessment which is usually
done at the beginning of the school year to determine what the learners already know or what are their
needs that could inform design of instruction, Traditional Assessment which refers to the use of
conventional strategies or tools to provide information about the learning of students, and Authentic
Assessment which refers to the use of assessment strategies or tools that allow learners to perform or
create a product that are meaningful to the learners, as they are based on real-world contexts. Each
assessment type has a unique role and contributes to a well-rounded evaluation of an individual.

5.Give three core principles in assessing learning.

Assessing learning is an essential component of the educational process, as it allows educators to

gauge the progress and understanding of students. The core principles to consider when assessing
learning includes assessment must be comprehensive and holistic. Assessment should be performed
using a variety of strategies and tools designed to assess student learning in a holistic way. Next,
assessment requires the use of appropriate measures. For assessment to be valid, the assessment tools
or measures used must have sound psychometric properties, including, but not limited to, validity and
reliability. And assessment should be as authentic as possible. Assessment tasks or activities should
closely, if not fully, approximate real-life situations or experiences. These principles contribute to fair and
meaningful assessments that promote genuine learning and growth.

To determine whether you have acquired the needed information about the basic concepts and
principles in assessment, use the space provided to draw a metaphor (ie, any object, thing, or action
you could liken assessment to) that will visually illustrate what is assessment in learning. Everyone will
share and discuss the metaphors they have drawn in class.

If I were to visually illustrate assessment in learning, I would liken it to a puzzle. Assessment is like a
puzzle piece that fits into the larger picture of a student's learning journey. Each assessment represents a
piece of the puzzle, contributing to the overall understanding and growth of the student. As students
complete assessments, they gradually piece together their knowledge and skills, forming a complete and
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Based on the lessons on the basic concepts and principles in assessment in learning, select five
core principles in assessing learning and explain them in relation to your experience with a previous or
current teacher in one of your courses/subjects.

Principle Illustration of Practice

1. Assessment is learner-centered. In my Math class, the teacher embraced the

“Assessment is learner-centered” principle.
Rather than just grading us on our final answers,
she assessed our understanding by evaluating
our problem-solving process. This approach
allowed her to identify where we struggled and
provide targeted feedback, making the learning
experience more personalized and effective.
2. Assessment should be as authentic as possible. In my Math class, our teacher applied the
“Assessment should be as authentic as possible”
principle. Instead of traditional exams, we were
given real-life problems to solve, like budgeting
for a trip or calculating the area needed for a
garden. This approach made the subject more
relatable and allowed us to apply what we
learned in a practical context, making the
learning experience more meaningful and
3. Assessment is not an end in itself. In my Math class, our teacher embodied the
principle “Assessment is not an end in itself”.
Tests were not just about grades, but tools for
improvement. After each test, we had review
sessions where we discussed mistakes and
misconceptions. This approach shifted the focus
from simply passing to understanding and
learning, making the assessments a part of the
learning process, not just an endpoint.
4.Assessment must be comprehensive and In my Math class, our teacher practiced the
holistic. “Assessment must be comprehensive and
holistic” principle. Instead of solely relying on
tests, she used a variety of assessment strategies
like projects, class participation, and group work.
This allowed her to evaluate not just our
mathematical skills, but also our problem-solving
abilities, collaboration, and creativity. This
comprehensive approach provided a more
complete picture of our learning, making the
assessment more holistic and meaningful.
5.Assessment requires the use of appropriate In my Math class, our teacher adhered to the
measures. principle that “Assessment requires the use of
appropriate measures”. She employed a variety
of assessment methods, such as quizzes,
problem-solving tasks, and practical applications,
to gauge our understanding and progress. By
using diverse measures, she ensured that our
assessment aligned with the specific learning
objectives and provided a comprehensive
evaluation of our mathematical skills. This
approach allowed for a more accurate and
meaningful assessment of our learning in math.

Prepare a plan on how you will conduct assessment based on the core principles you have
learned. Refer to the K to 12 curriculums in identifying the competencies targeted by instruction and
how you intend to assess your future students while following the principles in assessing learning.

Plan for Applying the Principles in your

Principle Classroom Assessment

1.Assessment should have a clear purpose. I will define clear objectives, utilize diverse
assessment methods, communicate the purpose
to my students, provide timely feedback, reflect
on results for instructional improvement, and
ensure fairness and inclusivity in my
2.Assessment is not an end in itself. I view assessments as tools for improvement
rather than just grades. I will use assessments to
identify areas of growth, provide constructive
feedback, and guide students towards
continuous learning and development.
3.Assessment is an ongoing, continuous, and I will regularly assess student progress
formative process. throughout the learning journey, using various
formative assessment strategies to provide
timely feedback and guide instructional
decisions. This approach ensures that students
have ample opportunities for growth and
4.Assessment is learner-centered. I will prioritize understanding each student’s
unique needs, strengths, and learning styles. By
tailoring assessments to individual learners, I
can effectively evaluate their progress, provide
personalized feedback, and create a supportive
and engaging learning environment that fosters
their growth and success.
5.Assessment is both process-and product- I will first identify the competencies targeted by
oriented. my instruction. I will then design a combination
of formative assessments to monitor students’
progress throughout the learning process and
summative assessments to evaluate their final
product/outcome. I will provide timely feedback
to support their learning journey.
6. Assessment must be comprehensive and I will design assessments that cover academic
holistic. and non-academic areas, using a range of
assessment modes such as written tasks and
performance-based assessments. I will focus on
the whole child’s development and provide a
supportive learning environment.
7. Assessment requires the use of appropriate To ensure effective assessment, I believe in
measures. using appropriate measures. This means
selecting assessment methods and tools that
align with the learning objectives and
competencies. Measures should be valid,
reliable, fair, and unbiased, providing accurate
insights into students’ knowledge and skills.
8.Assessment should be as authentic as possible. I will design tasks that reflect real-world
situations and require practical application of
knowledge and skills. I can better assess
students’ abilities and prepare them for real-life
challenges. Authentic assessments allow
students to demonstrate their learning in
meaningful and relevant ways.

Part 1. Evaluate the assessment plan matrix that you have developed using the following checklist.


✓ 1 I understood what each of the principles mean.
✓ 2 I was able to provide an answer (plan or strategy
in assessment) to each of the principles given.
✓ 3 I was able to make a plan or strategy for
assessment that correctly matches and addresses
each principle.
✓ 4 I was able to answer the matrix by applying what
I have learned about the basic concepts of
assessment in learning.
✓ 5 I was able to answer the matrix by applying what
I have learned about the basic concepts of
assessment in learning.

Part 2.For each item, circle the option that corresponds to what you think is the best answer.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about measurement and evaluation?

A. Measurement and evaluation involve collection of information.

B. Measurement and evaluation are part of the assessment process.

C. Measurement and evaluation require the use of tests.

D. Measurement and evaluation are similar processes.

2. Which of the following assessment tasks is the LEAST AUTHENTIC?

A. essay test

B. Field demonstration

C. multiple-choice test

D. research project

3. Assessment is not about what the teacher does but what the learner can do. This statement is most
reflective of which principle of assessment?

A. Assessment should be as authentic as much as possible.

B. Assessment should have a clear purpose.

C. Assessment is not an end in itself.

D. Assessment is learner-centered.

4. Which of the following statements about assessment is NOT TRUE?

A. Assessment is systematic and purpose-oriented.

B. The word assessment is rooted in the Latin word assidere.

C. A test is a form of assessment, but not all assessments use test or testing.

D. Assessment is the process of assigning a numerical score to the performance of a student.

5. Assessment should have a clear purpose. If you are already a classroom teacher, how would you best
demonstrate or practice this assessment principle?

A. Discuss with the class the grading system and your expectations of your students’ performance.

B. When giving tests, the purpose of each test is provided in the first page of the test paper.
C. Explain during the first day of classes your assessment techniques and your reasons for their use.

D. When deciding on an assessment task, its match and consistency with instructional objectives and
learning targets are ascertained.


1.Examine the assessment plan you developed. Are you satisfied with it?

I developed my assessment plan by applying the different principles in assessing learning, and I am
pleased with the results. The plan incorporated comprehensive and holistic assessments, utilizing
appropriate measures to accurately evaluate students’ progress. The assessments were designed to be
as authentic as possible, providing meaningful and relevant tasks. The assessment plan effectively
captured students’ knowledge and skills, meeting my satisfaction.

2.Is there something you want to change or improve in the assessment plan? Why?

Yes. While the plan incorporates the principles of assessing learning, I believe there is room for
improvement. Specifically, I would like to explore additional authentic assessment methods to further
enhance students’ engagement and real-world application of knowledge. Continuous improvement
ensures that our assessment practices align with evolving educational needs.

3.Which among the principles did you find easy to illustrate in the way that you planned your
assessment? Why?

The principles I found easy to illustrate in the way I planned my assessment, is “Assessment should
be as authentic as possible.” This principle was easy to incorporate because I believe in the value of real-
world application and meaningful tasks. By designing assessments that reflect authentic situations,
students are motivated to showcase their skills and knowledge in practical ways, enhancing their
learning experience.

4.Which among the principles did you find difficult to illustrate in the way that you planned your
assessment? Why?

The principles I found difficult to illustrate in the way I planned my assessment, is “Assessment must
be comprehensive and holistic.” It was challenging to fully incorporate this principle because of the time
constraints and limited resources available. While I aimed for a well-rounded assessment, I had to
prioritize certain aspects and make compromises. However, I still strived to capture a broad range of
student abilities and provide a fair evaluation.

5.How did the activity help you understand assessment of learning?

The activity of developing an assessment plan by applying the different principles in assessing
learning helped me understand assessment by actively engaging with the principles and applying them
in a practical context. It deepened my understanding of how to design comprehensive assessments and
encouraged critical thinking and reflection on assessment practices. This experience equipped me with
the skills to create effective assessments in the future.

Evaluate the extent of your knowledge and understanding about assessment of learning and its


1.I can define assessment. ✓
2.I can explain the meaning of assessment in learning. ✓
3.I can compare and contrast assessment with measurement ✓
and evaluation.
4.I can compare and contrast assessment with testing and ✓
5.I can enumerate the different types of assessment. ✓
6.I can differentiate between classical test theory and item ✓
response theory.
7.I can explain what each of the principles of assessment ✓
8.I can give examples of assessment tasks or activities that ✓
conform with one or more core principle in assessment.
9.I can give examples of assessment tasks or activities that do ✓
not conform with one or more of the core principles in
10.I understand what it means to have good assessment ✓
practices in the classroom.

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