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Text:throw away the trash in its place

Issue Introduction:

Waste is quite a disturbing issue in Indonesia. It feels like there is still too
much small trash scattered around us. Sometimes many people underestimate small
waste without knowing the impact it will have. No matter how small, trash is trash.

Series of Arguments:

The trash we throw anywhere will not disappear by itself. Especially if the waste
is inorganic waste or waste that cannot be broken down by the soil. However, that
doesn't mean we can throw organic waste anywhere. Decomposed waste still won't
disappear instantly. Throwing rubbish anywhere still carries the risk of inviting
unwanted diseases.

Not to mention the direct impact that makes us uncomfortable. The smell will reach
our noses as well as those who throw it away. Before complaining, complain about
yourself for not throwing the trash in the right place.

Invitation Statement:

Therefore, throw away rubbish in the right place. As simple as that, various
negative impacts will be avoided. Appreciate the people who have contributed to
maintaining cleanliness. They wake up and work much earlier than us, cold,
exhausted, because of our littering.


Respecting them is the same as respecting ourselves because when we throw rubbish
carelessly, we will become dirty individuals like the rubbish itself. Let's throw
rubbish in the right place and keep it clean.

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