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Whether the complex is a single entity or a group of small complexes ?

Conclusion on site :
• Enclosed within a conceptual perimeter, the site
comprises a variety of structures that are integral
components of a naturopathy complex. All these
structures are meticulously built using
Reinforced Concrete (R.C.C.) and possess
distinct demarcations, yet collectively, they
constitute an interconnected complex situated at
the heart of the site.
• The deliberately elevated plinths serve the
purpose of accommodating the site's
susceptibility to heavy rainfall. These raised
platforms are a strategic design choice to
effectively manage and navigate the challenges
posed by the natural topography and climatic
• Moreover, the layout of the site is designed with
user-friendly zoning, ensuring that the various
zones are conveniently accessible. This
thoughtful zoning enhances the overall
Figure 1 Satellite View of Patanjali wellness cenrter (Source - Google Maps)S
functionality of the complex by providing easy
and efficient access to the different areas deemed
Yog Bhavan Treatment Building
essential for the users. The integration of these
Staff Accommodation Factory
elements contributes to the holistic design
Hall with O.P.D, Admin, Mega Store
Patients accommodation
Outlet and Patients Canteen approach of the naturopathy complex,
Bird Sanctuary Canteen for staff Patients and Family emphasizing both structural resilience and user
convenience within the designated boundaries.
Observation about the entrance ?

Conclusion :
• There are 2 entrances to the site-
• The first entrance is the main
parking area followed by the
Registrations and O.P.D. building
which also consist of a megastore
and patients canteen.
• Proving direct access to the main
building helps in easy flow of users
who will be only visiting the O.P.D.
and megastore as they can leave
without entering the whole complex.
• The second entrance is a 6m main
road (public road) going across the
complex which branches further and
connects to the various structures
which becomes an easy access for
the service and staff as they will not
be required to travel via the O.P.D.
building public area.

Figure 2 Satellite View of Patanjali wellness cenrter (Source - Google Maps)S

Purpose of buildings in the entire complex?
Conclusion (Registrations & OPD building) :
• The registration and O.P.D. building is visible form
the main entrance.
• The structure has a well defined drop off point and
high plinth (due to underground floor present )
which helps in glorifying the entrance to the structure
and making it easily visible.
• Being a dedicated naturopathy complex the
registration with O.P.D. center building being the first
and foremost when entering is the need of the project
which can be taken into consideration when planning
his/her own zoning.
• The office area is also included in the backside of the
Figure 3 O.P.D & Registration Main Building

Conclusion (Accommodations) :

• The different accommodation buildings are the tallest

structures in the complex with its location being
nearby their generally required working spaces for
easy travel.
• Walking distance for the staff residents to the O.P.D.
center is longer and could have been shortened if the
zone was switched with the bird sanctuary.

Figure 4 Patients accommodation

Conclusion (Yog Bhavan) :

• Yog Bhavan stands out as the largest structure in

terms of occupied space within the complex.
Positioned strategically, it serves as a central hub
easily accessible from all nearby structures,
making it a pivotal and extensively utilized
component of the complex.
• This significant edifice has been purposefully
designed with multiple entrances to facilitate the
seamless flow of people. Capable of
accommodating up to 1000 individuals
simultaneously, Yog Bhavan is a crucial space
within the complex, attuned to the high demand it
experiences. Moreover, it is equipped with
essential mechanical ventilators, ensuring a
conducive and well-ventilated environment to
meet the needs of its considerable capacity. The
thoughtful design and functionality of Yog Bhavan
underscore its pivotal role in enhancing the overall
efficiency and accessibility of the complex.

Figure 5&6 Yog Bhavan

Conclusion (Treatment center) :

• On the ground floor, individuals can access

naturopathy treatments, while the first floor is
dedicated to providing panch karma treatments, and
the second floor is specifically designated for
emergency patient care. This zoning is meticulously
arranged based on the nature of services and the
sequential order of treatments.
• Despite adhering to the necessary treatment block
capacity requirements, the internal subdivision of
these zones into more specialized therapies has
unintentionally led to a maze-like layout.
• This labyrinthine arrangement is a result of cubicles
formed by partitions, contributing to a complex and
intricate spatial structure.
• Regrettably, the intricate design compromises easy
entry of natural light and ventilation throughout the
• Despite the inclusion of multiple windows, the
internal configuration obstructs the seamless flow of
natural elements, impacting the overall ambience and
potentially diminishing the therapeutic environment
intended for the well-being of patients.

Figure 7&8 Treatment center

Conclusion (Landscape) :

• The gardens did not have anti skid tiles which may
lead to accidents whenever the tiles are left wet.
• Ample amount of landscaping was provided for
every zone so that the patients can feel the warmth
of nature.
• Approximately every structure has a 50 percent
counter green space maintained and thus harmony
is maintained.

Figure 9 Yog Bhavan Landscaping

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