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I. Watch discovering your life true calling by luu sabrina

Based on the Video What is ourlives true calling?

Our true calling as individuals is determined by the decisions we make now and for the
future. Life is about development and process; it's only a series of unavoidable and
spontaneous changes.We compose the story that will live on in our memories for the
future every day. We take on new risks and difficulties because without risk, there
wouldn't be a story to tell.
It leads us to two conclusions: either we succeed or we fail. If we succeed, we can
inspire many others, including the kids you will work with in the classroom. Making a
risky decision is difficult at first, but with time, we will come to appreciate that decision.

How can you apply that in your calling to teach?

Lou Sabrina once said, "Teaching is not about the teacher; it is about the children that
you will teach." Reading this, I came to the realization that it is true—teaching is about
imparting knowledge and showing patience to every student you will come into contact
with. If you want to become a teacher, you should be knowledgeable, consistent, and
devoted to your chosen field.

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