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Different Types Of Expository Essays

Writing an essay on the various types of expository essays can be quite challenging, as it requires a
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. First and foremost, delving into the intricacies of
different expository essay types demands a thorough exploration of each category, such as
descriptive, process, comparison, and cause-and-effect essays.

Crafting a well-informed essay on this topic involves meticulous research to gather accurate
information and examples for each type. Each category needs to be dissected and presented with
clarity, ensuring that the distinctions between them are effectively communicated. This demands not
only a deep comprehension of the characteristics of each type but also the ability to articulate these
differences in a coherent and engaging manner.

Moreover, addressing the purpose and audience for each type of expository essay adds another layer
of complexity to the writing process. Clearly defining the objectives and tailoring the content to suit
the expectations of the intended audience is crucial for a successful essay. This requires a skillful
blend of analytical thinking and effective communication.

Additionally, providing relevant examples and illustrations to support the explanations can be
challenging, as it necessitates a keen eye for detail and the ability to choose examples that resonate
with the reader. Ensuring a seamless flow between different sections of the essay while maintaining a
coherent overall structure is also a key aspect that demands careful consideration.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of different types of expository essays is a demanding
task that requires a combination of in-depth knowledge, analytical skills, and effective
communication. It involves navigating through the nuances of each essay type, addressing the
specific purposes and audiences, and weaving together a cohesive narrative with compelling
examples. However, for those seeking assistance or looking to delegate such tasks, there are services
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Different Types Of Expository Essays Different Types Of Expository Essays
Allergies Research Paper
It is reported that some people characterize allergies as an immunity, gone wrong
because they do not have the protective antibodies a normal person would carry if
exposed to an allergen. The best way to overcome histamine is to avoid complete contact
with the allergen (6). There is no official cure for histamine. However, people take
medications to block the action of histamine, known as antihistamines. They control or
inhibit allergysymptoms caused by foreign pathogens. Allergic reactions are reduced or
stopped when antihistamine bind to the histamine receptors, therefore preventing
histamine from connecting with those receptors (2). The history of antihistamines dates
back to the 1930s when a notable researcher and professor studied drug... Show more
content on ...
It is the sixth leading cause of chronic illness that costs an immense $18 billion every
year (11). In 2010, there were approximately 16 million visits to the doctor s office and
an approximate $17.5 billion were spent on health costs for Americans with inflamed
nasal cavities. Allergies caused by food consumption cost approximately $25 billion
each year. An estimation of more than 6 million work and school days were missed
(1). Allergies have hindered the lives of many Americans. In addition, skin and blood
testing for allergies are very expensive and health insurance may or may not pay for
them. People who also struggle financially often lack health care or are on bare
minimum coverage plans. A skin allergy test may cost up to $300 and a blood test may
range from $200 to $1,000 per allergen tested (12). However, people have found relief
without a prescription by purchasing affordable and generic over the counter medicine.
When looking at costs, there is a stark contrast between the pricing of generic drugs
versus brand name. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), generic drugs cost approximately 80 to 85 percent less than the brand name
products. By using FDA approved generics, Americans saved $158 billion in the year or
$3 billion a week in 2010
Theme Of Friendship In The Killer Angels
The Killer Angels displays many of the important themes that occurred during the
Battle of Gettysburg, some of which including bravery, leadership, and, most of all,
friendship. This theme of friendship is represented in many of the characters of this
book, and some of these friendships were divided by ranks and, in the case of
Armistead and Hancock, by countries. But even with the fighting, true friendship is
able to come out of the mess. Two pairs of men that show this friendship are
Chamberlain and Kilrain along with Lee and Longstreet. Chamberlain and Kilrain are a
perfect example of friendship in the war because, even though they were separated by
age and rank, they both looked out for each other and looked for each other s side of
things.... Show more content on ...
You could compare their friendship to that of comrades in school who would share
information with each other. However, these two argued multiple times in the book,
which affected not only their lives in the book but the lives of many soldiers. They
argued because of their many different view: Longstreet wanted to take a defensive
approach while Lee wanted to go on the offensive and Longstreet wanted to court
martial Stuart while Lee did not want to (pg. 189; Would you do it? Court martial
Stuart? Yes, I would. Seriously? Or are you just talking? Longstreet though a moment.
Lee wouldn t. Lee won t. ). While these differing views did help each other to come to
agreements, their arguments, especially the one on the third day about Lee s strategy,
do not really get anywhere because of Lee s stubbornness (pg. 286; General,
Longstreet said slowly, it is my considered opinion that a frontal assault here would be
a disaster. Lee turned, frowned, the dark eyes flared for a moment. ). Even if they
argued a lot, that did not ruin their friendship. Longstreet was not like many of the
soldiers who looked at Lee like God on earth; he saw him as the old man that he really
was. With this, Longstreet worried a lot about him because he knew he was not in good
John Milton s Paradise Lost
In the epic, Paradise Lost, John Milton s, characters dramatically establish theme.
Milton tells the story of Adam and Eve, as well as the story of Satan s rebellion against
God. Milton emphasizes the major theme of Man s disobedience through his
representation of Adam and Eve and also partly through the interactions between Satan
and God. Man s disobedience in Paradise Lost, is defined by Sin. The word Sin is
defined as the act of going against the law of God. In the epic, Adam, Eve, Satan and
God perfectly set up the theme, while propelling the story along. Every action of the
characters has the purpose of propelling the story forward. In this case God effects
Satan; which, leads to Satan affecting Eve, which results in the climatic fall of Adam,
who is the final sinner in the epic. Milton successfully links each character through
action and reaction, to carry out his main trust for writing this epic, which is to
emphasize the first offenders of man s obedience towards God by way of sin.
Satan and his interactions with God partially reveal the overall theme of the epic. Satan
is viewed as sinful, devious, the king of hell, the devil, and a Demon. Ironically, as bad
as Satan may seem, he originated out in heaven. Satan gained his negative titles because
of the evil actions he planned out in heaven. John Milton begins his epic by stating Of
Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit
Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,
A Diverse Workforce
The problem iNOVA does not have a diverse workforce. Of the 103 employees, 78 of
the employees are male. 89 of the 103 are white. (INOVA REPORT) There are a
number of reasons why this could have happened. In smaller companies like iNOVA,
many new employees are friends or associates of current employees who have been
recommended. (Miller) People often associate with those similar to themselves, so
those who they recommend will be like themselves, creating a homogenous
environment. Likewise, it has been proven that hiring managers tend to hire people
that they themselves get along with on a personal level rather than their
qualifications. (Miller) People who are different and may bring diversity to a
workplace are thus overlooked by managers in favor of those who the hiring staff
relate to because they share similar interests or backgrounds. Oftentimes ethnicity also
plays a role in human bias. A study from the National Bureau of Economic Research
shows that having a white sounding name can lead to as many job offers as someone
with an African American sounding name who possesses an additional eight years of
research. (Francis) Regardless of whether this bias is conscious or not, it has a negative
impact upon companies that lack diversity (such as ourselves) as we are often missing
out on much more qualified and talented candidates due to human bias when hiring.
Benefits of Diversity Besides improving a company s social perception, there are many
proven benefits to a
Auditing Case Essay
Keith Parkinson 2/3/15 Auditing Case 1: Merry Go Round Merry Go Round (MGR)
is a clothing retailer that was founded in 1968. The company s locations were in malls
that targeted the youth and teen market. In the late 1980s, the company was listed by
Forbes magazine as one of the top 25 companies. By the early 1990s, sales fell due to
stiff competition from other retailers. Facing bankruptcy, the company hired
turnaround specialists from Ernst and Young (E amp;Y) to help overcome the
financial crisis. However, the company filed for Chapter 11 reorganization and due to
that a group of 9,000 creditors filed a lawsuit against E amp;Y saying they were the main
reason for MGR s decline. First of all, E amp;Y violated GAAS first standard... Show
more content on ...
Overall, I just think having a set of standards would keep a professional manner.
Finally, we need to know if E amp;Y acted ethically throughout this engagement. E
amp;Y had a close relationship with Rouse Co., one of MGR s landlords. E amp;Y
was soliciting business from Rouse and provided significant tax services. Also,
Swidler and E amp;Y had participated in at least 12 different business arrangements,
some of which resulted in Swidler receiving significant fees from E amp;Y.I think
these relationships had a direct affect on E amp;Y s advice to MGR. I think E amp;Y
acted unethically because they didn t keep independent which is a violation of
GAAS. I think it was clearly unethical on E amp;Y s part because they didn t disclose
any of this information with MGR. So, I purposely think E amp;Y worked together
with Swidler to increase the fees because Swidler was the one that referred MGR to E
amp;Y. To conclude, consulting advisors for E amp;Y could have conducted business
with MGR in a more of a professional manner, especially when disclosing relationships. I
also think MGR could have done a better job and looked into E amp;Y first before hiring
them. In the end, I think E amp;Y was more at fault just because they were unethical
about the entire situation and purposely hid information trying to help them
The Middle Range Theory Of Acute Pain Management
The middle range theories consist of two more concepts, and these concepts are concrete
and operationally explained. The hypothesis from middle range theories is testable.
These theories are specific to the problem (McEwen, . Wills, 2014). The middle range
theory of Acute Pain Management by Good and Moore established in1996 used in the
management of acute and chronic pain.
Marion Good is working as an Associate Professor of Nursing at, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, Ohio. She conducted many researches in nursing. She is very
much involved in Nursing theories and Nursing Research. She conducted research on
patient teaching for different therapies for pain management. The first research she did
about pain management and ... Show more content on ...
There are several journals published by Moore. She published numerous journals in
nursing. The significant one is journal of AIDS Clinical Research, a multi Level family
and school intervention targeting obesity in urban youth. Weight management
intervention in stroke survivors: rationale and research protocol, journal of Medical
Internet Research. She provides unavoidable inputs to nursing profession by her
relevance in reseach and her significant publications in nursing. (
Acute pain management theory pain is the usual cause for persons to look for treatment.
Inadequate pain management can cause delay in healing process. It can also leads to
prolonged hospital stay. The acute pain management theory describe how nurse can
manage pain with minimal effects from the pharmacological interventions and use of
alternative methods of pain management (Good Moore, 1996) The main factors are in the
management of pain are Pharmacological, non pharmacological, patient participation,
education and different interventions. Effective pain management involves the
application of non pharmacological interventions and usage of pain medications.
(McEwen Willis, 2014). The pain management theory deals with management of pain in
daily basis. It offers the knowledge about alternate methods in pain
Bella In Wych Elma Case Study
Jaedi S. Mcmullins
Ms. Kendrick
Criminal justice
Who Put Bella In Wych Elm? There are many infamous unsolved mysteries throughout
time, and some investigations span decades. A few mysteries include D.B. Cooper, Jack
the ripper, and the unknown assailant of J.F.K., but none of these mysteries compare to
the mystery surrounding the Hagley Woods murder and the conspiracies surrounding it.
The case of a woman who met a grisly demise has inspired the locals to persist in
figuring out who killed the woman whose body was never claimed. One must begin by
understanding the facts of the case before coming to their own conclusion or theory,
though. So what happened to her? It is known that on April 18, 1943,in Worcestershire,
England, four boys, Bob Farmer, Robert Hart, Thomas Willetts, and Fred Payne, had
found a human skull in an elm tree while trespassing. The four boys, teenagers at the
time, had a hobby in bird nesting, so as the smallest of the group, Bob Farmer, scaled
the tree to gaze in the hollow elm, ... Show more content on ...
He stated that 20 months prior to the discovery of the woman, he was on his way
home when he and a school teacher had heard a female shrieking in the Hagley woods,
though, at the time, no one was found. By christmas of 1943, graffiti appeared on the
walls of the area stating: WHO PUT LUEBELLA DOWN THE WYCH ELM? in
white chalk. In the weeks following, Luebella was shortened to Bella , and has
persisted for more than three score. [1] Anthropologist Margaret Murray became
intrigued in the case and linked the circumstances of it to an occult ritual known as the
Hand of Glory , which began the theory of the murder being a ritualistic killing. With
this theory in mind, the media went wild, especially since a man by the name of
Charles Walton was found secured to the ground beneath him with a pitchfork in a local
village. Professor Murray seemed to believe the two of these incidents to be correlated.

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