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Mantaining good health

It is often argued that nowadays, it’s easier to maintain good health

than it was in the past. This essay agrees with this statement. I believe
that in our days living a healthy life is by far easier than it ever was, and
things are getting better and better year-by-year.

Medical equipment and technology, as well as hospitals, have

evolved a lot, especially in the last 2 decades and we can say the same
thing about the level of everybody’s knowledge. Because of this, people
who care about their health and well-being, usually go once or twice a
year to consult doctors and see if they have got any type of diseases
and prevent them. I can give my grandmother as an example of this.
Years ago she happened to confront with cancer, and because the
doctor saw it at the perfect time she happily got rid of it after surgery
and she is living her life now pretty well after about 15 years.

More and more people in today’s society are making a priority out of
staying healthy. Thus, you can see a lot of them trying to keep fit,
exercising every day, and worrying about what they eat, and I can give
as an example a lot of my friends who just at a point in their life, being
influenced by other people's performances, they said stop and changed
their whole lifestyle into a better one.

In conclusion, I can say that for people who care about their health
and want to have a longer life by maintaining a good health it is a lot
more easier to do that than it was in the past.

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