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Christopher Estrada

Dianna Tenorio


15 February 2024

Research Paper: Freedom in Adolescence

All children and young adults need some type of freedom in their lives. By granting

children a certain level of freedom, they have the opportunity to develop their independence.

This allows them to learn how to make decisions, solve problems, and take responsibility for

their actions. For example, letting children choose their own clothes or decide what activities

they want to participate in can foster their ability to make independent choices. Having freedom

enables children to express themselves and explore their own interests and passions. When

children are allowed to pursue activities they enjoy or express their thoughts and ideas, it helps

them develop their individuality and self-confidence. This can be seen in activities such as art,

music, sports, or even choosing books to read. Giving children some freedom allows them to

experience success and learn from their failures. This builds their self-esteem and confidence in

their own abilities. For instance, allowing children to make decisions and take risks, within

appropriate boundaries, helps them develop resilience and learn from their mistakes. Having

freedom also helps children develop important social skills. By allowing them to make friends,

engage in group activities, and navigate social situations, children learn how to communicate,

cooperate, negotiate, and empathize with others. These skills are crucial for their personal and

professional relationships later in life. When children have the space to explore, experiment, and

think critically, they can develop innovative ideas and find unique solutions to challenges. It is
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important to remember that while children need some type of freedom, it should be balanced

with appropriate guidance, supervision, and boundaries.

Independence is probably the biggest benefit of freedom as a child and young adult. By

allowing them to choose between different options and make choices based on their preferences,

children learn to weigh pros and cons, and ultimately make independent decisions. Some parents

are very overprotective and it limits children's opportunities to develop independence, as they are

not given the chance to explore and make decisions for themselves. By allowing this

independence toward your children, it creates problem solving skills, responsibility, decision

making skills, confidence, and many more valuable traits to have. Children need to understand

that their decisions have an impact and learn to be accountable for their actions. For instance,

allowing children to manage their own pocket money teaches them financial responsibility.

Freedom also allows children to encounter challenges and problems on their own. When faced

with these obstacles alone, they have the space and ability to think critically and find solutions

independently. Through freedom, children have the opportunity to explore their own interests,

passions, and abilities and help build their own self identity. This self-discovery process allows

them to understand themselves better, build their identity, and develop a sense of independence

for themselves at a young age. When people at a young age learn to successfully navigate

challenges on their own, it boosts their confidence and self-esteem. This confidence becomes a

foundation for their independence and helps them face future challenges with resilience. It is

important to find a balance between freedom and guidance, ensuring children's safety and

well-being as they navigate their path towards independence.

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Individuality and self-confidence are also crucial traits to have in life and if they are

developed early, an individual can be very successful. This is also done through giving your

children freedom. Helicopter parents are so involved in their children's lives, it can create too

much dependence on parents for children. When kids rely on their guardians for everything

down to holding a conversation, it is not great for their development into adulthood. These

parents may constantly monitor their children's activities, make decisions on their behalf, and

shield them from potential risks or challenges which are crucial in growing up. When children

are exposed to freedom, they begin to discover what they are truly passionate about and what

they love to do. For example, someone who has the freedom to choose their own extracurricular

activities can explore various options and find a passion for music, sports, or art, which

contributes to their self-identity. Freedom enables individuals to think critically and form their

own set of values and beliefs. For instance, someone who has the freedom to explore different

religious or philosophical beliefs can form their own understanding of spirituality, shaping their

self-identity. When people have the freedom to be themselves, they can explore and embrace

their true identity, including their personality traits, interests, and values. This self-expression

contributes to a sense of authenticity and strengthens their self-identity. For example, someone

who has the freedom to express their creativity through art or fashion can showcase their unique

style and personality, shaping their self-identity. Ultimately, freedom provides individuals with

the opportunities to explore, express, and reflect on their true selves, contributing to the

development of an authentic self-identity.

Freedom plays a significant role in building social and conversational skills. When

individuals have freedom, they have more opportunities to interact with a diverse range of
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people, which exposes them to different perspectives, cultures, and ideas. This exposure

enhances their social awareness and understanding, enabling them to engage in meaningful

conversations with individuals from various backgrounds. For example, someone who has the

freedom to choose their social activities can join clubs, participate in community events, or

attend social gatherings, providing them with opportunities to meet new people and develop their

conversational skills. When people have the freedom to share their ideas and engage in any type

of dialogue, they develop confidence in expressing themselves and actively participating in

conversations. For example, when someone has the freedom to voice their opinions in a

classroom or workplace setting they can develop the skills to present their ideas, listen to others,

and engage in constructive conversations with no problem. When people have the freedom to

express themselves, others are more likely to reciprocate by actively listening and empathizing

with their perspectives. For example, someone who has the freedom to share their personal

experiences may also receive empathetic responses from others, leading to meaningful

conversations and the development of social skills. This idea also applies to conflict and how it

allows individuals to address and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner, which is essential

for effective communication. Freedom provides individuals with the opportunities to interact,

express themselves, listen actively, and resolve conflicts.

Creativity and problem solving are taught to you as a child for the most part but you

really get these traits from your own personal experiences. Having freedom at a younger age

builds someone's problem solving skills and creativity significantly faster than children who are

sheltered. When people have freedom, they are obligated to make their own decisions and take

ownership for their actions. This independence allows them to analyze situations, identify certain
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solutions, and make informed choices. For example, someone who has the freedom to choose

their own projects or assignments can practice problem-solving by determining the best approach

and strategies to accomplish these tasks. This allows individuals to think creatively to come up

with their own solutions to problems in the future. When people have the freedom to explore

unconventional ideas, they can think outside the box and find unique solutions on their own.

Someone who has the freedom to experiment with different techniques can develop creative

problem solving skills and discover new approaches to overcome all kinds of challenges.

Freedom also allows people to learn through trial and error, which is essential for developing

problem-solving skills. People with freedom can learn from their successes and failures which

improves problem solving skills. When people share ideas, brainstorm, and collaborate, they can

find effective solutions. People who collaborate with peers on group projects can develop

problem-solving skills through teamwork and collective efforts. Freedom provides people with

the creativity and opportunities to develop problem-solving skills.

On the other hand, there definitely needs to be structure and some type of supervision/

boundaries that parents should put upon their children. Giving children too much freedom

without the correct guidance and boundaries can be detrimental to the kids life. Children may

struggle to follow rules, make responsible decisions, and may have risky behaviors. It is

important to have a good balance between freedom and guidance to ensure their safety and

well-being. Another example is that having too much freedom can overwhelm children and make

them confused. Make guidelines clear and loud because children may struggle to navigate their

choices and responsibilities. Providing some structure and guidance can help children feel

supported. Children also may not have the necessary judgment and experience to make safe
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decisions on their own and some need more guidance than others. Parents and caregivers play a

very important role in ensuring their safety by providing appropriate guidance. With limited

freedom, kids can benefit from guidance and support in navigating their emotions from their

parents and developing appropriate social skills. Another reason that too much freedom is not

healthy is because too much freedom can distract children from their academic success. Kids

may struggle to manage their time effectively, prioritize homework/ schoolwork, and stay

focused on their studies. A balance between freedom and responsibility ensures that children

have the best chance to be successful academically. Having limited freedoms also helps children

understand what boundaries are and the consequences that come from breaking rules. It teaches

them to respect rules, laws, and the rights of others. This is a very crucial part in understanding

social development. Providing children with a balance of freedom and guidance, parents can

watch their growth, keep them safe, and support their overall development. It is important to

gradually increase freedom as children show their responsibility and maturity, ensuring they can

navigate the challenges they may face.

All parents and guardians should find a good balance between letting their children have

freedom and keeping boundaries at the same time. Having this balance ultimately ensures that

your children will grow up with the correct morals and still are able to learn and grow on their

own without that guidance. This ultimately supports kids' development into young adults.

Freedom gives young people the chance to explore and discover themselves as a person without

something being infused into their brain from parents. It builds an individual's creativity and

problem solving skills through thinking critically and not being able to rely on someone. Other

things that freedom promotes in young adolescence is developing responsibility, discipline,

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social skills, and the most important in my opinion independence. I was given a lot of freedom at

a young age and it affected me both positively and negatively. I have made some choices that I

definitely regret because of the freedom I received but I also learned a lot from the experiences I

had as a young child. In my opinion, having the freedom I had as a child made me a lot more

responsible and mature by learning from mistakes and making the right choices. It is important to

establish age-appropriate boundaries while gradually increasing freedom as children demonstrate

maturity and responsibility.

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