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Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 11

: Know least common multiple

Learning across curriculum:

1) History: Explore the concept of least common multiple in the context of historical
events, such as analyzing the intervals between significant dates or time periods.

2) Science: Investigate the least common multiple when calculating the periodicity of
natural phenomena, such as the lunar cycle or the migration patterns of animals.

3) Economics: Connect the concept of least common multiple to economic cycles,

such as analyzing the intervals between economic booms and recessions.

Review Motivation:

Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers, quiz questions

1) Conduct a quiz on finding the least common multiple of numbers, incorporating

fun and challenging questions.

2) Use a mystery box activity, where students solve least common multiple problems
to unlock clues and reveal the contents of the box.

3) Engage students in a role-playing activity where they act as detectives solving a

mystery by finding the least common multiple of different numbers.

Activity 1: "Least Common Multiple Scavenger Hunt"

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Scavenger hunt cards, pencils, timer

Significance: This activity allows students to apply their knowledge of finding the
least common multiple in a real-world context.


1) Divide students into groups and provide each group with a set of scavenger hunt

2) Students must find objects or scenarios that represent numbers and determine the
least common multiple of those numbers.

3) Set a timer and encourage students to complete the scavenger hunt within a
specified time limit.


- Correctly finding the least common multiple: 10 pts

- Accurate explanation of the process: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Find the least common multiple of 6 and 8.

2) Determine the least common multiple of 12 and 20.

3) What is the least common multiple of 15, 25, and 35?

Activity 2: "Least Common Multiple Art Project"

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Art supplies, poster boards

Significance: This activity allows students to showcase their understanding of least

common multiple through a creative art project.

1) Assign each student or group a set of numbers.

2) Students must create an art piece that visually represents the least common
multiple of those numbers.

3) Provide time for students to present their art projects to the class, explaining the
connection to the least common multiple.


- Artistic representation of the least common multiple: 15 pts

- Clear explanation of the connection to the concept: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the least common multiple of 9 and 12?

2) Determine the least common multiple of 16, 24, and 36.

3) Find the least common multiple of 7 and 14.

Activity 3: "Least Common Multiple Problem Solving"

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Worksheets, calculators

Significance: This activity challenges students to solve complex problems involving

the least common multiple.

1) Provide students with worksheets containing various least common multiple


2) Students must solve the problems individually or in pairs, using calculators if


3) Discuss the solutions as a class, emphasizing different approaches and strategies



- Correct solutions to the problems: 15 pts

- Logical reasoning and justification: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Determine the least common multiple of 18, 24, and 36.

2) Find the least common multiple of 5, 10, and 15.

3) What is the least common multiple of 21 and 35?


Activity 1 - The scavenger allowed students to apply their knowledge of finding the
least common multiple in a real-world context. It assessed their ability to identify and
determine the least common multiple accurately. This activity connects to the
objective of knowing the least common multiple by providing practical examples
where this concept can be applied.

Activity 2 - The art project provided an opportunity for students to showcase their
understanding of the least common multiple creatively. It assessed their ability to
visually represent the concept and explain its connection to the numbers chosen.
This activity reinforces the objective of knowing the least common multiple by
encouraging students to think critically and creatively about the concept.

Activity 3 - The problem-solving activity challenged students to solve complex

problems involving the least common multiple. It assessed their ability to apply their
knowledge and use logical reasoning to determine the least common multiple. This
activity reinforces the objective of knowing the least common multiple by providing
opportunities for students to practice problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

The main point of the objective "know least common multiple" is to understand how
to find the smallest multiple that two or more numbers have in common. By
identifying patterns and rules, students can deepen their understanding of the
concept. They will learn that the least common multiple is always greater than or
equal to the numbers being considered, and it can be found by prime factorization or
by using the method of listing multiples.


Teaching Strategy: Real-Life Scenario

Task 1: Students will calculate the least common multiple of the bus arrival times the
train departure times at a transportation terminal to determine the best time to switch
between the two modes of transportation.

Task 2: Students will analyze the least common multiple of the production cycle time
and the delivery time in a manufacturing company to optimize their operations and
ensure timely deliveries.


Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Assessment questions, answer key

Question 1: Find the least common multiple of 16 and 24.

Question 2: Determine the least common multiple of 9, 15, and 18.

Question 3: What is the least common multiple of 30 and 45?


1) Assignment Overview: Students will create a concept map illustrating the

connections between the least common multiple and other mathematical concepts
they have learned. They should include examples and explanations.

Assignment Question: Explain how the concept of least common multiple is related
to prime factorization and greatest common divisor.

2) Assignment Overview: Students will research real-world applications of the least

common multiple and create a presentation showcasing their findings. They should
include examples from different fields, such as science, engineering, and finance.

Assignment Question: How is the concept of least common multiple used in real-
life situations?

Note: The format provided above may need to be adjusted based on the specific
requirements of the school or district.

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