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#® BenMeer@ y @SystemSunday 7 bad habits you didn’t know were bad (until now): 6.5k Likes 1.7kRetweets 104 Replies & BenMeer@ y @SystemSunday 1) False Kindness Today our society walks on eggshells. It takes the form of participation trophies and avoiding tough conversations. People aren’t getting the critical feedback they need to grow. Create an inner circle that will give you honest feedback. a Een cia y @SystemSunday 2) Learning as Procrastination The thinnest line is between learning and procrastinating. Learning is better than doing nothing. Yet only applied knowledge is power. Use the mantra: “Learn, earn, return.” & Een cie y @SystemSunday 3) No White Space | used to be an Audible addict. My total listening time: 1 month, 10 days, 3 hrs, and 51 mins. | wore this like a badge of honor...until | realized... | was drowning out my own ideas. YOUR ideas are valuable, too. a IUlat- an a Een cie y @SystemSunday 4) Saying ‘Yes’ to Everything Whether it’s new work projects or social FoF 1Mal aaa Saying “Yes” to things you don’t have time for leads to burnout. Instead, make 'no' your default. In the words of Mark Manson, If it’s not a ‘fuck yes,’ It's ano. & BenMeer@ y @SystemSunday 5) Never Being Alone Society has programmed us to think it’s weird to do things alone. The problem is if you’re not comfortable being alone, you’ll never be comfortable leaving toxic relationships. A person who’s happy alone is a powerful person. #% BenMeer® fy. @SystemSunday 6) Perfectionism Perfectionism is more curse, less blessing. The #1 factor that influences creative success? Volume produced. Use the 70-20-10 Rule: + 70% of your work will be mediocre + 20% will suck + 10% will be amazing If you’re avoiding failure, you’re avoiding success. (H/T Jonathan Mann) a Een cia a y @SystemSunday 7) Trying to be Good at Everything Normalize “I don’t know anything about that” as a successful answer. It’s wildly confident. Plus, the most successful people on earth are walking flaws. You will never be an expert on ONE thing, by trying to be an expert on everything. UCU YD i @SystemSunday That’s all 7. | wish | learned these surprisingly bad habits sooner. Which one hits the hardest for you? Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, you'll love my free newsletter—System Sunday. Join 200,000+ subscribers in the bio link. os E5 seer Minimalism |} [in, 1 Out Rule] | SU eal m Oa ESO eB 1) OOOO as Ca Ne aoc}

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