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Proposal to create leisure areas for teenagers and young people in São


Current Situation
Nowadays, leisure areas for teenagers and young people are not enough
according to the needs of our population. As a result, we have many teenagers
and young people getting involved in illegal things or frequenting illegal places.

I propose the creation of youth leisure spaces in the most populous areas of our
city, where everyone can have access. This can provide young people with
leisure options that encourage them to avoid illegal behavior. Each leisure area
can offer leisure options, such as rooms for music painting classes and an
outdoor gym, but we can do a survey to find out the opinion and needs of the

Steps Involved
1. Gather information about the most desired entertainment options with
teenagers aged 14 to 18 years.
2. Check what types of entertainment facilities are required for each area.
3. Seek financial help from local businesses for equipment for leisure areas.
4. Find the locations for the leisure areas and build the necessary facilities.
5. Promote the areas to the entire population through dissemination via the

Potential Obstacles
 We propose the creation of leisure areas but we don't have enough
money, so one of the obstacles would be that the construction and
equipment costs can be high.
 Lack of interest on the part of young people and teenagers in going to
leisure areas and continuing to do illegal things.

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