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DATE: 7/29/2021

To: Organization Team for the Petition Sign-up Event

From: Chelsey Lin
Subject: Sign Up Now to SAVE the XYZ River NOW
Audience: Organization Team for the Petition Sign-up Event and Others Interested

This memo briefly describes the process of the sign-up for stopping the construction of
the ABC Dam and the goals we wish to achieve at the end of the event. It’s purpose is
to summarize the discussion we had on the form of the event and to serve as a guide
as we plan and carry out the steps. The petition requests the government to call a stop
on the construction of the new dam in the reservation area. It describes in detailsdetail
all the harms such a construction will bring to not only the ecosystem around the
area, the various lifeform it may impacts, but also its subtle effects to the people that
may last for generations. The sign-up event aims to call public awareness to the issue
and get more supporters so our voice can be heard. Again, everyone is effort is greatly
appreciated. We will work together to make this happen!

Below are the details we can agreed on during the discussion about the sign-up event, including
the time and location, the materials needed, the process and focus, as well as the follow-up
questionnaire to get feedback on. Please use the memo as a reference when preparing, and let
the team know if you have any questions or suggestions to improve any specific part.

Detailed Plan
The event serves two main purposes:
 Inform people the damages and negative impacts the construction of the dam to
the environment we live in.
 Encourage people to act in stopping the construction by signing up for the


To make sure that our event can reach to as broad an audience group as possible, we
will be placing our booth at the Mission Valley Shopping Center. The detailed address is
listed below:

Mission Valley Shopping Center

2233 Avent Ferry Rd
In North Carolina State University
(919) 821-1350
It was one of the most popular and crowded spots in the Raleigh area and consists of a
variety of people. Also, it’s located inside the North Carolina State University, so we
will also be expecting a lot of college students. College students are younger and more
educated; therefore, it would also help us spread our idea.


In addition to the booth, we have also prepared a short demo video that will played at
the booth using a monitor. It will serve as a great introduction, and visual media tends
to attract people more. We will be distributing printed flyers and pamphlets for people
to take with them. All materials prepared contains the following information:
 Photos displaying the beautiful sceneries in the reservation area as of now.
 Potential threats of dams to the natural environment.
 Examples of past dam construction all over the world that negatively impacted
the ecosystem.
 Estimation of damages the dam construction will bring comparing to the
benefits it brings.
We will also prepare a few laptops for people to sign-up if they are interested, as well
as some short questionnaire to get feedbacks on, so if we ever plan another event like
this, we can do better.

Event Focus

Despite it being a sign-up event, we do not wish to overly stress the need for them to
sign for the petition on the spot. The most important goal is to educate people and
make them aware and interested in issues like this, so they will make their own
informed decision. Remember, there are a lot of people out there who cares, they just
never had the chance to hear about these.

Follow-up Questionnaire
Once people decided to sign, or if they’re interested in listening through us as we explain to
them our arguments, we may approach them and ask if they’re willing to give short feedbacks.
The questionnaire will include a few qualitative and quantitative questions like the ones listed
 In a scale of 1 to 5, how friendly will you rate the event?
 In a scale of 1 to 5, how convinced are you of the information and argument we provide?
 What suggestions would you give to help us do better next time?

Limit the number of questions to 5 to avoid exhausting the people we interview.

 Limit the number of questions to 5 to avoid exhausting the people we interview.
 Do not make audience feel pressured to sign up for it. Try to focus on information

Above is the detailed plan of the sign-up event for the petition to stop the construction of the
ABC Dam. The main goal of the event is to inform people the potential threats and damages
such a construction will bring to the environment we live in, how it will impact not only our life,
our children’s life, but also the life of many other life forms living around it. We strongly
encourage people to research as well as taking action to stop it together with us, let our voice
be heard.

Again, thank you all for your participation!

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