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Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educator (TIU3)

The Effective Teacher as a person…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Knowledge of subject matter assigned to teach Connecting with the students
Preparation and organization Differentiation of material
Voice projection and the ability to capture Use of small groups for classwork
students attention

Core Values (TIU3)

Dedication Professionalism

Additional Notes:
Psychology 101 Review (TIU5)
Behaviorism Cognitivism Constructivists Humanism

Believe learning is a Involves changes in Past experiences, Emphasizes basic

change in behavior knowledge and culture, and society human needs and
caused by external behavior, views the act to build learners focuses on freedom,
stimulus. Works to memory as buildable- and influence their dignity, and
reinforce good able to store behavior. potential. Deals with
Brief behavior or additional the social emotional
Description: disincentivize poor information as side of learning.
behavior. experiences occur.

B. F Skinner Jean Piaget Lev Vygotsky Abraham Harold

Albert Bandura Maslow


IGNITE the Brain for Learning – The Neuro Nine (TIU6)

1. Relationships 4. Retrieval 7. Retaining

2. Rigor 5. Routing 8. Rehearsing

3. Relevance 6. Re-Exposing 9. Recognizing

Stages of Development (TIU7)

Social Emotional Physical Mental Characteristics /


Change from clumsy

Fear of dark and injury; Jumps with feet together; Self-sufficient in many toddlers to explorers; make
2 -4 yr olds Likes cooperative play Mature motor control; Ball routines; Copies complex great strides in reasoning,
with other children; skills improve – throwing shapes; Asks a lot of increase vocabulary
imaginary friend; and catching; May be ready questions/ shares stories; drastically. Increase in
Becomes competitive; to learn to ride a bike by 4- Begins to imitate and write sensory and motor
Develops an 5; Cuts on the line with name; paints; working on development; beginning to
understanding of rules, scissors fine motor skills; manage feelings
finds taking turns Understands 2-3 simple
difficult; Needs structure things to do at once; The
and routine to feel safe most important mode for
learning is play
5- 8 yr olds Period of slow growth;
Grow increasingly Require increased hand eye Begin to think logically;
coordination exercises; learn to write letters and learn when physically
sociable with attachment
need activities that require numbers, but not skillfully; active; motivated to try
to friends or adults; more something new; more
speed and energy; slower understand the concept of
realistic fears; appreciate growth rate during this time money; short interest spans; interested in the process
physical play time; value curious than the product; learning
winning; willing to try or how to master physical
imitate new behavior skills; self involved;
naturally curious; sensitive
Peer groups grow more Become critical of physical Begin to think abstractly; to criticism
9-11 yr olds appearances; lapses of developing a sense of Boundless energy, like
important; want
awkwardness; increasing morals group activity, rapidly
increased independence;
energy changing interests, work
sense of humor grows; best when presented
equates success with material in small pieces,
positive self-view need guidance from adults,
admire older children,
easily motivated to try new
things, enjoy cooperation.
Comfortable interacting Rapid growth and physical Moved from concrete to Concerned about physical
12-14 yr olds change, proceeds at varied abstract thinking. development, self-
with the community and
pace. conscious, sharp emotions,
peers, leadership still need parental guidance,
experience is valuable. beginning to question
authority, ready for longer
learning experiences, can
take responsibility for
planning, may avoid
difficult tasks.

15-18 yr olds Coordination and strength Arguing skills improve, High social needs, freedom
Detach themselves from
increase, full motor reasoning skills improve, from parental control,
parents, more concerned desire for status, high levels
capacity, appetite and the learns deductive reasoning,
with peer approval than need for sleep increases decision-making skills of abstract thinking,
Hattie’s most effective influences on instruction (throughout SS)
Small Group learning
Positive peer influences
Self-Regulation strategies
Peer tutoring
Classroom discussions
Cooperative learning

What is Academic Language? (SS1)

Academic language is the primary vehicle for learning and instruction. Plays a key role in deepening the understanding of
important ideas.

Strategies to teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

1. Repetitive exposure to words 3. Using vocabulary words in different contexts

2. Learning vocabulary words before reading text 4. Learning vocabulary through written text and oral

Tomlinson’s Strategies for Differentiation (note at least 4) (SS2)

Tiered Instruction: Changing the level of complexity of a task to meet the developmental needs of the

Anchoring Activities: Can be completed after a student is finished with an assignment of when a teacher is
busy with another student

Flexible Grouping: Allows for learners of different levels to be grouped together to be appropriately
challenged, or for movement between groups and individual work to avoid labels.

Compacting Curriculum: Allowing students who have already mastered concepts through the application of a
pre-test to move on to new material.
Marzano’s Strategies for Success (SS4 – SS9) – Provide 2 examples of each

Example 1 Example 2

Cooperative Grouping Four Corners Jigsaw

Anchor Chart Concept Map

Graphic Organizers

Venn Diagram KWL Chart

Advanced Organizers

Compare/Contrast T Chart
Similarities / Differences

Plot Diagram
Summarizing & Notetaking Cornell Notes

Cues & Questions Rehearsal and memorization

Elaborative interrogation

Bloom’s Verbs and Technology Apps (SS9 and SS11)

Create Produce new of original work

Videomaking, Canva, Podcasting

Evaluate Justify a stand of decision

Adobe and google meets

Draw connection among ideas
Microsoft Excel
Use information in new situations
Google Docs
Explain ideas or concepts
Note taking and annotation apps
Recall facts and basic concepts
Quizlet, one note, search engines
Components of a social emotional learning program (SS12)
Self Awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decisionmaking.

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Teachers (SS13)

The Effective Teacher implements instruction that……

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Communicates clearly to engage students Implements changes as suggested by peers and
Has lesson plans that are learner centered admin.
Incorporates technology to facilitate instruction Provides a variety of methods for learning.
Provides a variety of feedback.

Create a welcoming space (CBM3)

1. Stand at the door and assisting any student who needs help.

2. Guide each student to where they will be sitting for the semester/year.

3. Post class expectations clearly around the room.

4. Model behavior practices with students.

5. Introduce myself and provide students insight to who I am as a person and teacher.

6. Keep an organized space free of clutter.

Lemov’s techniques to “Teach like a Champion” (CBM4)
1. 5: No apologies

2. 8: post it

12: the hook


4. 25: Wait time

30: tight transitions


39: do it again

45: warm and strict


Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM7)

1. What are you doing?

2. What are you supposed to be doing?

3. Are you doing it?

4. What are you going to do about it?

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (CBM10)

The Effective Teacher establishes classroom management and organization that…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Maintains a clean and orderly classroom Has make up work ready for absentees
Sets clear and firm behavioral expectations Displays student work
Displays consistency with rules and consequences Maintains daily procedures
Categories of Disabilities in SPED (E4)
Characteristics Impact on Classroom
Autism A neurological disorder; Cognitive abilities Perseverate on a topic; Struggle to attend to a task or
range from gifted to cognitively delayed; appear to not be paying attention; Have difficulty
Usually identified in the first three years of sharing/taking turns or call out answers; Have
life; 4:1 male to female ratio difficulty with noise or visual stimuli

Deaf/Blindness Any combination of vision and hearing loss, Require Information to be introduced deliberately and
though not necessarily complete systematically; Utilize the service of a specialized
deafness/blindness; A wide range of cognitive Support Service Provider (SSP).
and developmental abilities
Need special seating, being in view of the teacher;
difficulty with speech, reading, and writing Need written supplements to oral instruction like
Deafness skills; May use speech, lip-reading, hearing visual aids/cues; Require eye contact prior to
aids, and/or another amplification system; speaking; Have difficulties with social/emotional or
(ASL) may be their first language. interpersonal skills

Hyperactivity; Aggression or self-injurious Exhibit inappropriate behavior under ordinary

behavior; Withdrawal; Immaturity; Learning circumstances; Not able to maintain relationships;
Emotional Disturbance difficulties
Wear hearing aids or FM systems; Read lips or use
Articulation difficulties and language delays; ASL; Need a quiet environment with many visuals to
Easily frustrated; Difficulty with oral be successful; Need a slower rate of speech and clear
expression; Difficulty with social/emotional enunciation
Hearing Impairment Not be working on grade level materials; Not
understand social norms; Struggle with problem-
solving across all areas (academic as well as
Struggle with overall academics; Struggle with functional living skills).
attention, memory; Struggle to make
generalizations; Trouble interacting socially
Intellectual Disability Require multiple services; Use alternate
communication methods; Require alternate
curriculum materials.
Hampered speech and communication skills;
Challenges with mobility; Need assistance
with everyday tasks; Usually has medical
Multiple Disabilities needs Have no cognitive concerns; Be integrated into the
general education setting all the time; Use assistive
It is difficult or perhaps impossible to technology.
generalize the characteristics of a student who
qualifies under OI. a child with spinal cord
Orthopedic Impairment injury could have immobility limited to one
side of his or her body, just the arms or legs,
or total paralysis.
Having limited strength, vitality, or alertness,
including a heightened alertness to
environmental stimuli, that results in limited
Other Health Impairment alertness with respect to the educational
environment, that is due to chronic or acute Reading; Writing; Oral Language; Math; Study Skills
health problems
A disorder in one or more of the basic
psychological processes involved in
understanding or in using language, spoken or Tend to emerge at a young age; Have difficulties with
Specific Learning Disability written, that may manifest itself in the
imperfect ability to do tasks.
comprehension; Have difficulties being understood;
Have difficulty expressing needs, ideas, or
Articulation disorder; Abnormal voice; information; Struggle with social interactions; Work
Fluency disorder; Language disorder closely with a speech/language pathologist to support
the student.

Speech or Language Impairment Struggle to process visual information; Struggle to

Memory and attention concerns; Social skill follow multi-step directions; Struggle to
concerns; Emotional regulation concerns; communicate; Have difficulty with grade-level work;
Speech and language concerns; Physical Struggle with logic, problem-solving, and reasoning
concerns skills.

Traumatic Brain Injury ppatial positioning; Short attention span;

Sensitivity to bright light; Poor eye and hand
coordination or clumsiness

 Poor academic
Visual Impairment Inc Blindness performance
ARD Timeline Activity (E5)

#1 Initial referral

Notice of consent or refusal to provide initial

#2 evaluation
Within 60
#3 Initial evaluation

#4 Eligibility determination

#5 Consent for initial placement


#6 ARDC Meeting for transfer students

Annual IEP

#8 Three year reevaluation

Modifications and Accommodations (E6)
Quantity Time Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition

Adapt the number of items that the learner

Adapt the time allotted and Increase the amount of personal assistance to keep
the student on task, to reinforce or prompt the use
is expected to learn or the number of allowed for learning, task of specific skills.
activities students will complete prior to
assessment for mastery.
completion, or testing.
Example Example Example
Reduce the number of key terms Allow students extra time to complete Provide tutoring opportunities.
for government vocabulary. assignments.

Input Difficulty Output

Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the way instruction is Adapt the skill level, problem Adapt how the student can
delivered to the learner. type, or the rules on how the respond to instruction.
learner may approach the work.
Example Example Example
Create paper and online copies. Modify questions to accommodate Give student the opportunity to verbally
learning levels. explain topic rather than complete
writing assignment.

Participation Notes:
Adapt the extent to which a learner is
actively involved in the task.

Have activities where some
students research, while some
students type materials into

Types of Assistive Technology (E7)

Visual timer
1. Closed captioning 4.

Reading guides
2. 5.

3. Word Processing aids 6.

Venn Diagram of 504 and IDEA (E9)


A D,E,g,h, C
I, J, K, L, M

Use the letters below and type them in the appropriate box above.

A) Requires written consent.

B) Must provide impartial hearings for parents who disagree with the identification, evaluation, or
placement of the student.
C) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
D) Requires that parents have an opportunity to participate and be represented by legal counsel –
other details are left to the discretion of the school.
E) An impartial appointee selects a hearing officer.
F) Describes specific procedures.
G) A hearing officer is usually appointed by the school.
H) No "stay-put" provisions.
I) Does not require that parents are notified prior to the student's change of placement, but they still
must be notified.
J) Provides "stay-put" provision (the student's current IEP and placement continues to be
implemented until all proceedings are resolved.
K) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights
L) Does not require parental consent.
P) Parents must receive ten days' notice prior to any change in placement.
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)

Provide access to computers and other mediums for BE careful about school supplies designed to be
1. information 4. purchased.

Keep expectations high

2. 5. Take time to explain rules and procedures

3. Don’t make comments about students clothing 6. Do not mandate costly activities.

Guthrie and Humenick Strategies to increase reading motivation (R4)

1. Create contemporary parallels with reading, try and link reading to student interests.

2. Set goals that students can be excited to achieve

3. Allow students to discuss reading with classmates in small group activities

4. Keep books in classroom and reference interesting books frequently during class discussions to spur

Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

Strategy name When / how to use it Define it
Visual imagery Use when reading to assist students in creating a picture in their minds of the words.

Paired reading group two students together and have them read to read other to improve reading fluency

3. Word walls use when new vocabulary introduces itself, have students write and draw something to reinforce what
the word is and display that visual so is is constantly being reinforced.
Echevarria et al.’s -Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)
Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

1. Prepare the lesson Adaptation of content, graphic organizers, outlines

2. Build background Word wall, concept visualization map, word sorts

3. Make verbal communication understandable

Appropriate vocabulary, scaffolding, study guides
4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!)
Mnemonics, questioning techinques, gist summarizing
5. Opportunities for interaction
Encouraging elaborate responses, grouping, wait time
6. Practice and application Hand on practice, doing, opportunities for social interaction

7. Lesson delivery Language objectives, pacing, ensuring student engagement.

8. Review and assess Informal assessment, periodic review, feedback

Reflections on the Reading STAAR (TL4)

1. No questions answered incorrectly.


Reflections on the Math STAAR (TL4)
1. The interquartile range for question three would be difficult to discern visually and could confuse (and did confuse me) as a

2. Visually trying to guess the 25% point for question 5 was not the appropriate way to solve the problem and I needed to take
into account all the dashes and divide. A student could easily just use a visual cue like myself and note undertake the
appropriate calculation.


Jimmy’s Report Card (TL6)

(Complete the calculations in all the colored boxes)

Mathematics NAME: Jimmy

Teacher Grades
Unit Test scores Benchmark
9 wks 1 grading Period Standards Percent Absences
average Grade

Unit 1 8.2 76 75 62 0
unit 2 8.3 86 83 75 1
Unit 3a 8.4 92 94 95 0
Unit 3b 8.5 68 71 55 4
Average Percent 80.5 80.75 71.75
Weighted Average
30% = 0.3
Value 40%= 0.4 30%= 0.3
Weighted Percent 24.15 32.3 21.53

Final Percent 77.98

C10 + D10 +
Final Letter Grade C E10
Three professional goals for my classroom (TL8)
1. I will improve my abilities to provide targeted differentiation of instruction for students with differing learning abilities.
Creating variable content, shortened content, and appropriate objectives for learning.

2. I will improve my abilities to implement classroom procedures and better respond to students that are not engaging with the

3. I will increase my expertise in strategies to improve the learning experience for English language learners.

Vision of an Educator (TL11)

Reflect on the 5 elements posted in the assignment to create your Vision statement:
I will use research based teaching methods like cooperative learning and small group instruction in my classroom to actively
engage students not only with me as the teacher but with themselves as students. I hope that this approach will foster more
participation and understanding among students and ensure active engagement with the material. I will use computer based
presentations, interactive computer programs (like pear deck), and hyperlinks to web based resources to grow student learning and
create multiple ways for me to assess student engagement and check for comprehension. The important elements of lesson
planning for me will be ensuring that there is a plan for differentiation and English language learners in place and ready to
accommodate students with differing learning abilities. Absent this plan out front, I will absolutely fall behind appropriate
planning and more importantly the students will loose valuable educational time and miss benchmarks for learning. The non
negotiables for my classroom will be cell phones outside of backpacks, and cross talk during instruction. Students will also raise
their hands prior to being called on for response to maintain order and not facilitate crosstalk. Again, to facilitate equitable
learning I must pre plan lesson material and create opportunities for increased access to students with differing learning abilities.
Already, when faced with students unable to have access to laptops or wifi at home, creating paper copy content and always
having that content available for those students has proven invaluable in ensuring that those without digital classroom access are
not left behind.
Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)
The Effective Teacher as a professional…..

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Designs and implements quality lesson plans Practices two way communication with parents
Performs assigned duties professionally and admin
Maintains a positive attitude in difficult situations Maintains up to date calendar
Conducts parent meetings proactively

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)

The Effective Teacher monitors student progress and potential by…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Implementing assessments in a professional Displaying consistence in grades
manner. Conduct assessment after each lesson
Distributing student progress reports professionally Using data to inform short term learning
Check for understanding and providing feedback.


A. List 14 approved CTE Programs of Study (also known as Career Clusters) from the TEA CTE page.
B. List a CTSO for each Career Cluster from the Texas CTE page.

1. A. 2. A. 3. A.

B. B. B.

4. A. 5. A. 6. A.

B. B. B.

7. A. 8. A. 9. A.

B. B. B.

10. A. 11. A. 12. A.

B. B. B.

13. A. 14. A.

B. B.

15. Who is the state contact for your specific career cluster? Include career cluster, Name and email:

16. List at least three Industry based certifications that students could achieve in your specific career cluster.

17. While on the Texas CTE website, in the Career Cluster pages for your specific cluster, list at least three resources that
are housed here for teachers.

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