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Writing Copy That Inspires and Sells

Cathy Vartuli from

Before You Start:

1) Tune into someone you LOVE working with, who you think could really use this program. Set
the scenario that they can afford to pay for your offering.

What is their name? _______________________________

Make sure its ONE person- someone with two eyes and a nose. When we write to groups, the
language changes and becomes less personal.

Put a picture of them by your computer if that helps (you might grab it from Facebook, or you can write
their name in big letters on a post it note). Everything you say, you're saying to them.

2) Be really clear about the transformation you'll offer. How will someone be different at the end of your
program or class?
What will they know that they didn't?
What will they understand about themselves?
What will they understand about others?
What will they feel about themselves?
What will others notice and feel about them?
How will their family, community, and the world be better off?

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3) Now review what you wrote in section 2 and see if you used any words that a 7-year-old wouldn't
understand. If so - change them out.

The more your work deals with traumatized folks and topics, the simpler the words should be.

Obviously, your clients are much smarter than 7-year olds, but you're writing to help their survival
brains feel safe with this, too. And people in general are going to be reading this fast. If the language
is too complicated or technical, you'll lose them.

Review next to see if what you wrote matches your beliefs.

Then notice intrinsic and extrinsic.

4) If you could summarize the transformation into one promise, what would that be? (What do your
promises have in common? What really matters to you? If you can include one internal and one
external, even better).

5) What's the guarantee you're offering? Is it 30 days money back? Satisfaction? Get clear on what's
right for your program and your business. (If you're having to spend a lot of money to rent a room or set
up an event, you may want to do the satisfaction guarantee- they have to attend, but if they're not
wowed they can get their money back afterwards Then make sure you'll wow them!)

My guarantee is:

6) Tune into the pain your person is feeling.

What do they feel in their body (heaviness, tension, sensations):

What do they think about themselves?


What do they think others think about them?


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What do they fear?


7) What's the question your favorite client asks themselves in the middle of the night that keeps them up? (This
will be a very basic question, with no big words. Its emotional!) Example might be something like “Am I broken?”
when thinking about the problem you solve.

Now Your Ready to Start Your Page:

Note that the order of these can change somewhat, and you may leave out or just barely touch on some of the
points for a short description or less expensive offering. The more of them you can “hit” in the space and
time you have allocated, the better sales will generally be.

The bigger your offer, the more of these points you should target.
Ideally, your sales page will have no distractions. No sidebars or other things to pull them away.
Some representative pictures can help.

A) Take your answer from question 6 and make it a question using that same simple language. Keep it short and make
ONE question, not a bunch strung together: Ever Wonder If You're Broken Around Sex?


B) Using what you wrote for question 4, write a headline that will grab their attention! Make this font the biggest on the

C) If you want to add a second line in smaller font to explain your promise you can.

D) Tell them you understand them by describing what your favorite client feels about themselves, what they fear,
what they think others think and say about them. You're not actually using the client's name, but your using them
as a mirror for other people to see their problem clearly. If this is done well, reading the sales letter will give them clarity
and be educational, if only to know they are not alone!

E) Tell them why you care about this. If you can include a personal story, even a sentence, you will increase the
connection your audience has with you. Describing vulnerable moments, including what

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you felt, let them feel, “me too!” People want to buy from or take action with people they connect with.

Including the journey you took to discover this solution can help them see the value of what you
offer. If they don't want to sit through years of classes because you did and distilled the information
for them, they'll be more eager to jump on board.

If you can drop in some credibility points here, great! Pick a degree, a number of clients you worked
with, a talk you gave at a big conference, a book you wrote, or a class you taught. This helps people
feel safer with your solution and they need to feel safe to take a risk.

F) Tell them your solution! Use what you wrote in question 2. What is your promise and how will they
feel and how will others see them if they do this? Bullet points work great here!

You can include what the program looks like here, but really emphasize how they'll feel different and
be different.

“So that” is a great way to take benefits deeper.

For example: You'll be better in bed!

Becomes: You'll be better in bed so you can wow your partner and make them feel amazing!

This is also a good place to put some of your “I believe” statements in from the Storytelling work you
did. What do you stand for? Do you believe everyone deserves pleasure? That anyone can heal? Tell

G) How easy will it be and how fast? People want learning to be Fun, Easy and Fast.

H) Remind them that they're getting something priceless- emphasize how it will make a difference in
their life. (If you have trouble with this, you may need to dial into what you love about this more.
Remind yourself of how you felt before you knew this information).

I) Tell them the price and invite them to buy.

J) List the bonuses and give them a time or availability limiter, then invite them to buy again.

K) Tell them the guarantee from question 5.

L) Remind them that if they don't do anything, what will happen. You can also include a quick
summary of your promise here (promise, good feelings, only open for a week). Invite them to buy!

Remember: you don't need to get it right the first pass. Just get some material down then
set it aside overnight and come back to it. Ask a friend if you can read it out loud to them and
have them ask about anything they don't follow. Read it to yourself in a mirror.

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