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第十五课:教育孩子的艺术。Jiàoyù háizi de yìshù - The art of teaching children.

15.1 起来 Qǐlái - v. en dirección 想起来 recordar a alguien o algo

…,快坐起来! 我突然想起来...,...
…,一小时左右一定要站起来活动活动。 我想起来了,...

15.2 弄 Nòng - v. to do, to make (做某件事情 hacer alguna cosa) - coloquial*

都弄(准备)好了,... …,别弄(碰pèng)坏了。

15.3 千万 Qiān wàn - adv. must, be sure to. 千万+ estructura negativa (generalmente)
…,表扬Biǎoyáng千万不要太多,... …,你现在千万别告诉他。

千万 一定 yīdìng

generally used in …… sentences negative +别,要/不要 or 不能 positive +要/不要 or 能/不能

tone polite - “hoping someone to do smth.” strong, commanding - “someone must do smth.”

一定 + 会/不会 or 能 - the speaker has made up his/her mind to do

in first person sentences smth. …, 我一定会继续努力。jìxù nǔlì - keep it up

一定 “surely, undoubtedly” - …, 就一定能成功。

不一定 “not necessarily” 不千万 NO EXISTE …, 其实不一定都是这样...

15.4 来 Lái 来+verbo - ir a hacer algo, si se quita no cambia el significado de la frase.

我来帮你们一起抬 tái (lift)
或者故意敲打来引起父母的注意。Or deliberately banging to get the parents' attention.
GùyìQiāodǎ Yǐnqǐ

15.5 左右 Zuǒyòu solo después de números- “más o menos”

一小时左右 前方500米左右 三天左右 七岁左右
第十六课:生活可以更美好。Shēnghuó kěyǐ gèng měihǎo. - Life can be better.

16.1 可 Kě enfatizar o subrayar algo, aumentar tono de preguntas retóricas. 可+adj.(+了) / 可+verb phrase
这可是个大问题,... …, 理发可节约了不少钱。…, - a haircut can save a lot of money.
…, 这可怎么办? 你可别喝太多酒 - don't even think about … 你可来了!- finally 可+verb phrase+了

16.2 恐怕 Kǒngpà
a). v. tener miedo / temer(se) que
b). adv. según estimación /estar poco preocupado por algo o temer(se) que
c). adv. a lo mejor / posiblemente = 大概 / 也许

* ambos: a) y b) ^ 恐怕 怕

case a) in verb and noun only before verb, not before noun before either a verb/noun
我恐怕/怕 忘了这件事。 我怕你忘了这件事。

case b) in subject either before or after subject only used after the subject
恐怕足球比赛不能举行了。 足球比赛恐怕/怕不能举行了。

v. to fear sb, smth, or a certain situation - 我怕高

case c) 他离开这里恐怕有二十天了。 -

16.3 到底 Dàodǐ - …on earth - para énfasis en preguntas

a). v. hasta el final.
今天我一定陪你逛街guàngjiē 逛guàng到底 - go shopping till the end
将jiāng爱情进行到底 will love to the end
他到底想明白了。he finally understood.
我们的项目到底成功了。our project finally succeeded.
b). adv. en oración interrogativa o con pronombre interrogativo - sondear más el asunto
- no puede usarse en preguntas de si o no con 吗.
你到底怎么打算的呀?What on earth are you going to do?
我不知道他到底是怎么回事。 I don't know what on earth happened to him
你到底吃了没有?NO 吗
- va ANTES del sujeto si es pronombre interrogativo.
…, 那么到底什么是健康jiànkāng呢?... …, so what on earth exactly is health?
你到底说不说 are you telling me or not?
到底怎么走?how on earth did we get here?

16.4 拿。。。来说 Ná... Lái shuō - take X for example

拿墨西哥来说 拿我来说 拿妈妈来说 …, 就拿学汉语来说吧, ...

16.5 敢 Gǎn 敢+verbo - confianza/atreverse a hacer algo

我们应该把那些敢说真话的人当成“镜子”。We should treat those who dare to tell the truth as "mirrors".
我就不敢再躺着看书了。I can no longer (dare to) lie down and read a book.
如果你敢诚实地说出自己对哪方面不了解,... If you can honestly say what you don't know,...
第十七课:人与自然。Rén yǔ zìrán - Human and nature.

17.1 倒 Dào
a). v. to pour smth. from a container. 麻烦你给我倒杯咖啡吧,困死我了。
b). adv.(yet) contrary to the fact, implies blame or indicates concession (sometimes 倒是 is used instead)
..., 没想到倒比骑车还慢。..., I didn't expect it to be slower than riding a bike.
你说得倒是容易,做起来可就难了!It's easy to say, but hard to do!
去长城倒是一个好主意,就是太远了!It's a good idea to go to the Great Wall, but it's too far!

17.2 干 Gàn
a). v. to do smth.做(事情), to engage in a certain cause事业, job工作 or activity活动.
B: 谢谢你,我一定会好好儿干的。B: Thank you, I will definitely do my best.
干工作的时候一定要认真, … Be careful when you work…
b). adj. dry (seco, sin humedad o poca humedad) 她花园里的植物有点干
…,先把头发擦cā干, 别感冒了。..., dry your hair first, don't catch a cold.
c). n. dry food 干+儿 - alimentos que han sido procesados para eliminar la humedad.
A: 这牛肉干儿味道wèidào真不错。A: This beef jerky tastes really good.

17.3 趟 Tàng - m. number of roundtrips.

上个月我去了趟北京动物园, … / 我要出趟差。出差-On business trip / B: 我打算先回一趟家, ...

趟 次 cì

(often interchangeable) indicate num. of times an action takes place, used with actions involving coming and going
(来,去,走,跑pǎo-run ,接jiē-pick up, 送sòng). 今年寒假我去广东玩儿了一趟/次。

a trip back and forth, only used with coming/going actions. x times that an action repeats (not necessarily back and
…去了(一)趟银行。a trip forth). …去看一次北剧。once

- used for verbs indicating other behaviors (问, 说,看, 讨论

tǎolùn-to discuss). 我刚才叫了你两次,你都没听到。

used for buses or trains that travel at a scheduled time on a -

fixed route, similar to 辆 (m. for vehicles) and 列 (m. for trains).

17.4 为了。。。而。。。 Wèile... Ér… - 为了+word/phrase

1st clause (word/phrase) indicates purpose of the action or behavior in 2nd clause (usually a verb that indicates an action).
植物会为了阳光yángguāng, 空气和水而竞争jìngzhēng。Plants compete for sunlight, air and water.
北风与南风为了比谁更有能力而吵chǎo了起来。North and South Winds quarreled over who was more capable.
..., 不少动物和植物为了保护自己而改变gǎibiàn身体的颜色或样子, …
Many animals and plants change the color or appearance of their bodies in order to protect themselves.

17.5 仍然 Réngrán - adv. todavía (“still”- the situation is the same as before, without any change).
就算在几公里深的海底也仍然能看到东西。You can still see things even at a depth of several kilometers.
人比动物聪明, 但动物仍然有很多值得人学习的地方。Humans are smarter than animals, but animals still have a lot to learn.
...,如果90分钟后仍然是0比0,... if it's still 0 to 0 after 90 minutes
第十八课:科技与世界。Kējì yǔ shìjiè - Science, technology and the World.

18.1 是否 Shìfǒu - v. “si o no” “si puede o no puede”

Sirve para expresar no poder ofrecer una respuesta exacta. Usado normalmente en chino escrito.
不过他这么小,这本书我不知道他是否能读懂。 您稍等,我查一下后天的航班是否还有空余的座位。 ​
您稍等,我查一下是否有时间。 您稍等,我查一下是否能为您调整航班。

是否能 = 能不能
是否会 = 会不会
是否喜欢 = 喜不喜欢

18.2 受不了 Shòu bùliǎo- “no soporto…”

v. cannot bear (pain, suffering, stress, misfortune, attitude, etc.). Used before a noun or noun phrase.
不过天天对着电脑看,眼睛实在受不了。 … 这个房间太闷热了,我真受不了。
受不了垃圾/ 我真的受不了热/ 可是我受不了我的老板。

18.3 接着 Jiēzhe - “following immediately (in time)”, indicating (something else happens) right after the
previous event.

接着 然后

Both indicate (something else happens) after the previous event

他毕业后老家工作了一年,接着/然后 又老上了北京大学,读研究生。
(研究生= postgraduate student)

Is an adverb emphasizing an immediate Is a conjunction often used in the structure 先..然后

succession in time
大学毕业后,他接着又考上了研究生。 咱们先去吃晚饭,然后看电影,好不好?

The two events may or may not have the The two events usually share the same subject
same subject 遇到不认识的词语,我会马上查词典,然后写在本子上。
他已经学了年汉语了,明年还要接着学。 遇到=run into, encounter, come across
这本书你看完了我接着看吧。 查词典= consult a dictionary

18.4 除此以外 Chú cǐ yǐwài “besides this” (referring to what’s been mentioned previously). Used in written
… , 除此以外,骑自行车还能帮助我们节省出行成本。

18.5 把。。。叫作。。。 Bǎ... Jiào zuò… - “ called…” the latter part is the name of the former part. 把 is
usually followed by a noun, pronoun or noun phrase. 人们把它叫作“母亲河”
现代科学技术的发展让世界变得越来越小,所以现在人们都把地球叫作 “地球村”. 村=village, rustic
第十九课:生活的味道。 Shēnghuó de wèidào - Taste of life.

19.1 Interrogative pronouns used to refer to everybody or everything.

什么what,谁who,哪which,哪儿where, 怎么how *often used with 都/也
什么 + 都/也 = anything 谁 + 都/也 = anybody

· 没关系,不用道歉,谁都有粗心填错的时候。 粗心:careless, thoughtless (cūxīn).

· 昨天我做了一个奇怪的梦,但是早上起来怎么想都想不起来。奇怪:strange, odd (qíguài).
· …什么东西都要通过努力才能得到。

19.2 verb + 上 / complement of direction.

Indicates the purpose of an action or a behavior has been achieved, or as a complement or possibility showing
whether or not the purpose of an action or a behavior can be achieved.
· 看来今天吃不上羊肉饺子了。
· 看来今天坐不上8点那趟去上海的飞机了。
· 一听到哥哥考上了经济专业的博士。

19.3 verb + 出来 / complement of direction.

Indicates a certain action or behavior makes the state of something change from being nonexistent to being
existent or from being hidden to being obvious.
· 刚才我在旁边看到你跳中国舞了,没看出来你跳的这么好!
· 你要的那篇文章我已经翻译出来了,你方便的时候就来取吧。(章:chapter, section)

出来 起来

Indicates a motion from inside to outside Indicates an upward movement

你的日记本掉到沙发后面了,拿不出来了,你来帮我抬一下沙 早上六点,他还睡着,电话突然响了,他连忙坐起来接电
发吧。 话。

Can mean a certain action or behavior makes something Indicates the beginning and continuation of an action
come into existence or come into view 尽管现在才4月,Tina起已经开始慢慢热起来。

想出来: means some new information has been produced 想起来: means some information which was forgotten
after thinking has now been retrieved.
有几个选择题,实在想不出来该选哪个,只好随便选一个。 我想起来了,那个唱歌的男孩子是高老师的孩子。

19.4 总的来说 Zǒng de lái shuō - used as a parenthesis “on the whole, generally speaking”.
· 广告上说房子交通方便,周围很安静,厨房很大。总的来说,这套房子他很满意,于是他就记下
了房东的手机号码。交通:traffic, communications (jiao1tong1), 记:nortes, memorize
· 这个公司的工资虽然不算很高,但是奖金很多,所以总的来说收入还不错。
工资:salary 💰 (gong1zi1) ,奖金: bonus (jiang3jin1),收入: earnings (shou1ru4).
19.5 在于: “to be exactly, to lie in”, used in written Chinese to point out essence of something.
Usually has a noun phrase as its subject, and it must take a noun, verb or clause as its object.
· 人们常说 “生命在于运动 life is movement” 所以很多人一到周末就会到体育馆打几场球。
体育:sports (ti3yu4).
选择职业的关键在于兴趣,... La clave para elegir una carrera es el interés.
区别在于有的人能接受失败 The difference is that some people accept failure
第二十课:路上的风景。 Lùshàng de fēngjǐng - The view along the way. / landscape on the road.

20.1 V+着+V+着 *Both V are the same, usually monosyllabic. Often followed by another V, indicating an
action occurs when the mentioned is going on.
好,那我就放心了,别开着开着没油了。no quedarme sin gasolina mientras conduzco al aeropuerto.
她讲着讲着自己就先笑了,... Se reía mientras hablaba.
,有时候躺着躺着就安静地睡着了。a veces te quedas dormido tranquilamente mientras estás tumbado.​

20.2 一。。。就。。。
a). “ soon as…” - two events happening one immediately after the other (both may or may not share the
same subject).
100年前,塑料一出现就受到人们的普遍欢迎。El plástico fue universalmente popular tan pronto como
apareció hace cien años.​
等女儿一回来我就告诉她这个好消息。​Le contaré a nuestra hija estas buenas noticias tan pronto como
b). “if…then…” - ‘一’ followed by a situation indicating condition, ‘就’ followed by a situation that would occur
under the condition (both may or may not share the same subject).
儿子小时候一说话就脸红,... Cuando mi hijo era pequeño, se sonrojaba al hablar …
父母必须让孩子从小就知道,不是所有的东西一哭就能得到。​no todo está a su alcance tan pronto como lloran.​
妈妈一进房间,他就把手机放到了抽屉里。​Puso el móvil en el cajón tan pronto como su madre entró
en la habitación.

20.3 究竟 Jiùjìng - to indicate inquiry and strengthen the interrogative mood.

Used in an interrogative sentence or a sentence with an interrogative word.
If the subject of the sentence is an interrogative pronoun, 究竟 can only be put before it.
究竟哪个季节去丽江旅游比较好呢?​¿Cuál es la mejor estación para viajar a Lijiang?​
…,生命究竟从哪里来?¿de dónde viene la vida?​
Cuando se estudia, es importante no solo saber cuál es la respuesta, sino también averiguar exactamente cómo se obtiene la
respuesta, para entender realmente la pregunta.

究竟 到底

- Can be used as adverbs in interrogative sentences or sentences with an interrogative word to indicate inquiry and
strengthen the interrogative mood. 无论做什么事情,只有试过才知道究竟/到底能不能成功。
- Can only be put before the subject if the subject is an interrogative pronoun. 人的一生中,究竟/到底什么是最重要的?

Can not be used as a verb: “till the Can be used as a verb: “till the end”.
end”. 一定要把这个计划坚持到底,子安在放弃太可惜了。

20.4 起来 complement of direction: upward movement, extendedly. Indicates the beginning and continuation
of an action or the speaker’s comment on a certain aspect of somebody or something.
● 你先把桌子上的东西拿起来 (upward movement)... Primero recoge las cosas de la mesa…
● 比如你跟上海人对话时,会发现上海话听起来就想外语一样。
Por ejemplo, cuando hablas con gente de Shanghái, encuentras que el Shanghái suena como un idioma extranjero.

20.5 V + 起 introduces the thing that an action involves. Transitive verb (说,谈,进,问,提,回忆) 起 + noun
● 说起吃的东西,给我印象最深得失湖南菜。Hablando de comida, me impresionó más la comida de Hunan.
● 聊起那场网球比赛,他们俩就兴奋得停不下来了。Hablando del partido de tenis, los dos estaban
demasiado emocionados para detenerse.
第十五课:教育孩子的艺术。Jiàoyù háizi de yìshù - The art of teaching children.

弹钢琴 tàn gāngqín to play the piano 千万 qiān wàn ● must, to be sure to

棒 bàng ▲ excellent, amazing 怀疑 huáiyí ⬤ to suspect, to doubt

孙子 sūnzi ▲ grandson 故意 gùyì ● intentionally, on purpose

寒假 hánjià ▲ winter vacation 敲 qiāo ⬤ to knock, to beat, to strike

父亲 fùqīn ▲ father 整理 zhěnglǐ ⬤ to tidy up, to arrange

闹钟 nàozhōng ▲ alarm clock 合适 héshì ▲ fit, suitable

响 xiǎng ⬤ to sound, to ring 骗 piàn ⬤ to cheat, to deceive

醒 xǐng ⬤ to wake up, to be awake 儿童 értóng ▲ children

赶 gǎn ⬤ to rush for, to hurry 假 jiǎ ▲ false, fake

厕所 cèsuǒ ▲ lavatory, toilet 左右 zuǒyòu ▲ around, or so

批评 pīpíng ⬤ to criticize 懒 lǎn ▲ lazy

弄 nòng ⬤ to do, to make 笨 bèn ▲ stupid, foolish

管理 guǎnlǐ ⬤ to manage, to administer 粗心 cūxīn ▲ careless, thoughtless

打针 dǎzhēn ⬤ to give or have an injection 骄傲 jiāo'ào ▲ arrogant, conceited

护士 hùshì ▲ nurse 害羞 hàixiū ⬤ to be shy, to be timid

表扬 biǎoyáng ⬤ to praise, to commend

我俩 - us two
养成 - yǎng chéng - cultivate, make an habit
保护 - bǎohù - to protect
护照 - hùzhào - passport
优秀 - Yōuxiù - excellent
脸色 - Liǎnsè - complexion
急着 - jízhuó - in a hurry
鼓励 - gǔlì - Encourage
拒绝 - jùjué - reject

他非常赶时间。He is very in a hurry.

同学们赶时间了。The students are in a hurry.

如果让我说话我很害羞。I'd be shy if I had to talk.

今天我会去医院打针 /对 Today I will go to the hospital for an injection

今天我会去医院(得到 )打针 /不对 得到 = 打 en este contexto

第十六课:生活可以更美好。Shēnghuó kěyǐ gèng měihǎo. - Life can be better.

博士 bóshì ▲ doctor (PHD) 导游 dǎoyóu ▲ tour guide

签证 qiānzhèng ▲ visa 礼貌 lǐmào ▲ polite

报名 bào míng ⬤ to apply, to sign up 原谅 yuánliàng ⬤ to forgive

表格 biǎogé ▲ form, table 挂 guà ⬤ to hang, to put up

传真 chuánzhēn ⬤ to send by fax 同情 tóngqíng ⬤ to show sympathy for

号码 hàomǎ ▲ number 推 tuī ⬤ to put off, to postpone

参观 cānguān ⬤ to visit, to look around 预习 yùxí ⬤ to prepare lessons before


激动 jīdòng ▲ excited, emotional 重点 zhòngdiǎn ▲ focal point, emphasis

小伙子 xiǎohuǒzi ▲ young man 马虎 mǎhǔ ▲ careless, slipshod

记者 jìzhě ▲ journalist, reporter 自信 zìxìn ▲ self-confident

代表 dàibiǎo ⬤ to represent, to stand for 冷静 lěngjìng ▲ calm, composed

恐怕 kǒngpà ● (an estimation) I guess… 输 shū ⬤ to lose, to suffer defeat

失望 shīwàng ⬤ disappointed 重视 zhòngshì ⬤ to attach importance to

郊区 jiāoqū ▲ suburb, outskirts 敢 gǎn ⬤ to dare

到底 dàodǐ ● (? emphasis) …on earth 尊重 zūnzhòng ⬤ to respect

呀(?) ya p variant of 啊, at end of

question to soften tone

理解 - lǐjiě - understandings 拒绝 - jù jué - rechazar, negarse

邀请信 - yāo qǐng xìn carta de invitación 浪费 - làng fèi - desperdiciar
做生意 - zuò shēng yì - hacer negocios 世界 - shì jiè - mundo
态度 - tài du - comportamiento 骄傲 - jiāo ào - orgullo
误会 - wù huì - malentendido 积累 - jī lěi - acumular

尊重 zūnzhòng - respect
重视 zhòngshì - pay attention to
严重 yánzhòng - serious
敲门 knock on the door 他在家里挂里照片。He hangs pictures at home.
我们今天的会议推到了下个星期。Our meeting today has been pushed to next week.
第十七课:人与自然。Rén yǔ zìrán - Human and nature.

凉快 liángkuai ▲ pleasantly cool 入口 rùkǒu ▲ entrance

热闹 rènào ▲ busy, bustling 排队 páiduì ⬤ to form a line, to line up

云 yún ▲ cloud 活泼 huópō ▲ lively, vivacious

广播 guǎngbò ▲ broadcast, radio program 亚洲 yàzhōu Asia

照 zhào ⬤ to take a picture, to 六一儿童节 liùyī International Children’s

photograph értóng jié day

倒 dào ● (indicates contrast) yet, 社会 shèhuì ▲ society


安娜 ānnà Name of a person 竞争 jìngzhēng ⬤ to compete

香山 xiāngshān the Fragrant Hill (Beijing) 森林 sēnlín ▲ forest

长城 chángchéng the Great Wall 剩 shèng ⬤ to be left over, to remain

毛 máo ▲ hair, fur 暖和 nuǎnhuo ▲ warm

抱 bào ⬤ to hold in the arms, to hug 海洋 hǎiyáng ▲ sea, ocean

干 gàn ⬤ to do, to act 底 dǐ ▲ bottom, base

严格 yángé ▲ strict, rigorous 美人鱼 měirényú ▲ mermaid

难受 nánshòu ▲ sad, unhappy 公里 gōnglǐ m kilometer

趟 tàng m (used for a round trip) 仍然 réngrán ● still, yet


放暑假 fàng shǔjià to be on summer vacation 排列 páiliè ⬤ to put in order, to


老虎 lǎohǔ ▲ tiger 梦 mèng ▲ dream

凉爽 liángshuǎng - cool 熟悉 shúxī - familiar/know well

热闹 rènào - lively(place)/bustling with noise 按照 ànzhào - according to
气温 qìwēn - temperature​ 要求 yāoqiú - request
植物 zhíwù - plant 心情 xīnqíng - mood/feeling
叶子 yèzi - leaves 陪 péi - accompany
吸引 xīyǐn - absorb 数量 shùliàng - quantity
游客 yóukè - tourists 全世界 quán shìjiè - worldwide
改天 gǎitiān - another day 友好 - friendly
专门 zhuānmén - ⬤ specialized/● specially/▲ 奇怪 qíguài - strange/odd
真可惜 zhēn kěxí - it’s a pity 剩下(的) shèng xià de - leftover
照照片 zhào zhàopiàn - take photos
既然 jìrán - since/now that
完成 wánchéng - complete/finish
竟然 jìngrán - actually/it turns out
耐心 nàixīn - patience
突然 túrán - suddenly/unexpectedly
第十八课:科技与世界。Kējì yǔ shìjiè - Science, technology and the World.

降落 jiàng luò ⬤ to descend, to land 接着 jiēzhe ● then, immediately after


火 huǒ ▲ hot, popular 警察 jǐngchá ▲ police

作者 zuòzhě ▲ author 抓 zhuā ⬤ to catch, to arrest

交通 jiāotōng ▲ traffic, communication 咸 xián ▲ salty

技术 jìshù ▲ technology 矿泉水 kuàngquánshuǐ ▲ mineral water

是否 shìfǒu ● whether 付款 fùkuǎn ⬤ to pay a sum of money

秒 miǎo m second, 1/60 minute 举 jǔ ⬤ to give, to enumerate

方式 fāngshì ▲ way, mode 迷路 mílù ⬤ to lose one’s way

受不了 shòubùliǎo ⬤ cannot stand, cannot bear 地址 dìzhǐ ▲ address

日记 rìjì ▲ diary, journal 地点 dìdiǎn ▲ place, site

安全 ānquán ▲ safe, secure 世纪 shìjì ▲ century

密码 mìmǎ ▲ password 邮局 yóujú ▲ post office

允许 yǔnxǔ ⬤ to allow, to permit 收 shōu ⬤ to receive

坐 zuò m used for bridges, 信封 xìnfēng ▲ envelope

mountains, buildings

桥 qiáo ▲ bridge 网站 wǎngzhàn ▲ website

危险 wēixiǎn ▲ dangerous 信息 xìnxī ▲ news, information

内容 nèi róng​ 节约 jié yuē​- save/economize;thrifty

懂 dǒng​ 环境 huán jìng​- environment
了解 liǎo jiě​ 做梦 zuò mèng - dream​, daydream
起飞 qǐ fēi​- take off 区别 qū bié - difference
知识 zhī shí​- knowledge 有道理 yǒu dào lǐ​- make sense
相信 xiāng xìn - believe 矿泉水 kuàng quán shuǐ - mineral water
增长 zēng zhǎng - grow/increase 说法 shuō fǎ - statement
遇到 yù dào​- miss 举例子 jǔ lì zǐ​- for example
查找 chá zhǎo​- find 寄信 jì xìn​- send a letter
普遍 pǔ biàn​- universal
调查 diào chá​- investigate 特点 tèdiǎn - feature/trait/characteristic
互联网 hù lián wǎng​- internet 优点 yōudiǎn - advantage
改变 gǎi biàn​- change 缺点 quēdiǎn - disadvantage
及时 jí shí​- in time 重点 zhòngdiǎn - focus point/emphasis
第十九课:生活的味道。 Shēnghuó de wèidào - Taste of life.

学期 xuéqī ▲ term, semester 舞蹈 wǔdǎo ▲ dance

出生 chūshēng ⬤ to be born 国籍 guójí ▲ nationality, citizenship

性别 xìngbié ▲ sex, gender 抬 tái ⬤ to lift, to raise

道歉 dàoqiàn ⬤ to apologize 胳膊 gēbo ▲ arm

打印 dǎyìn ⬤ to print out 转 zhuǎn ⬤ to turn, to shift

复印 fùyìn ⬤ to photocopy, to xerox 租 zū ⬤ to rent, to lease

饺子 jiǎozi ▲ dumpling 吵 chǎo ▲ noisy

刀 dāo ▲ knife 厨房 chúfáng ▲ kitchen

破 pò ▲ broken, torn 房东 fángdōng ▲ landlord/landlady

脱 tuō ⬤ to take off 占线 zhànxiàn ⬤ (of a telephone line) to be

busy, to be engaged

理发 lǐfǎ ⬤ to get a haircut 功夫 gōngfū ▲ kung fu

包子 bāozi ▲ steamed stuffed bun 乒乓球 pīngpāng qiú ▲ ping-pong

零钱 língqián ▲ small change 羽毛球 yǔmáoqiú ▲ bádminton

打招呼 dǎzhāohū to greet, to say hello 场 chǎng m used for sports or

recreational activities

戴 dài ⬤ to wear (accessories) 禁止 jìnzhǐ ⬤ to prohibit, to forbid

眼镜 yǎnjìng ▲ glasses, spectacles 座位 zuòwèi ▲ seat

重新 chóng xīn​- again 到期 dào qī​- expired

申请 shēnqǐng​- apply 广告 guǎng gào -​advertise
填写 tián xiě​- fill in 体育馆 tǐ yù guǎn​- gymnasium
流血 liú xiě​- bleeding 运动员 yùn dòng yuán -​athlete
洗衣服 xǐ yī fú 发球 fā qiú​- serve (throw and hit ball)
看来 kàn lái​- it seems 随便 suí biàn -​casual
羊肉 yang ròu -​lamb 走动 zǒu dòng - walk around/stretch one’s legs
理发店 lǐ fà diàn​- barber shop 京剧 jīngjù - Ópera de Beijing
口袋 kǒu dài​- pocket 算 suàn - calculate
碰见 pèng jiàn - meet 翻译 fānyì - translate
难道 nán dào​
基础 jī chǔ​- base/foundation 沙发 shāfā
标准 biāo zhǔn -​standard 发生 fāshēng - occur
仔细 zǐ xì​- careful/cautious 发展 fāzhǎn - develop
腿 tuǐ​- legs
马路 mǎ lù​- road
第二十课:路上的风景。 Lùshàng de fēngjǐng - The view along the way. / landscape on the road.

加油站 jiāyóuzhàn ▲ gas station 民族 mínzú ▲ nationality, ethnic group

航班 hángbān ▲ scheduled flight 打扮 dǎbàn ⬤ to dress up, to deck out

推迟 tuīchí ⬤ to postpone, to delay 笑话 xiàohuà ▲ joke

高速 gāosù expressway 存 cún ⬤ to store, to keep


登机牌 dēngjīpái ▲ boarding pass 钥匙 yàoshi ▲ key

首都 shǒudū ▲ capital (of a country) 究竟 jiūjìng ● exactly

(in questions for emphasis)

长江 Chángjiāng Yangtze River 棵 kē m used for plants

长江 Chángjiāng Yangtze River Bridge (in 汤 tāng ▲ soup

Dàqiáo Nanjing)

首都 Shǒudū Beijing capital 对话 duìhuà ⬤ to have a dialogue

jīchǎng International Airport

旅行 lǚxíng ⬤ to travel, to tour 普通话 pǔtōnghuà ▲ chinese language

怪 guài ● rather, quite 小吃 xiǎochī ▲ small and cheap dishes

可怜 kělián ▲ pitiable, poor 收拾 shōushi ⬤ to put in order, to pack

对面 duìmiàn ▲ opposite, across 出发 chūfā ⬤ to depart, to set off

烤鸭 kǎoyā ▲ roast duck 辣 là ▲ hot, spicy

祝贺 zhùhè ⬤ to congratulate 香 xiāng ▲ fragrant, scented

合格 hégé ▲ qualified, up to standard 酸 suān ▲ sour, tart

干杯 gānbēi ⬤ to drink a toast

大桥 dà qiáo​- bridge 鲜美 xiān měi​- delicious

往右拐 wǎng yòu guǎi -​turn right 上海话 shàng hǎi huà -​Cantonés
旅游 lǚ yóu​ 味儿 wèir - taste
放松 fàng sōng 尝 cháng​- to taste
新鲜 xīn xiān​- fresh 减压 jiǎn yā -​stress reliever
主意 zhǔ yì - idea 行李 xíng lǐ​- luggage
自然风景 zì rán fēng jǐng - ​natural scenery 目的地 mù dì dì -​destination
成千上万 chéng qiān shàng wàn -​thousands 印象 yìn xiàng​- impression
少数民族 shǎo shù mín zú​- minority
稍微 shāo wēi​- slightly 性格 xìnggé - character
便宜 pián yí - cheap 价格 jiàgé - price
皮影戏 píyǐngxì - Teatro de sombras 表格 biǎogé - sheet
味道 wèi dào​- smell 严格 yángé - strict

季节 jì jié - season:春天 chūn tiān / 夏天 xiàtiān / 秋天 qiū tiān ​/ 冬天 dōngtiān

51. 远方传来一个孩子的呼救声, 52. ,不能遇到困难就半途而废。
Yuǎnfāng chuán lái yīgè háizi de hūjiù shēng, , Bùnéng yù dào kùn nàn jiù bàntú'érfèi.
A child's cry for help came from afar, Don't give up halfway when encountering difficulties

53. 这件事能不能办成, 54. 尽管司机在高速公路上已经开得很快,

Zhè jiàn shì néng bùnéng bàn chéng, Jǐnguǎn sījī zài gāosù gōnglù shàng yǐjīng kāi dé hěn
Can this thing be done? kuài,
Although the driver is already driving very fast on the
附加题 Fùjiā tí - Additional questions

▲ adj. ▲ n. ⬤ v.
● adv. ◠ prep. ▬ conj.
▲ pron. # num. m. m.

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