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Direct Instruction

Problem Based-
Learning Paul & Don (2012), Direct Instruction
adalah model yang menggunakan
Problem-based learning is a classroom peragaan dan penjelasan guru,
strategy that organizes mathematics
digunakan dengan latihan dan umpan
instruction around problem solving activities Model
and affords students more opportunities to balik siswa untuk mendapatkan
think critically, present their own creative pengetahuan dan keterampilan nyata Problem
ideas, and communicate with peers yang dibutuhkan untuk pembelajaran Based-
mathematically (Krulik & Rudnick, 1999) lebih jauh Learning dan
Ennis (1991), .....Critical Berbantuan
thinking is reasonable,
GeoGebra has a very clear and intuitive interface reflective thinking that is Geogebra
AQ plays a role in as an
divided into parts corresponding to the algebra focused on deciding what to individual will face challenges in Terhadap
and geometry (Figure 1). Depending on your belief or do... everyday life, such as
needs it can be freely modified to suit the competition, productive,
considered issue.
Dwyer (2017) Critical learning, and endurance (Matore KBKM
thinking is a process of et al, 2015).
coming to conclusions
Ditinjau dari
that can AQ Siswa
Geogebra be learned and applied in Adversity
different contexts

Berpikir Kritis

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