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CandAIdate: Rethinking CV Evaluation in the Age of AI

At the heart of our application, "CandAIdate", lies the ambition to redefine traditional CV

evaluation methodologies. Today's recruitment landscape is inundated with resumes, often making the

selection process tedious and error-prone for HR professionals. Against this backdrop, "CandAIdate"

emerges as a beacon of innovation.

Unlike conventional CV evaluators that merely scan documents for keywords, our system dives

deep into the intricate details. Not only does it assess the CV at face value, but it also meticulously

investigates external links provided within the resume. Whether it's a personal website, a GitHub

repository, or a LinkedIn profile, "CandAIdate" examines them all. For instance, a candidate might omit

their proficiency in Bash programming from their CV, but if that skill is evident on their personal webpage,

our system will detect and account for it.

The uniqueness of "CandAIdate" doesn't end there. To ensure consistency and ease for the HR

department, the application takes the diverse range of CV formats it receives and standardizes them. This

results in a uniform design across all candidate profiles, where essential details like contact information

and work experience always appear in the same location. This systematic approach minimizes the time HR

professionals need to spend acclimating to different CV layouts.

However, the true power of "CandAIdate" lies in its dynamic ranking mechanism. Unlike the static

criteria employed by traditional systems, our application employs a fluid ranking system. The HR

department can input their precise requirements in natural language, like "Looking for a candidate

proficient in Java with capability X, Y, and Z". Harnessing the analytical prowess of GPT-4, which has been

fine-tuned with our specific training data, "CandAIdate" understands these requirements and ranks

candidates accordingly. This ensures that the hiring criteria can be as dynamic and varied as the roles

companies seek to fill.

By employing such a sophisticated evaluation technique, we aspire to bring fairness and objectivity

to the recruitment process. Candidates who might have been overlooked due to the subjective moods or

biases of HR personnel will now receive a fair evaluation, ensuring that the most deserving individuals get

their rightful opportunities.

Under the hood, "CandAIdate" is powered by cutting-edge technologies. We've opted for pnpm

over traditional npm, tapping into its superior efficiency, and our frontend leverages the power and

flexibility of React.js, among other tools.

In essence, "CandAIdate" is not just a CV evaluator; it's a transformative tool aiming to make the

recruitment landscape more just, efficient, and responsive to the nuances of both the candidates and the


On AI Models and the CandAIdate Approach

A Pragmatic Approach to AI Development:

Within the scope of our four-month graduation project, it is essential to strike a balance between

ambition and feasibility. Developing an AI model from scratch, specifically tailored to CV evaluation, is

indeed a monumental task. The reality of such an undertaking requires millions of CVs for training to obtain

satisfactory results, a significant budget, and countless hours of work. When these requirements are

juxtaposed against our project's timeline, the challenge becomes apparent. After rigorous deliberation

over two extensive team meetings, we reached a conclusion that offers a pragmatic yet innovative


Harnessing the Power of GPT-4:


We believe in capitalizing on existing technologies and then refining them for bespoke

applications. To this end, GPT-4 presents a valuable opportunity. Our intention is not to utilize GPT-4 as a

mere plug-and-play tool but to mold it to suit our specific requirements. Drawing inspiration from

platforms like Khan Academy, which have adeptly integrated GPT-4 into their framework, we plan to train

the model with particular cases tailored to CV evaluation. By feeding GPT-4 curated scenarios and response

criteria, we can create a custom-tailored AI variant that leverages GPT-4's vast foundational knowledge,

further enhancing it to match our project's unique needs. This approach ensures that our application

utilizes a robust AI model without the immense challenges and pitfalls of developing one from scratch.

Resource Implications and Testing:

We understand that leveraging GPT-4's capabilities comes with associated costs. Over our project's

span, we anticipate incurring expenses of around $100 to $200 for API calls. Additionally, for our system

to be effectively tested and refined, we require a dataset of between 1,000 to 10,000 CVs. These CVs will

serve as the cornerstone for both automated and manual tests. Our testing approach is twofold: one, we

aim to conduct comparative evaluations between our AI-driven ranking system and traditional ranking

mechanisms, aiming to consistently outperform the latter. Two, we will manually grade approximately

1,000 CVs across various job domains, such as Java Developer, DevOps Engineer, etc. This dual-pronged

testing strategy will ensure our system's efficacy and superiority over conventional CV evaluation


In conclusion, the CandAIdate system represents a blend of leveraging powerful existing

technologies while applying rigorous customizations to meet specific challenges. It symbolizes both

innovation and pragmatism, ensuring that by the project's culmination, we present a CV ranking tool that

stands out both in terms of accuracy and efficiency.

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