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Sermon on Genesis 2.

18, 21-25 - Bárbara and Jacob’s

Wedding - Christchurch, 28th December 2023.

The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be
alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep
sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the
man’s ribs and then closed up the place with
flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the
rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to
the man. 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for
she was taken out of man.” 24 That is why a man leaves
his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they
become one flesh.

Now, I want to turn our attention to the greatest creation

ordinance, that is, marriage.

I just want to concentrate on one thing in the passage,

and that is the ordinance of marriage which is a
tremendous blessing and a tremendous responsibility.

As you look at chapters 1-2, you see God gives

blessings upon Adam. The culminating blessing, which
He gives to Adam in paradise, is Eve. It is marriage; it
is that relationship which He gives to Adam in the
creation and the provision of Eve.

God has, in Genesis, show His special love, His special
goodness, His special provision for Adam in the garden.

But the final blessing we find there, is God knowing

man's need for intimacy and for companionship. And
this marriage is viewed as the greatest blessing of God's
goodness to man in the original creation.

And so, the first thing we see in this ordinance marriage

is that

God recognized the needs of man even in paradise.

Even in paradise perfect Adam had need for

companionship. Verse 18: "Then the Lord God said it is
not good for the man to be alone. I will make him a
helper suitable for him."

You see, everything in the world was good. But even

with everything in the world was good by God, God
said that it is not good for man to be alone. God, having
created everything perfectly, looks at man without
companion and He says this is not good. This must be

And so God feel the need that man has for

companionship and He sets out to provide it. Now He's
going to provide a helper suitable for him; that

God will provide a helper suitable for him.

The phrase, in verse 20: "A helper suitable." That verse

beautifully captures woman's role and dignity as well.
She is a helper and she is a helper suitable. She
perfectly corresponds both: her role and her dignity.

And I want to add here that the word helper is the same
word which is used of the Lord God over and over in
the Old Testament when it says things like, the Lord is
my help (ex: Hebrews 13.6). She is a picture of God
coming to the aid and rescue of man.

Remember that, Bárbara, you are a picture to your

husband of God's divine aide to him. What an awesome
position of responsibility and authority that is.

This passage clearly focus, by the way, on

companionship as the basic need which woman will
fulfil in the life of man. Companionship is essential
motive for marriage in the divine order as it is revealed
here in the Bible.

And, In this passage the phrase ‘a helper suitable’

indicates a perfect fit. There was not found a helper
suitable. There was not found a perfect fit, a support, an
honoured companion for Adam. And so God set out to
provide one. Right.

The another thing we see in this passage is:

God makes provision for this need.

God doesn't say, "Adam, you need a companion. So, go

out and find one." God Himself makes provision for
this need and man gratefully acknowledges the
perfection of God's gift.

Notice in this passage several things. First of all, man is

first formed from the ground. And then Eve is formed
from him. This is very significant for the relationships
between man and woman.

That Eve is the crown and glory of Adam. She is the

glory of Adam, and that man stands in need of her. Can
you see that, Jacob? That Barbara is the crown and
glory to you?

But also showing the equality, because the name that he

gives her indicates that she is just like he is. There is a
compatibility. And so at the same time, that shows the
structure of authority that God has worked into this
world order. It also shows her equality and
compatibility with him.

And so I share that with you today, guys. There's also a

beautiful quote regarding woman being created from
man's side. It says: "The woman was made of a rib out
of the side of Adam, not made out of his head to rule
over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by
him; but out of his side to be equal with him; under his

arm to be protected and near his heart to be beloved."
It's beautiful, isn’t it?

Now, at verse 24. There in these verses we see that

God, in this special creative and providential act

The foundation of marriage.

For this reason, we read, "A man shall leave his father
and his mother and be joined to his wife and they shall
become one flesh." This provision of Eve to Adam, is
the foundation of all marriage.

Because God made woman for man, therefore, it is to

be the closest of all relations. It is the greatest blessings
for this relationship in all of life. Right.

Well, we have to understand the Marriage is in trouble

in our society today. There are all sorts of pressures. A
lot of the pressure comes from expectations and
selfishness in this world today, because of the fall.

So, when a young couple gets together and the young

woman sees in the man the answer to all her needs, and
the man sees in the woman the answer to all his needs.
And they go into the marriage thinking that the other
one is going to fulfil all their needs, rather than going
into the marriage self-sacrificially in a spirit of self-
denial, determining to serve the other.

And, obviously there’s still going to be issues in
marriage because we all are sinners, right? And if
you’re living a godly life, walking in the Holy Spirit,
having the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control—
This is totally possible. But the Word of God is saying
it’s not only possible, but it’s commanded; and you
have, in having the Spirit of God, all the resources you
need to see it fulfilled.
So, If you love the way Christ loved the church, men
and women, if you submit the way the church submits
to Christ, your home will be in the most healthy
environment to embrace the truth of the gospel and joy.
So you have a responsibility not only for your own joy
and happiness, but you’re given a responsibility to show
the world the relationship between Christ and His
church as demonstrated in your marriage. Think about
To be Submissive, obedient wife, fulfilling all the
responsibilities of love for her husband and; a loving
husband who’s sacrificial, purifying, caring, and
faithful; this is the picture of marriage that demonstrates
the relationship of Christ to His church.
It’s a high calling. Being married is a very high calling.
So that marriage is not only in itself a marvellous
reality, but it is symbolic of the work of Christ and His
love for His church.

So, We’re talking here about love and respect. Those
are the defining summary words: okay. Love and
respect will make a blessed and happy marriage and a
wonderful testimony of Christ and His church. Amen.

Let’s pray
Father, we come to You now, together, to ask You
blessings upon us. Thankful that You have led us into
the truth, the Bible. Thank You for marriage. Thank
You for all those who are here married or not yet. Lord,
help all of us to live the principles of marriage that have
been laid out so clearly for Your honour and glory and
joy. And so that we would even be a testimony of the
reality of Christ’s love for His church.
And I pray for this lovely couple here, Jacob and
Barbara to renew their vows. I pray, Lord, that Your
grace would be abundant, that they would find their
way to continue in obedience. And to being filled with
the Holy Spirit, joyful worship, constant thanksgiving,
and submission, so that their marriages can be
everything You want them to be.
May they never be looking for someone who is perfect,
may be never be unhappy with the partner You’ve
given, but may they rejoice with full joy. May they
always live in the wondrous reality that God has given
them the partner He has given them to love as Christ

loved the church, and to respect as the church respects
its Lord.
Lord, may here be a place where virtuous marriage is
visible for its purity and joy. That would be our prayer.
Give to them greater love and respect for each other
because it honours Your name; and it’s in that name
Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

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