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Free Twin Flame

introductory course

Lesson 8:
Practical Application
Lesson 8:
Practical Application

Unionism is a science.
Harmonious Twin Flame Union
is guaranteed.

By now we have covered a great

deal of spiritual ground. You
should in no way expect to be
mastered in The Teachings of
Union, but you should have a
strong introduction to its depth
and breadth. We have met and
have given you a brief tour of the
landscape. You should know
clearly the feeling that has been
conveyed to you throughout
these eight lessons, and that
feeling should be a good,
hopeful, warm, and peaceful
feeling. It's okay if you don't yet
have perfect clarity on this
feeling, but we hope you are at
least aware that there is a feeling
here being given and that this
feeling is not just a good feeling,
but it is the very feeling you are
seeking in your love life.
Lesson 8:
Practical Application
Feeling good is the desired end result of purifying your
consciousness, and the reality is that once your consciousness is
properly purified, the good feeling will intrinsically remain for
eternity. These lessons have been speaking to you from a healed
place, from the knowing that Harmonious Union is real, is
attainable, is for you. We have been speaking to you from the place
of Harmonious Twin Flame Union so that you can arrive here too.
This is for you too.

It's hard to overstate the ecstatic bliss and endless depth of love
and joy that Harmonious Twin Flame Union brings. It's that
immense ocean of pure love that we extend to you through our
body of work. You need only say "Yes" to it. You'll need to continue
to say "Yes" to that love again and again and again, just as you
have to say "Yes" to any destination many times along any journey.

If you are traveling from one city to another, you'll have to say "Yes"
to your destination and not veer off course. If you are traveling to
the destination of a new dream, you'll have to say "Yes" so many
times before you arrive there. If you are traveling to the destination
of a transcendental state of consciousness where true love is real
and you are in Harmonious Union with your True Twin Flame,
you're going to have to say "Yes" so many times until you arrive
there. And then once you're there you're going to need to say "Yes"
forever and ever. This final "Yes" is a state of gratitude and
appreciation for the Glory of God living through you and your
permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
Lesson 8:
Practical Application

The power of "Yes" to bring you to your destination, material or

spiritual, is the same as the power of "No" to bring you
careening off your journey and returning back to where you
started. That power is in your hands.

To summarize The Teachings of Union in one way:

1. You are a vibrational being. Whatever your inner vibration,

you attract to yourself that which vibrates in harmony with you.

2. God places a dream of Harmonious Twin Flame Union in

your heart so that you may choose it. It is a tiny preview of what
is to come.

3. Purifying your consciousness is the way to take a vibrational

journey at a rapidly accelerated rate.

4. You will arrive at your vibrational destination when you have

completed the vibrational journey.
Lesson 8:
Practical Application

The leap from conventional romantic relationship to Harmonious Twin

Flame Union is utterly massive. It's no small deal to arrive from
something so deeply unsatisfying, painful, largely fruitless, completely
disposable, ridiculously fleeting, and genuinely shallow and arrive at
Harmonious Twin Flame Union. The depth is beyond description. It is
Eternal Love manifested in reality. It is literally the foundation of
Heaven on Earth. It is truly Divine.

We cannot overstate how critical it is for you to equip yourself with

expert help on your Twin Flame journey. There is no other person or
organization on this Earth which is equipped to guide you properly
the entire way. Twin Flames Universe is our co-creation, born of loving
compassion from the desire to extend the perfection that we
experience in Harmonious Twin Flame Union to others. It is our
expression of gratitude and appreciation for the gift that God gave to
us by giving us the dream, showing us the path, and guiding us all the
way Home here in this place.
Lesson 8:
Practical Application

We understand the magnitude of what we have and the enormous

desire in all of consciousness for each of us to be reunited with our
Perfect Complement. It is simply not possible for us to personally
attend to each person who desires this, for that would take longer
than an eternity. So we have created an organization built around
the consciousness of Harmonious Twin Flame Union for the purpose
of guiding each and every person Home to Eternal Love. In this way,
we can reach you.

This organization will support you in every way, and it will extend to
you the perfect Ascension Coach to help you all the way into your
Harmonious Twin Flame Union and beyond, into your Perfect Life of
Love. Coaches do require payment as they do have to be supported
in their careers in order to support you. This allows them to dedicate
their entire lives to this teaching and to you, their client. With
exceptional compassion, professionalism, and loving care, your
Ascension Coach will help you attain Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
You will attain your dream life together with your dream love. We
absolutely guarantee it.

As a congratulations to you for completing this Course, and as a

thank you for remaining with us all the way to the end, we would
like to extend to you a free introduction to our more in-depth
coursework. In this way, you'll have the opportunity to sample what
is to come if you choose to continue your relationship with us.
Lesson 8:
Practical Application

Everything we present, everything we are, everything we do,

everything we stand for, everything we dedicate our lives to,
everything that is Twin Flames Universe and its spiritual parent
organization, The Church of Union, is an expression of our best effort
of Perfect Union. That means we're offering a healthy relationship to
you. When you engage in this relationship, you may at times find
elements of it uncomfortable, the very relationship itself will change
you. Everything is All, and there is nothing you will ever find here that
aims to point you away from Union.

In Heaven, where the meaning of Love is known, Love is the same as


Thank you for taking the time and energy to commit to working
through this Course. This could be the beginning of the rest of your
Life of Love. This could be the day you are reborn anew in Eternal
Love. This could be the moment you decide that a Life of Love is for
you. This could be the opportunity you have been aching for in your
heart of hearts for a long, long time. All you have to do now is say
“Yes” to the next step.

An email will arrive with you shortly to help you create a new account
where you'll gain access to many hours of free coursework. We hope
you will take this opportunity to say “Yes” to your Life of Love,
together with your Twin Flame, in Eternal Love.

Yours truly,

Jeff and Shaleia

Lesson 8:
Practical Application

lesson 8 exercise

1. Schedule a consultation with an Ascension Coach if you have not

already done so. You may visit us at

This is the most important connection you can make on your Twin Flame
Ascension journey and an absolutely critical step. Every single person who
attained Harmonious Twin Flame Union suggests Ascension Coaching as
one of the most important things that helped them to get there.
It's worth it.

2. Set up your free account and begin watching the free content to
familiarize yourself with the coursework.

3. Allow your Ascension Coach to guide you safely and securely to your
next steps. If you are unable to afford professional coaching or courses,
connect yourself with an Ascension Coach first anyway. Money is energy
and it is part of the teaching. You will learn to master your money and
finances as part of learning to master your Life Force Energy. You will
begin to grow in confidence as you learn to heal this part of your life. Your
Ascension Coach can help you with your first steps to begin a relationship
with them, even before you can afford to work with them.

A good, committed student with a high willingness to learn and a high

willingness to change will always master the teaching. In this case, that
means you will attain Harmonious Union and create the life of your
dreams. Don't cheat yourself out of a beautiful life. You deserve it. Just
take the steps given and you will get the results.
Lesson 8:
Practical Application

4. Take all the time you need to process everything. There is no

rush, there is no hurry, but there is no sense in doing anything
other than moving as quickly as you can. Getting out of
separation is a gift you can give your eternal soul and your
Ultimate Lover. Love them as you love yourself.

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