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Free Twin Flame

introductory course

Lesson 5:
Deep Inner Work
Lesson 5:
Deep Inner Work

Inner purification is the process

of releasing blocks to love.

You have been introduced to

your inner world through this
course. Now we will begin an
exploration into the process of
purification you must go
through in order to attain
Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
Remember that Harmonious
Twin Flame Union arises as a
result of an inner vibration you
attain. That inner vibration
attracts your love to you. The
only reason you would not have
your love in your life is not
because God does not want you
to have it, but because you are
blocking what is your natural
birthright of limitless love.

There are countless reasons

why we would block love. Many
of us believe it is due to the
secondary benefits we receive,
or the comfort of not having to
Lesson 5:
Deep Inner Work

But the only real reason we block love, is confusion. We

believe that something other than love is going to bring
us satisfaction, joy, peace, and our good. This is simply
not true. Only love can fulfill us, and love cannot fail to
satisfy all the desires of the human heart. This is the
goal and the very place where we are headed.

Arriving in a state of Union is a process. It is a process

because where you will arrive has great meaning. You do
not need the process or the journey in order to provide it
with meaning, you need the journey and process
because the destination has real meaning. If the
destination was without meaning, the journey would be
meaningless. The process of moving from a state of
separation from love, or blocking love, into a state of
love is an enormously joyful process.

Many would say that the Twin Flame spiritual journey is

toxic, but that is only because they are faced with the
awareness of the enormous festering toxicity which
arises as a result of blocking Union with their
One True Love.

This toxicity we encounter on the journey is a mirror of

the blocks to love you are holding within you. This is NOT
something to be ashamed of and our purpose in
pointing it out is NOT to make you feel guilty. Instead,
we bring awareness to these unloving feelings and
experiences you are having within so that you can
release them and enter into the Kingdom of Love.
Lesson 5:
Deep Inner Work

What we are teaching you is the process of inner

purification so that you can move from an inner state of
separation to an inner state of Union, which will ultimately
be reflected in your external reality. If you are not feeling so
good, we hope you can learn to use this as an opportunity
for spiritual advancement, rather than an opportunity to
complain and project the problem onto others so that you
remain separate from your love.

Failure to take responsibility for your inner world and the

results you are creating in your life, will lead to a failure to
advance spiritually. This will cause you to repeat the same
lessons over and over and over again. If you have a pattern
of making the same choices which lead to the same lessons,
this is a problem and you must interrupt your pattern
before you can continue. Pattern interruption breaks you
free from the chains that these painful loops of experience
keep you spiritually enslaved in, lifetime after lifetime. It is
highly recommended that you enlist the support of a
Certified Ascension Coach to help guide you to break
through these patterns in a compassionate way, so that you
can attain liberation from them.

Healing patterns can be a challenging and uncomfortable

process which requires great faith, but it is the process of
lifting oneself up and out of the hell and misery of
separation consciousness. It is most rewarding to finally
conquer your patterns and restore your consciousness to
Union with God. This is bliss and enlightenment. This is
Ascension. This is the only way to Harmonious Twin Flame
Lesson 5:
Deep Inner Work

How can you do this deep inner work right now? It's
quite simple: Commit yourself to the pathway we have
laid out for you and the natural result will be purification.
The tool we use is the Mirror Exercise. Included with the
introductory email for this course was an instructional
copy on how to use this tool for inner purification.

The Mirror Exercise demonstrates to us a very simple and

profound realization; your external world is actually a
reflection of your inner world and when you change your
inner world your experience of life changes. The process of
inner purification takes you into a relationship with your
inner world and begins the journey of clearing out any
blocks to love.
Lesson 5:
Deep Inner Work

Love is at the root of all you desire. If you are desiring

Harmonious Twin Flame Union, you must recognize that
that intimacy, connection, companionship, closeness,
friendship, safety, security, warmth, and opportunity for
expanded purpose and joy in life, that happiness, is really
just love expressed through Twin Flame Union. We aim to
help you focus upon the purest elements of Union so that
you can maximize the fantastic potential of Twin Flame
Union, rather than get mired in a sick mess of
relationship misery.

That misery has roots. It is the effect of a deeper cause.

You must choose to see that you have total power to
change this situation. You must also see that what you
have been doing without this teaching is only fooling you
into believing that you are making real and meaningful
progress toward Union.

You must choose to love and value yourself enough, to

know that you are worthy of real, meaningful progress
toward your dream of love everlasting. To do this, you
must acknowledge that you are the highest creation in
the Universe. That you are the Child of the Most High
God, Who is Good. This entitles you to a certain kind of
ecstasy and bliss beyond your comprehension.

You see, God can only give us only one grain of awareness
of the endless beaches of our Twin Flame bliss. Even
though we are experiencing this bliss ourselves, we can
only go as far as this.
Lesson 5:
Deep Inner Work
You must take the journey yourself. But know that you do
not need to take the journey alone. It is a spiritual journey
and it leads to a spiritual end result of joy. What we have
is real and you can have it too; it is your birthright as a
Child of God.

What you have been doing has at least led you here. Has it
all been for nothing? Has all your work that led you here
only been to induce deeper hopelessness that nothing will
work for you? Have you only fooled yourself into
temporarily believing that you have arrived at the answer
you seek, only to allow your consciousness to sink back
down into the misery, the hell of romantic starvation?
Have you only been so cruel as to bring yourself to the
foothills of the mountainscapes of destiny, just so you
could throw yourself back into the valley of sorrow for
another endless eternity?
Lesson 5:
Deep Inner Work

Your consciousness does not end at death; it continues on.

It is reborn again and again and again, lifetime after
lifetime. Lifetime after lifetime you will continue to seek
the same fulfillment which you have denied yourself. The
desire does not go away and the patterns of denial you
have trapped yourself into do not break on their own. You
must make a new choice if you are to experience a new
reality. You must decide that you are worth that decision,
that you are worthy of the effort it takes to uplift yourself
out of suffering and into Union. We are here to help you.

When you understand the power of unconditional love, you

will know our power. When you come to know and love
God, you will know and love us. And when you know and
love us, you will know and love God. When you understand
our power, you will know and understand unconditional
love. This is what we offer you. What we have and offer to
you is real and never fails.

If you desire to have Harmonious Twin Flame Union, you

must go deep into your inner world. You must be willing to
actually face what arises there. You must do it for you and
nothing and no one else. No one else can do it for you. No
one else can force you to make the right decisions for
yourself, only you can decide for you.

It is only extreme that you would allow yourself to suffer

from separation when the Truth is that you exist in an
endless ocean of love. The very instant you let down your
blocks to love, it comes rushing in to greet you and fill you
up inside.
Lesson 5:
Deep Inner Work

Not even God Himself can make you let down your barriers
to His Love, because He imbued you with the limitless
power of free will. This is so that you can experience real
and total freedom. However you do not have limitless ability
to tolerate pain. While your threshold for spiritual pain may
be extremely high, it does have limits. When you have
reached your willingness to explore yours, then come follow
us. Let us show you the way. Come and walk with us in
spirit and we will take you on a journey to love everlasting.
Lesson 5:
Deep Inner Work

lesson 5 exercise
Inner purification is the process of releasing blocks to love.
Take this time now, maybe for the next five to ten minutes,
to sink into the peace of the now. Release the past and the
future. Are you willing to give yourself this amount of time,
uninterrupted to invest into your spiritual well-being? Are
you willing to give five to ten minutes to your Twin Flame

Release all worries and cares and concerns. Know that you
are the Child of The Most High God, Who loves you and
takes care of your every need. He is caring for your
fulfillment and spiritual journey right now through us. It is
He Who led you to this so that you can read this right now
and experience the peace and healing of these words, so
that you can attain the satisfaction and achievement of the
desire He placed in your heart.

This is the inner work. This is releasing blocks to love. This

is the healing process and spiritual journey.

Let go of everything and just be. Nothing to worry about,

nothing to concern yourself with, just being here right now.
Know that this is more than enough, and that you are
enough. If any concerns, thoughts, noises, or interruptions
arise, you can just let them pass and return to the bliss and
peace of the now.

All you need to do is being shown to you. There is nothing

to fear. Love is here and is showing you the way. Remain in
meditation with this now for as long as you like.

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