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Free Twin Flame

introductory course

Lesson 6:
Introduction to Divine Romance
Lesson 6:
Introduction to Divine Romance

Perfect, unconditional love

is the goal.

The reason we are giving

you these lessons, and the
reason we created a body
of work, is not to convey
information to you. Its
purpose is to raise your
awareness. To increase the
vibration of your
consciousness. And by
increasing the vibration of
your consciousness and
raising your awareness,
you will find the answers
you seek are right there
within you and have been
the whole time. What was
once unattainable for you
becomes self-evident.
Lesson 6:
Introduction to Divine Romance

The love you seek cannot be exciting, it must be so

natural and normal that you could not possibly have
anything else. The romance you share with your Twin
Flame must become so peaceful and automatic to you,
so intrinsic to your very soul, that not only could you not
imagine or see anything else, you could not experience
anything else. And it does not need to be perfect to
attract your Divine Romance! It must only be enough.
Enough, rather than "not yet enough."

These are words designed to penetrate your

consciousness and rupture the delusional veil of
separation blinding you to the reality which has always
been, is, and will always be: That you and your Twin
Flame are One in spirit, One in mind, One in being, and
One in body. You are not separate in any way. When you
read these words, we know that you resonate with them
in your heart because they are true. The stirrings in your
heart are deep, complete, and real.

The only thing that is real is Love and the delusion of

separation is nothing more than a lie you believe in
which keeps you looping around and around in a pattern
of suffering and misery. You think that you must control
or suffer in order to escape, but escape is not the
intention of the lie. Its job is to keep you looped in and
bought in for as long as possible. We are here to break
that loop forever. We are here before you in mind, heart,
body, spirit, to shatter the chains of your oppression that
you may finally rise to your natural state of being,
liberated from the delusion of separation from your
eternal love.
Lesson 6:
Introduction to Divine Romance
Divine Romance means unconditional love. It means
absolutely refusing in every way to give yourself to fearful
thoughts, delusions, visions, and choices of sickness and
separation. Separation does not occur on the physical plane
first, it occurs in your inner being first, and this is the place
to which we are speaking right now. Your inner being.

You cannot have Divine Romance without first recognizing

the Divine in you, without first recognizing that you are, in
fact, Divine. This is not possible from within the endless
cycling of the highs and lows of the wheel of delusion. The
heartbreaking drama of separation from your One True Love.

If you desire a spiritual love, you must surrender the

delusional material world as being primary. Let it go
completely. Stop trying to change it. Stop trying to make it
work out the way you want it to. This will only ever lead to
suffering again and again and again. The external world is
an effect, not a cause! So to have Divine Romance, you must
surrender the story. Let it go completely. You must renounce
your attachments to it. Let it be what it is, let it be what it
has always been, a reflection of the inner.

When you do this, when you completely let it go, you enter
into the world of Divine Romance. The inner world. In the
inner world you interact with feelings and vibration. For
those who are deeply attached to the material world, the
inner world may at first appear rather boring. You close your
eyes to shut out material sight and you open the inner eyes
of awareness of feelings, and all you see with your physical
eyes is nothing. For many, all you will feel is something you
would rather not feel. We urge you, feel the feeling anyway.
And when you do, instead of falling into a slumber, you will
begin to awaken from the dream.
Lesson 6:
Introduction to Divine Romance

Feelings. Powerful romantic feelings of love, passion,

desire, emotional satisfaction and fulfillment. Isn't this
what you're after? Not an external state, but a spiritual
state. Having the physical presence of your Twin Flame will
not change anything. How many times have you been so
physically close to someone, and yet they could not have
felt further away? Like on the bus or train as you're passing
through from one destination to another. No amount of
material manipulation will bring you Harmonious Twin
Flame Union. Only spiritual enlightenment; the awareness
of an inner spiritual reality, will bring you what you seek.
Lesson 6:
Introduction to Divine Romance

Divine Romance is unconditional love. If you really loved

them, would you seek to possess them? If true love is what
you actually seek, would you really seek to destroy any
aspect of their chosen lives? If you really loved them, would
you seek to manipulate or control them? If you really loved
them, wouldn't you do anything to just love them?

But what is it that you do now? What is it that you are

doing that keeps them away from you in love? What is it
that you are selfishly grasping for in them, hoping it will fill
you? That is NOT Divine Romance. That is the very
perpetuation of sickness which keeps you from being in
love with your One True Love. And what does logic tell you
about changing this situation? That you should keep trying
what is not bringing you meaningful progress? Rather, we
recommend trying something different. We suggest that
what we are showing you is the only way to Harmonious
Twin Flame Union.

And what other way is there? Do you think you can attain a
spiritual romance and enter into eternity through
persistently reminding your Twin Flame person of what you
want from them? Do you think that eventually they will
come around and *finally* wake up to the story you've been
telling them? No. No they're not going to. No they're not
going to change their mind about the story you're telling.
You need to tell a different story. Your story is no different
than the story of any other person in some degree of
separation. You are no better than any other for you are
still experiencing separation, and if you desire to escape
the chains that bind you and keep you apart, listen
Lesson 6:
Introduction to Divine Romance



Truly we cannot emphasize this any more than we have. It

is written in all CAPS, it is bold, it is italicized, and it is
underlined so that you may notice the extraordinary
importance of this statement. And yet, so very many think
they can escape the reality of unconditional love and reap
the fruits of its spirit through conditional love.

Here is the single largest mistake anyone can ever make on

their Twin Flame journey and the only lesson you will ever
need to learn... it is love. Real, pure, true, unconditional
love. If it is not love then it is not love. If it is love then it is
most certainly love. And while it may seem so very obvious
that we should not even bother writing these two
sentences down, to those in separation this very obvious
thing becomes more like fairy tales and fleeting imaginary
magic dust. One seems hardly discernible from the other.

You are living in a delusional world where love is the

exception and not the rule. Where love is put last in line
and not first. Where everyone and everything is in
complete and total agreement that real love is a "not yet"
sort of thing. And so you will experience all kinds of "not
yet" when you are concerned with matters of real,
unconditional love. You will say "not yet" to this teaching
and this body of work. You will say "not yet" to investing in
the only meaningful journey of your eternal existence. You
will say "not yet" to supporting yourself with an Ascension
Lesson 6:
Introduction to Divine Romance

You will give all kinds of excuses and reasons for "not yet"
that seem to be meaningful and important and final, and
yet the only reason for you to say "not yet" is that you wish
to keep your love at bay for just a little while longer.

Is this what you are? Unloving and unwilling to give even

the smallest bit of ground to love in your life? Do you
mistake your stubborn, arrogant, refusal to say "yes" to love
as healthy boundaries and adherence to your values? And
what are your values worth if they are not grounded in love
for Love Itself?

As we have said before, these lessons are not designed to

fill your brain with information, but to expose you to the
consciousness of Harmonious Twin Flame Union. It is a
state of true unconditional love. To enter into the Divine
Romance of eternity, you must allow your awareness to be
elevated. This process of raising your consciousness is the
process of Ascension. The Twin Flame journey is an
Ascension path of lovers, together entering into the
Kingdom of Heaven by walking the path as One.
Lesson 6:
Introduction to Divine Romance

If you are to walk this path, if you are to transcend the

delusion of separation, you cannot do it alone. Because
aloneness is what brought you to separation in the first
place and it is only in the spirit of togetherness that you
will enter into Union with your True Twin Flame. We are
here with you. We have created a spiritual superhighway of
enlightenment that every last being in all the Multiverse,
including you, may sit down, buckle up, and drive Home
together into the eternal arms of Love.
Lesson 6:
Introduction to Divine Romance

lesson 6 exercise
Take a moment to let everything go. As you let it all go, let
everything else go. Let go of the future and the past. Let go
of all that you just experienced. Take a few pure, deep
breaths, feeling the pleasure and ecstasy of breathing. How
is it that the mere act of breathing can feel so good? How
is it that the subtlety of that good feeling is so persistent
and present when you merely choose to be aware of it?

Allow yourself to sink fully into the present moment, the

eternal peace of right now. Having let all else go, notice
how you feel right now. Stay with that feeling.

Rest your awareness and presence on the dominant

spiritual feeling within you. Is it a good feeling? Follow it,
let it lead you where it may. Is it an uncomfortable feeling?
Stay with it. Your presence will purify it until it breaks loose
and takes you to a new place.

Our consciousness is ceaseless. It is always moving and

never stops. If you ever experience it stopping, then it
probably feels very uncomfortable as this is not natural for
its flow to be even slightly constrained. Do not ignore that
constraint, feel into it. Stay with it, let it flow. This is the
process of awakening. With the help of a Certified
Ascension Coach you can make sense of this inner process
and begin to use this awareness to shape your reality into
one of Perfect Love. Meditate upon this as you remain
present with unfolding the flow of your consciousness.

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