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PEEE paragraph

In the story the author uses imperative language to show power to either the dentist
or the mayor. The evidence showing this is the phrase at the rising action “sit down.”
This indicates that Aurelio or the dentist has the power over the mayor. The use of
this phrase or command shows that the dentist having control of the mayor as the
mayor can not argue with this for he is very desperate to get his tooth out. With this
command the readers can see that people can be desperate to get something that
they’ll listen to anyone just to get what they want.

Furthermore, the author uses a threatening tone and reported speech in the rising
action “he’ll shoot you.” This implies that the mayor is in control therefore he is
threatening the dentist to do what he wants . With his threatening tone it shows us,
readers, that people can be threatening if they desire to get what they want.

Lastly, in the climax of the story the dentist says “Now you’ll pay for our 20 dead men.”
The phrase from the dentist shows a tone of retaliation which indicates the dentist ‘s
anger for what the mayor has done. Saying this we learn that people can do when they
want revenge pr retaliation.

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