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Transcripts – Voice Codes

Hi Voice Code Text Output

Speaker Tags
op-mac Operator
vest-mac Investor Relations Representative
comp-1or lead-mac Chief Executive Officer
comp-2 or money-mac Chief Financial Officer
comp-3 to comp-n Other Company Speakers
compco Unidentified Company Speaker
spee-1 through spee-n Analyst
quesco Unidentified Analyst
dee-mac Unidentified Attendee
share-mac Unidentified Shareholder
firkey first quarter
twokey second quarter
thirkey third quarter
forkey fourth quarter
Brief Forms
CC conference call
ER earnings release
forlos forward-looking statements
gorm good morning
gormo good morning, everyone
gormings good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us
gaftings good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for joining us
gaft good afternoon
gafto good afternoon, everyone
geevey good evening
confey-mac I will be your conference facilitator
turn-mac I would now like to turn the conference over
laisgent ladies and gentlemen
pleegam Please go ahead, ma'am.
pleegas Please go ahead, sir.
PSL Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
runtees/riskies risks and uncertainties
harbor-mac {Safe Harbor Statement}
surxcom Securities and Exchange Commission
turtco turn the call over to
TK thank you
wimclis with me on the call is
wimclar with me on the call are
web-mac {company specific website}
youbig you may now begin
investo Investor Relations

Transcripts – Voice Codes

Voice Code Text Output

cheefo/cheefin Chief Financial Officer
cheeo/cheefex Chief Executive Officer
cheeop/cheefop Chief Operating Officer
veepo Vice President
oh-ten '10
oh-eleven '11
oh-twelve '12
oh-thirteen '13
ten-oh 2010
eleven-oh 2011
twelve-oh 2012
thirteen-oh 2013
fourteen-oh 2014
Style Guide Bracketed Forms
video-mac [Presentation]
vote-mac [Voting]
break-mac [Break]
tech-mac [Technical Difficulty]

web-mac company-specific website

start-mac [:MDA:] [Operator]
Punctuation and Formatting
peerk period {.}
kwee question mark {?}
comma comma {,}
colo or colon colon {:}
semco semicolon {;}
dash double-dash {--}
hyphen hyphen {-}
lipsis ellipsis {…}
point point {.}
slash slash {/}
par-par new paragraph
start-start [:MDA:]
kwee-kwee [:qa:]
phone-mac [ph]
sound-mac [indiscernible]
sound-quest [Question Inaudible]
struc-struc [Operator Instructions]
audio-mac [Audio Gap]

Transcripts – Voice Codes

Voice Code Text Output

Common Financial Terms
bildree billion
mildex million
billion $# billion
million $# million
ackreeble accounts receivable
akwee acquisition
addish additional
addy/adishee additionally
mortize amortization
antate anticipate
approxly approximately
ascom as compared to
soshee associated
attrib/tribey attributable
balshee balance sheet
boree borrowing
buzz business
cales comp store sales
cappend capital expenditures
captize capitalize
cory/cories category/ies
compee/panee company
compoo compared to
soliday/con-date consolidation
contop continuing operations
dazing days sales outstanding
erps earnings per share
efrate effective tax rate
viro environment
expee expectations
finsee financial
FC free cash flow
gen-ad general and administrative
grin gross margin
impa impairment
info information

Transcripts – Voice Codes

Voice Code Text Output

Common Financial Terms
invree/invee inventory
likwee liquidity
crowee macroeconomic
mangent management
facting manufacturing
matee materially
oblee obviously
opal operational
perfo performance
pressee press release
primey primarily
prilly principally
porma pro forma
prodee productivity
profee profitability
quoyo quarter-over-quarter
raw-mats raw materials
reebles receivables
respy respectively
ressing restructuring
rults results
rues revenues
selgex selling, general and administrative expenses
seekly/seekwee sequentially
gia SG&A
share-ase share repurchase
sigant significant
siggy significantly
stales same store sales
stragee strategy
strageeze strategies
subtal substantial
subee/sublee substantially
transpo transportation
yoyo year-over-year

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