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I’d like to go to the mountains.

I would go to the mountains.

I would help you but I’m lazy.

would w zdaniach hipotetycznych ‘bym…’

rewarding- giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you have done something
important or useful, or done something well

I’m going to begin/ I’m beginning- zacznę/ zaczynam (o konkretnych planach)

I’m afraid a little (bit)- Trochę się boję

Does it work for you if I put my yoga mat here?

something came up- coś mi wypadło

Sometimes I must reschedule my patient’s visit/appointment when sth comes up.


especially- zwłaszcza

low- paid- nisko-płatna

then- w takim razie, zatem

BA (Bachelor degree)- licencjat

Master degree (MA)


take a nap- zdrzemnąc się

whenever you want- kiedykolwiek kiedy chcesz


on- MONday

Did you have to pay? Yes, I did.

Did you have to give your personal information like e-mail address…?

Do you like coffee?

Does it work for you?

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