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Laws of chemical combinations:--

1) Law of conservation of mass(Antoine Lavoisier) - When two elements comine

together to form a compound, then weight of the sum of the two elements and weight
of the formed compound remains the same. Which means that, mass can neither be
created nor be destroyed.
2) Law of definite proportions(Joseph Proust) - When two elements combine to form a
compound either a natural or an artificial one, the proportion or percentage of the
two elements in both cases remains the same.
3) Law of multiple proportions(Dalton) - When two elements combine together to
form more than one compound, then the proportion of the other two elements other
than the unchanged element is a small whole number.
4) Gay Lussac's law of gases(Gay Lussac) - The ratio between the volumes of gaseous
reactants and products can be expressed in simple whole numbers.
5) Avogadro's law - Any gas under same pressure and temperature or any other
physical conditions, gives an element of same number of atoms.

Importance of Chemistry
Different forms of matter i.e solid, liquid, gaseous matter
2 categories of matter(pure substances and mixtures)
Homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures
Elements and Compounds
Physical quantities, units and measurements
Mass and weight
Significant figures
Precision and accuracy
Laws of chemical combinations
Dalton's law of volumes

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