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5 DECEMBER 2023 – 5 JANUARY 2024








In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord

of all worlds, for His boundless blessings and unwavering guidance throughout the course of our

academic journey. We extend our deepest gratitude to the Almighty for His benevolence, without

which our endeavors would not have been possible.

Peace and salutations always be given to Prophet Muhammad (SAW). His noble

character, compassion, and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge serve as a

timeless source of inspiration

Our heartfelt appreciation also extends to the Adameesoksavittaya School, our gracious

host institution. The warm welcome, hospitality, and support extended to us have undoubtedly

contributed to the success of our academic program.

This academic report stands as a testament to our collective effort and commitment to

academic excellence. However, it is essential to acknowledge the inherent imperfections that

may exist within this report. Therefore, we value the input of our peers, mentors, and any readers

who may engage with this report, understanding that collaborative growth is essential in the

pursuit of knowledge.

The Student Mobility and Community Service to Krabi, Thailand, stands as a beacon of

educational exploration and cultural exchange, embodying the spirit of international

collaboration and knowledge application. This program, meticulously designed to foster a

dynamic exchange of ideas and experiences, transcends the traditional boundaries of education,

offering students a unique opportunity to apply their knowledge on an international platform.

Conceived with the aim of broadening the horizons of participating students, the program

seeks to cultivate a global perspective by immersing them in a rich cultural tapestry. The

overarching purpose is to empower students to employ their academic knowledge in real-world

scenarios while simultaneously fostering a deep appreciation for cultural diversity.

In a highly competitive selection process that witnessed the enthusiastic participation of

around 200 applicants, the program identified and appointed a distinguished group of 13

students. These individuals, deemed as the best among their peers, were chosen for their

academic excellence, leadership qualities, and a demonstrated commitment to community

service. The selection process, rigorous and thorough, ensured that the chosen delegates were

well-equipped to represent their educational institution and their country on the international


Once selected, the delegates embarked on a transformative journey to Krabi, Thailand,

where they became ambassadors of their culture and bearers of knowledge. Placed strategically

in schools across Krabi, the students assumed the role of educators, imparting not only academic

lessons but also introducing the rich tapestry of Indonesian culture to their Thai counterparts.
This intercultural exchange aimed to bridge gaps and promote mutual understanding, fostering

an environment where students from both nations could learn from one another.

A distinctive feature of the program involves the students being tasked with introducing

the treasures of Islam in Indonesia. Recognizing the importance of cultural and religious

understanding, the delegates took on the responsibility of sharing the beauty and significance of

Islam in Indonesia with their Thai counterparts. Through interactive sessions, presentations, and

cultural activities, the students aimed to dispel misconceptions and promote a nuanced

understanding of Islam, contributing to the overarching goal of fostering harmony and

appreciation for diversity.

In essence, the Student Mobility and Community Service to Krabi, Thailand, emerges not

only as an academic endeavor but as a transformative experience that transcends borders and

nurtures a global mindset. This program envisions a future where students emerge not only as

knowledgeable individuals but also as empathetic global citizens, capable of navigating the

complexities of our interconnected world with cultural sensitivity and open-mindedness.


The location of this activity is in schools around the Krabi area. We were placed to teach

at Adameesoksa Vittaya School, which is located in Mueang Krabi District, Krabi, Thailand.

The school has several levels of education, starting from kindergarten, elementary school,

to the highest level, junior high school. In addition, the school implements a boarding school

system, so students will study at the formal school from morning to afternoon, then continue

their boarding school activities from afternoon to evening.


This program lasts for one month, from December 5, 2023 to January 5, 2024. During the

program, we followed the academic calendar at Adameesoksavittaya School. Activities at

Adameesoksavittaya start at 7:00 am where we welcome the students, followed by morning roll

call, and then teaching and learning until 4:00 pm. Teaching and learning activities are held

every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Saturday and Sunday are off.



This is the registration and selection process for program participants. The registration

requirements for program participants include:

1. Have academic achievement by showing the GPA of the last semester.

2. Have English language skills.

3. Have a broad Islamic insight

After fulfilling the above requirements, we participated in the registration and selection

of interviews in English, then after being selected, we prepared the necessary files (passports,

foreign travel letters, etc.) for the implementation of the program.


We departed on December 5. We departed from Kediri to Juanda airport in Surabaya.

From Surabaya, we departed and transited kuala lumpur airport malaysia, and from Malaysia we

continued our journey to Krabi International Airport.

Arriving at Krabi International Airport, there was already an officer who picked us up.

We continued our journey to the place of the Thai teaching association and handed over students

from the campus to the respective educational institutions where we would be placed for one

month. After the handover was complete, we were driven to our respective educational



The inauguration of the Student Mobility and Community Service to Krabi, Thailand,

brought forth an academic sojourn marked by intellectual exchange and cultural immersion at the

esteemed Adameesoksavittaya School. The initiation into this scholastic setting was

characterized by a reception that transcended mere formality, as the faculty and students

collectively extended a hospitable embrace, affirming the institution's commitment to fostering

an environment conducive to cross-cultural collaboration.

Our introduction to the Adameesoksavittaya School was not only confined to physical

proximity but was complemented by a significant role in the grand welcoming ceremony. Tasked

with delivering an opening speech, we seized the opportunity to express gratitude for the warm

reception and articulate our aspirations for a collaborative cultural exchange. This ceremonial

commencement underscored the mutual goodwill and shared objectives that served as the

foundation for the ensuing collaborative endeavors between the Indonesian and Thai students.

A pivotal facet of our initial engagement with Adameesoksavittaya School included a

comprehensive tour facilitated by the school administrators. Beyond a mere architectural

exploration, this tour served as a scholarly exploration into the pedagogical ethos and

extracurricular landscape of the institution. The observation of well-appointed classrooms,

vibrant communal spaces, and the commitment to holistic development provided valuable

insights into the scholastic philosophy underpinning the academic milieu.

Picture 0.1 : welcoming ceremony

Furthermore, the administrative foresight extended to the meticulous articulation of a

daily schedule, delineating the intricacies of our month-long academic immersion. This

structured regimen encompassed a spectrum of activities, ranging from instructional

responsibilities to culturally enriched exchange sessions and collaborative initiatives. The

nuanced planning ensured a seamless integration of educational imperatives with opportunities

for cultural exchange, a fusion emblematic of the program's overarching academic goals.
Picture 0.2 : daily schedule

As the program unfolded within the hallowed halls of Adameesoksavittaya School, the

academic tenor of the institution resonated profoundly. The bonds forged with both faculty and

students transcended the conventional boundaries of cultural disparity, transforming the school

environment into a veritable academic haven. Our scholarly introduction to Adameesoksavittaya

School thus transcended a mere initiation into an alternate educational setting; it encapsulated an

intellectual odyssey, wherein learning became a communal enterprise and cultural exchange a

scholarly pursuit.

The educational sojourn at Adameesoksavittaya School in Krabi, Thailand, served as a

pedagogically rich environment, affording us the opportunity to scrutinize and assimilate distinct

cultural nuances in the realm of educational etiquette. This experiential lens prompted a scholarly

investigation into the theoretical foundations that underpin these customs, with an emphasis on

discerning their potential impact on the educational milieu.

A salient aspect meriting scrutiny pertains to the formality inherent in student-teacher

interactions, epitomized by the ritualized greetings accorded by students upon the ingress of their

educators. This cultural norm, divergent from the more informal interactions prevalent in

Indonesian educational contexts, emerged as a noteworthy locus for examination. The deliberate

act of acknowledging the presence of educators upon entering the learning space not only

epitomizes a decorous ethos but also precipitates an environment of mutual respect and

pedagogical authority.

Concomitantly, the observance of reciting surah from the Qur'an prior to the initiation of

lessons unfolded as a distinctive practice at Adameesoksavittaya School. Rooted in religious

tradition, this prelude assumes a dual purpose—infusing an element of spirituality into the

academic domain and affording students a contemplative juncture before immersing themselves

in scholastic pursuits. This practice prompted a theoretical exploration grounded in educational

psychology, seeking alignments with frameworks advocating for the creation of a reflective and

harmonious learning environment.

Picture 0.3: students greet teacher in the morning

One such theoretical underpinning derives from the scholarship of renowned educational

psychologists, including Vygotsky and Piaget. Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development

(ZPD) underscores the significance of a supportive and structured learning environment for

optimal cognitive growth, emphasizing the role of interpersonal interactions in the educational

process. Similarly, Piaget's theory of cognitive development posits the crucial import of a

balanced and conducive educational milieu for favorable cognitive outcomes.

In light of these observations and theoretical scaffoldings, we posit that the assimilation

of these observed etiquette practices within the Indonesian educational landscape holds the

promise of yielding multifaceted educational dividends. The formality encapsulated in respectful

greetings may serve as a catalyst in fostering a culture of reverence and scholarly discipline,

thereby nurturing an environment primed for focused learning. Furthermore, the integration of

brief contemplative rituals before lessons aligns with the principles of mindful pedagogy,

fostering an optimal cognitive receptivity among students.

This academic discourse propounds that the judicious synthesis of cultural etiquette and

theoretical precepts could potentially amplify the pedagogical landscape in Indonesia. In

advocating for cultural sensitivity and the refinement of educational practices through cross-

cultural exchanges, this scholarly proposition advances the notion of an educational milieu that

amalgamates cultural richness with transformative scholastic efficacy.

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