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‘’Effect of Pandemic: Sudden increase of teenage Pregnancy Case In Poblacion zone 2 Capoocan, Leyte’’

This proposed research can determine and briefly introduce onto readers of many effects of this
covid-19 pandemic, the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy case in poblacion zone 2 capoocan, leyte.

The study allows to answer the specific question below:

 What is the main reason of the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy in the said barangay?
 How does the pandemic affect the sudden increase of teenage pregnancy case?
 How does this affect the family/peer relationship?
 What are the impacts of this issue to the community?
 How can we prevent the teenage pregnancy?

Research Objective

 Conducting this study about the sudden increase of teenage pregnancy rate in pob. Zone 2
capoocan, leyte can realize the readers how the pandemic affect not only the health on the
environment but also the perception of our youths.
 Identification of those areas with the highest prevalence of early childbearing, to indentify g
those areas which have the potential for high teenage conception rates in the future, in order
to inform strategies to reduce the prevalence of risk factor associated with teenage pregnancy
in these areas.
 To explore how young women responded to finding out they were influenced by local services,
including access to sex education and contraception advice.
 To bring out the impact of early pregnancy in these areas.

Significance of the Study

The study will be conducted to find out the extent of how extreme is the effect of the major causes
of teenage pregnancy

This study will also benefits the following:

 Parent
-to enable them to realize their great in educating their teenagers, protecting and diverting
them for endulging early sex especially it without marriage. They must be aware too of what
kind of peers their teenagers have. This too will make the parents aware that the use of
contraceptives will start also at home.
 Student
-They will gain deeper understanding about the reality of student mothers and most importantly
for them to learn about the experience of student mothers. Female students who have received
minimal education are oftentimes prone to become a mother compared to those female
students with higher levels of education.
 Administrations, Teachers, Faculties
-They would be informed how important the education is to the development of children to
manhood. The study will provide them the informations to promote, enhance understanding
and support to programs concerning students mothers to help them cope in their situation. This
study will also serve as an emprical data where suggestion of minimizing teenage pregnancy in
the community can be taken.
 Researchers
-The result of this study will be a great help to future researchers and to all people who are
interested to know more about teenage pregnancy on their causes and the possible effects on
their educational development. This study can also broaden the knowledge of every researcher
about the experience of teenage mothers and pregnant teenagers.
 Teenage Mothers
-They would be the most important beneficiaries in the study as they are the one who
experiences the life of being pregnant at young age.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

As we walk along our topic about the teenage pregnancy case in the said barangay, the study has
been limited as we follow the health protocols to prevent the spread of the present virus, the covid-19

Gathering all the datas about the teens that have been doing a pre-natal from May 2020 to
December 2021 and collect also the previous rate of teenage pregnancy before the pandemic can help
us determine how this pandemic affect the pregnancy rate.

As part of the study, five pregnant individuals aged 15-19 years old poblacion zone 2 who have been
pregnant for past five months from now (September 2021-February 2022) are interviewed upon how
their problem affects their relationship toward their family, friends and even in the society.

This study is focused on sudden increase of teenage pregnancy case in Capoocan, leyte. The primary
subject of this research study are those teenager 15-18 years old have been pregnant start in the month
of July in year of 2021 until now this month February in year of 2022 (July, 2021-February, 2022). Those
who are lack of information about sexual and reproductive health and right, may also family, community
and social pressure to marry in pob. Zone 2 capoocan, leyte.

Moreover, the respondent of this study will be purposely selected by reffering to their reason of
increasing teenage pregnancy. For us to know what is the main reason of increasing rate of teenage
pregnancy un ppb. Zone 2 capoocan leyte and also to get how to prevent the said issue.

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