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Good day!

We, the researchers from BSBA Marketing Management program students at National

University, are asking for permission to conduct survey to gather insights regarding our research

project titled "Exploring Consumer Preferences: Customized Cologne and Sanitary Alcohol Choices

Among Commuters in Sampaloc, Manila " The objective of this research is to determine the possible

market of Customized cologne and sanitary. The study also aims to assess consumer perceptions and

choices regarding cologne scent pairing with sanitary alcohol, identify preferred customization styles,

and identify factors influencing fragrance and hygiene product purchases.

The survey will be an essential part of our data collection process, and we are committed to ensuring

your data privacy upon answering this. Thank you in advance for giving time to answer our surve

Respectfully yours,

Allapitan, Angela Karl T.

Baluyut, Sherry Ann S.

Bernardo, Elisha Gabrielle A.

Matias, Jane Rose D.

Villere, Ravelyn D.


In submitting this form, I agree to my details being used for the purposes of conducting a study in

fulfillment of a requirement in Business Research. The information will only be accessed by the

researchers. I understand my data will be held securely and will not be distributed to third parties. I have

a right to change or access my information. I understand that when this information is no longer required

for this purpose, the researchers will dispose of my data.

I. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

- 18 to 20 Years Old

- 21 to 26 Years Old

1.2 Gender

- Female

- Male

1.3 Income Level

- ₱1 to ₱5,000

- ₱5,000 to ₱10,000

- ₱11,000 to ₱50,000

- ₱51,000 to ₱100,000

II. Factors influence consumers when they purchase fragrances and hygiene products.

Directions: Check (✓) the box and use the scales below that corresponds to your answer.

5 - Strongly Agree / Always

4 – Agree / Often

3 -Neither Agree or Disagree / Sometimes

2 - Disagree / Rarely

1 - Strongly Disagree/ Never

Factors influence consumers when they purchase 5 4 3 2 1

fragrances and hygiene products. (Price)

1. The price of customized cologne and sanitary alcohol

is a significant factor in my purchasing decision.

2. I often compare prices before making a purchase.

3.I am more likely to buy a customized cologne and

sanitary alcohol if they are offered at a discounted price.

4. The price of customized scents influence my

perceptions of their value.

5.The price of customized cologne and sanitary alcohol

is a determining factor in my overall satisfaction with the


Factors influence consumers when they purchase 5 4 3 2 1

fragrances and hygiene products. (Packaging)

1. How do you often purchase fragrances?

2. How do you often purchase hygiene products?

3. Do you always check a product's packaging to see if it

contains sufficient information or if it contains

information you need?

4. Does the appeal/design of packaging influence your

perception of the quality of the product?

5. Would you purchase a product with unique and

convenient packaging?

Factors influence consumers when they purchase 5 4 3 2 1

fragrances and hygiene products. (Benefits)

1. I prefer to have a long- lasting fragrance in purchasing

fragrances and hygiene product.

2. Before making a purchase, I check for organic

ingredients to confirm the benefits.

3. Skin-friendly formulas are my preference because I

have sensitive skin.

4. I will buy a product that has a lot of perceived benefits

even it cost a lot.

5. I search for a product that is both has antibacterial

properties and keeping everything clean.

Factors influence consumers when they purchase 5 4 3 2 1

fragrances and hygiene products. (Convenience)

1. I would prefer more convenient options for

purchasing fragrances and hygiene products, such as

same-day delivery or meet-up.

2. I am willing to try a new retailer or subscription

service for purchasing fragrances and hygiene products

if it offers convenience and competitive pricing.

3. I will purchase a product that offers conveniency.

4. I am looking in store that have a different kind of

payment method.

5. I find it convenient if the stores offers variety of sizes

of bottles and offers keychain bottle.

Factors influence consumers when they purchase 5 4 3 2 1

fragrances and hygiene products. (Quality)

1. I always look at the overall quality of an item before

purchasing it.

2. I prefer a durable but lightweight type of bottle

3. I will buy a product that has a level of innovation,

advancement in the features.

4. I strongly agree that fragrance quality is a crucial

factor in my purchasing decisions.

I believe that longevity of scent and effectiveness plays

an important role in my purchasing decisions.

Kind of customization do consumers prefer:

Two Different Cologne Scent 5 4 3 2 1

1. I often use cologne.

2. I prefer cologne scents that match the occasions.

3. I would love to have a pair of light and strong cologne


4. I want to pair light-light scents of cologne and strong-

strong scents of cologne.

5. I am not good in matching scents, so I want to have a

wheel of scents.

Scented Alcohol and Normal Sanitary Alcohol 5 4 3 2 1

1. I prefer scented sanitary alcohol over scented one.

2. How frequently do you use normal sanitary alcohol?

3. I believe that unscented sanitary alcohol is safer for

sensitive skin compared to scented ones.

4. Do you feel that scented alcohol is as effective in

sanitizing your hands compared to unscented ones?

5. Normal sanitary alcohol and scented alcohol are my

preferred pairings.
Scented Alcohol and Cologne Scent 5 4 3 2 1

1. I prefer my scented sanitary alcohol to have a

matching scent with my cologne.

2. I enjoy having a variety of scented options to choose


3. I like to have a pair of light cologne scent and scented


4. I love to have a pair of strong cologne scent and

scented alcohol.

5. I would be willing to pay for customized scented

sanitary alcohol and cologne sets.

Normal Sanitary Alcohol and Cologne Scent 5 4 3 2 1

1. I often purchase cologne and unscented sanitary

alcohol in the market.

2. When using sanitary alcohol and hygiene products, I

usually like to select unscented products.

3. I prefer my cologne to have a fit scent to my sanitary


4. When matching normal hygienic alcohol, I like to use

lighter cologne fragrances such as Herbal, Aquatic,

Fruity, Floral, and Green.

5. I prefer to use heavier cologne scents like Woody,

Spicy, Leathery, Oriental, Fougere, and Citrus when

matching normal hygiene alcohol.

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