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Olya 2.

Task 1: For each description, choose the phrasal verb

from the three options that best fits the scenario.

1. Realizing you don't know a single word of Japanese and deciding to refresh your
language skills.
A) brush up on, B) hit upon, C) puzzle out

2. Finally accepting that your ambitious plan of visiting every prefecture in one
week might be a bit too much.
A) come up with, B) face up to, C) take in

3. Creating a brilliant itinerary that includes sushi workshops, sumo wrestling

shows, and a hot spring visit.
A) make over, B) piece together, C) come up with

4. Trying to understand the complex subway map of Tokyo and finding the best
route to your hotel is going by Taxi.

Olya 2.2 1
A) brush up on, B) figure out, C) think over

5. After some research, you finally understand why it's impolite to tip in Japanese
A) puzzle out, B) swot up on, C) hit upon

6. Repeatedly practicing how to properly say "Arigato" and "Konichiwa" so you

won't just nod and smile all the time.
A) think up, B) take in, C) swot up on

7. Absorbing the breathtaking view of Mount Fuji from your hotel window and
feeling utterly mesmerized.
A) brush up on, B) take in, C) think over

8. Realizing you need to consider all the details of your travel insurance policy
before jetting off.

A) come round to, B) think through, C) hit upon

9. Suddenly getting a fantastic idea for a unique souvenir for your friends back

A) hit upon, B) make out, C) puzzle out

10. Contemplating whether to spend the extra money for the first-class train ticket or
to save it for shopping in Shibuya.

A) make over, B) think over, C) read up on

Task 2. A simple task. Let’s put the verbs in correct


Olya 2.2 2
1. "I _______ (brush up on) my Japanese ever since I _______ (decide) to visit
Tokyo; I'm now pretty good at ordering sushi like a local."

2. "After years of hesitation, I finally _______ (come round to) the idea that
traveling solo _______ (be) an incredible experience, especially in a place as
safe as Japan."

3. "We _______ (come up with) an ambitious plan to visit every prefecture, but we
still _______ (need to figure out) how to fit it all into three weeks."

4. "I _______ (face up to) the fact that climbing Mount Fuji in flip-flops _______
(be) a bad idea after _______ (read up on) the proper hiking gear."

5. "I _______ (figure out) the complex train system in Japan for weeks now; it's like
solving a puzzle with the most rewarding solution."

6. "Ever since I _______ (book) my flight, I _______ (hit upon) so many

fascinating places to visit that my itinerary _______ (be) now bursting at the

7. "Having _______ (brush up on) Japanese etiquette, I now _______ (master)

the art of the subtle bow, ensuring I'm as cool as a polar bear's toenails during
formal introductions."

8. "I _______ (meticulously piece together) an itinerary that _______ (allow) me to

hit the slopes of Hokkaido before gracefully _______ (dive) into the urban après-
ski scene of Tokyo."

9. "While I _______ (think over) the risks, the lure of an off-piste adventure in the
Japanese Alps was too tempting to resist, a true powder hound's dream."

10. "The complexity of Tokyo's subway system had puzzled out (puzzle out) many
before me, but I _______ (be determined) to _______ (figure out) its intricate
web and _______ (carve up) the city like a local."

11. "I _______ (be snowed under) with work for months, but the prospect of
exploring the Land of the Rising Sun _______ (act as) the perfect diversion."

12. "I _______ (hit upon) the perfect balance between traditional ryokans and
contemporary hotels, ensuring my stay was both culturally immersive and
comfortably luxurious."

13. "In an attempt to break the ice with locals, I _______ (swot up on) regional
dialects, hoping my efforts _______ (not put) on thin ice with my pronunciation."

Olya 2.2 3
14. "Despite _______ (warn) about the unpredictable weather, I _______ (venture)
into an early spring hike on Mount Fuji, quickly realizing I was on thin ice as the
weather _______ (take) a turn."

15. "After _______ (be hit) by the sheer scale of the Shibuya crossing, I _______
(take in) the electrifying energy of the city, _______ (feel) more alive than ever."

16. "I _______ (come up with) what I _______ (think / be) an ingenious plan to visit
every UNESCO site, but I soon _______ (face up to) the reality that Japan's
richness _______ (not be) _______ (conquer) in a single trip."

17. "I _______ (make out) my packing list last night and _______ (realize) I
_______ (need / buy) another suitcase for all the souvenirs I plan to _______
(bring back)."

18. "I _______ (read up on) Japanese customs and etiquette, so I _______ (not
end up) accidentally offending someone by _______ (misuse) chopsticks."

19. "We _______ (swot up on) all the must-see spots in Kyoto, ensuring we
_______ (not miss) any hidden gems."

20. "I _______ (take in) so much information about Japan that I _______ (feel) like I
_______ (already write) a travel guide."

21. "I _______ (think over) my budget countless times and finally _______ (decide)
to splurge on a once-in-a-lifetime sushi dining experience."

22. "I _______ (think through) every detail of the trip, from the moment I _______
(arrive) to the second I _______ (leave) – I want it to be perfect!"

23. "Ever since I _______ (receive) the travel brochure, I _______ (think up) all
sorts of adventurous activities, from samurai training to sumo watching."

Task 3. Let’s talk about long flights. Use the word in

brackets to complete the sentence with your own

1. "Even though the turbulence was intense, I tried to keep my cool and..."

Olya 2.2 4
2. "The flight was so tough, it felt like we were riding through a ..." (tough)

3. "I had thought bringing only carry-on luggage would be sufficient, but then I
realized..." (ought to)

4. "Despite my thorough preparation, I forgot one crucial item, which was..."


5. "The baby crying throughout the flight tested my patience to the point where I..."

6. "The meal served was less than appetizing, barely enough to fill a trough, so I
decided to..." (draught)

7. "Traveling from one borough of Moscow to another just to catch the flight was as
hectic as..." (caught)

8. "Even though the in-flight movie selection was excellent, I couldn't focus
because..." (thirsty)

9. "Navigating through the crowded aisles felt like a game of human Tetris,
especially when..." (taught)

10. "The flight attendants were tough but fair; they managed to keep everyone in line
when..." (thoroughly)

11. "I had a thought about the best way to pass time during the long flight, which was
to..." (tough)

12. "The captain's announcements were thorough, providing us with every detail
about our journey, including..." (hiccough)

13. "The sun was shining throughout the flight, which would have been great if not
for..." (thirst)

14. "I was hungry enough to consider eating the airline food, but then I saw..."

15. "The baby's cough was persistent and concerning, making me wish I had
brought..." (throw)

16. "I never knew the word 'comfort' could be stretched so thin, much like the dough
they called pizza on the menu." (throughout)

17. "Finding my way to the connecting flight in the sprawling borough of the airport
was an adventure in itself because..." (drought)

18. "I had enough of the constant delays and started to fantasize about..." (cough)

Olya 2.2 5
19. "Trying to fold myself into the economy seat felt like kneading dough, so I spent
most of the time..." (ought)

20. "Every time someone would cough, the entire cabin would fall silent and I
couldn't help but..." (thoroughly)

Task 4. You cannot imagine what is back :) Time to

recall our translation series

have it coming

Идиома have it coming означает, что некто вел себя таким образом, что рано или
поздно с ним должно было случиться то, что случилось, обычно нечто плохое.


“We both know the bastard had it coming.” – «Мы оба знаем, что подонок это
“After everything that’s happened, after all that I’ve done… maybe I had it coming.” –
«После всего, что случилось, после всего, что я натворила… наверное, я это

Часто того, кто понес заслуженное наказание, упоминают еще раз в конце
предложения после предлога to: “It was no surprise when she left him – everyone
knew he had it coming to him.” – «Никто не удивился, когда она его бросила: все
знали, что он это заслужил».

Task 4.1. Вы считаете, что ваш собеседник заслужил то, что с

ним случилось. Так ему об этом и заявите.

Olya 2.2 6
1. А: «Слышал, тебя как мячик выкинули из клуба.

Б: Надеюсь, ты не пришел насмехаться?»

A: «Да уж, вот ужас! Но между нами, приятель, ты это заслужил. ты танцевал
как робот на батарейках, может, и вправду стоило немного приглушить азарт».

2. А: «Чувак, я слышал, отец закрыл для тебя кран с наследством.

Б: Неужели пришел поднять мне настроение?»

А: «Да ладно, это не конец света. Но если честно, это заслуженно. Тратить
последнее на коллекцию китайских ваз с голыми дамами, было, по меньшей
мере, странно».

3. А: «Видел объявление, твоё имение уходит с молотка. Не думаешь же ты,

что я радуюсь твоим бедам?»

Б: «Конечно, нет. Но, признаюсь, в чем-то это даже

заслуженно.Коллекционировать золотых рыбок в каждой комнате имения было
моей странной манией».

4. А: «Так, твоя хозяйка требует, чтобы ты освободил квартиру. Ты же знаешь,

я не из тех, кто приходит потешаться над чужими неприятностями, но это

Б: «Эх, правда. Но устраивать балет «Лебединое озеро» в 3 часа ночи не было

лучшей идеей».

5. А: «Слышала, ты всё-таки не сыграешь Офелию. Я, конечно, не из тех, кто

приходит злорадствовать...»

Б: «Да уж, не повезло, но заслуженно. Но согласись, пытаться влезть в костюм

Офелии после моего увлечения тортами «Наполеон» было оптимистично».

6. А: «Слышала, твой жених разорвал помолвку. Не подумай, что я


Б: «Да, это было неожиданно, но я заслужила. Встречаться с его братом-

близнецом, пока он в командировке... Может, и в самом деле стоило подождать

Olya 2.2 7
хотя бы до медового месяца».

Task 4.2. Скажите, что случившееся с неким третьим лицом

вас ничуть не огорчает: этот нехороший человек получил по

1. «Ой!» – «Так тебе и надо! Будешь знать, как подглядывать через замочную
(peep through the keyhole)!»

2. Так ему и надо! Будет знать, как совать свой нос повсюду.

3. Так этой жирной корове и надо. Будет знать, как флиртовать с моим мужем!

4. Так ей надо! Будет знать, как распространять дурные слухи о других людях!

5. Так этому дураку и надо. Будет знать, как вламываться ко мне в душ средь
дня (in broad daylight).

Task 5. Choose the best response for dealing with

challenging situations during a long economy flight
surrounded by annoying people.

1. When the person next to you hits the slopes of sleep and starts leaning on your
A) Hit upon a polite way to wake them up and suggest they use a travel pillow.
B) Freeze up and accept your fate as a human pillow.

C) Start an off-piste adventure by leaning back on them, establishing a mutual

support system.

Olya 2.2 8
2. When a kid behind you starts kicking your seat as if they're carving up the

A) Turn around and break the ice with a friendly but firm request to stop.

B) Chill out and pretend you're getting a free massage.

C) Puzzle out how to construct a makeshift barrier using your jacket and in-
flight magazine.

3. When you're snowed under with someone's luggage in the overhead


A) Face up to the situation and ask a flight attendant to help redistribute the

B) Think through the consequences of taking matters into your own hands
and rearranging everything.

C) Brush up on your Tetris skills and figure out how to fit your bag without
causing an avalanche.

4. When your neighbor won't stop talking and you're on thin ice with your patience:

A) Come up with a fascinating fictional story about yourself to keep things


B) Make out you're about to sleep and hope they take in the hint.

C) Politely swot up on ways to end conversations and put together a gentle

but clear exit strategy.

5. When the in-flight movie is so loud, it makes it feel like you're in a cinema:

A) Make over your mindset and try to enjoy the impromptu cinema

B) Read up on how to use the in-flight entertainment system and adjust the

C) Think up an alternative entertainment plan involving your travel playlist

and a good book.

Olya 2.2 9
6. When you're feeling as cool as a polar bear's toenails (literally!) due to the
excessive air conditioning:

A) Make out a request to the cabin crew for an extra blanket.

B) Piece together all available layers of clothing to create a cozy cocoon.

C) Swot up on meditation techniques to mentally transport yourself to a

warmer place.

7. When the person in front of you reclines their seat, leaving you on thin ice with
personal space:

A) Come round to accepting the cozy proximity and use the opportunity to
chill out.

B) Hit upon the idea of reclining your own seat, creating a domino effect of

C) Think over the situation and decide if it's worth having a polite
conversation about space and comfort.

8. When your flight meal is less than appetizing and you feel like you're going to
strave all the flight:

A) Puzzle out which parts of the meal are edible and focus on those.

B) Take in the experience as part of the travel adventure and promise

yourself a gourmet treat upon landing.

C) Read up on the in-flight menu beforehand and come prepared with your
own snacks.

9. When you can't sleep because someone's snoring sounds like a powder hound
chasing dreams:

A) Brush up on your noise-cancelling headphone technology and drift off to

your playlist.

B) Think through the most diplomatic way to address the situation without
causing embarrassment.

Olya 2.2 10
C) Embrace the symphony of snores and take in this unique soundtrack of
human life.

10. When you're hit upon by a sudden wave of anxiety about the flight duration:

A) Swot up on relaxation techniques and practice deep breathing to stay as

cool as a polar bear's toenails.

B) Break the ice with your fellow passengers by starting a conversation and
distract yourself.

C) Take in each moment as it comes and remind yourself that this too shall

Task 6. Back to grammar. Let’s put the verbs in

correct form.

1. "Ever since I ________ (discover) the joys of business class, I ________

(simultaneously pursue) multiple side hustles to keep up with the lifestyle."

2. "I ________ (muster) enough courage to ask my boss for a raise, arguing
that my frequent travels ________ (increase) my productivity, but it
________ (turn out) to be a slippery slope."

3. "I ________ (find) refuge in budgeting apps, which ________ (help) me

________ (internalize) the importance of saving for those electrifying
business class experiences."

4. "After I ________ (interject) a subtle hint about my passion for travel during
a meeting, my manager ________ (offer) me the chance to lead the new
project with plenty of travel opportunities."

5. "My curiosity about investment options ________ (pay off), as I ________

(manage) to grow my travel fund more quickly than I ________

6. "I ________ (gaze) at travel magazines for years, dreaming of flying

business class, until I finally ________ (decide) to ________ (make) it a

Olya 2.2 11

7. "The decision to invest in quality luggage ________ (prove) to be a fulfilling

choice, as it ________ (survive) many trips and ________ (never let
down) during my descending into various paradises."

8. "My friends ________ (always wonder) how I ________ (manage) to travel

in such style, but I ________ (keep) my budgeting strategies cloaked in

9. "I ________ (maroon) in a sea of economy seats for too long before I
________ (realize) that my knack for finding great deals ________ (be) an
aptitude I ________ (capitalize on)."

10. "While seeking clarification on reward programs, I ________ (stumble

upon) a community of like-minded travelers who ________ (share)
invaluable tips on how to fly business class without breaking the bank."

Task 7. Great job. Now let’s complete the

sentences with the long forgotten words.

✍🏻 |
affair | adore |
afoot | aboard |
| affirm | awkward | affirm
| afford | absorb | to accord |
offload |

1. "After months of saving, I finally _________ myself the luxury of a business

class ticket, where the champagne is as bubbly as the flight attendants'

2. "Boarding the plane, I felt a surge of excitement, knowing that an adventure

was _________ , and it would all start the moment I stepped _________ ."

3. "The in-flight meal was a gourmet _________ , _________ with all the
finesse of a five-star restaurant, making me forget I was 30,000 feet in the

Olya 2.2 12
4. "The seat next to me was empty, a small but delightful _________ for
enduring the long security lines and the rather _________ pat-down."

5. "As I _________ the luxury around me, I couldn't help but _________ to
myself that this was indeed the best way to travel, turbulence be damned."

6. "The view from the window was nothing short of mesmerizing, a scene to be
_________ and captured in memory, if not in the camera."

7. "Having the chance to _________ my worries and recline in comfort was a

treat I _________ myself I deserved after all those late nights at the office."

8. "When it was time to disembark, I felt both refreshed and a little _________
at the thought of leaving my temporary haven of peace and quiet."

9. "The pilot's skillful landing was met with applause, a gesture that _________
the collective relief and gratitude of everyone _________ ."

10. "While waiting for my luggage, I realized that the journey had _________
me not just a physical escape but also a much-needed mental respite."

Olya 2.2 13

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