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Male rep system

Testes(Primary male rep organ inside the scrotum)-

-Measures 3.7-5 cm in LENGTH
-Measures 2.5 cm in WIDTH
-Involves the prod. Of testosterone and spermatogenesis
(Testosterone- Primary male sex organ
(Spermatogenesis- Sperm cells

Scrotum(A sac that contains testes as well as many nerves/blood)

-Provides protection for testes and aid in normal dev. Of sperm cells

Epididymis(Long coiled tube about 6 m long, located behind each testis)

-Sperm cells in the testis are immature
-Sperm cells in the epididymis mature

Vas Deferens
-Another sperm duct that extends upward from the epididymis
-Transports mature sperm cells to the urethra in preparation of ejac

-Action of ejac. Semen from the body
(Semen- Viscous whitish secretion of the male rep. Organs, contains spermatozoa or
sperm cells

-Tube that extends from the urinary bladder to the outside
-20 cm in LENGTH
-Conveys urine from the bladder
-Transports semen

-Male organ for sexual intercourse
-Spongy tissue with blood spaces
(Note: Flow of urine is blocked during sexual intercourse/ ejaculation)

Seminal Vesicle
-Twisted muscular tubes about 7.5 cm long with many sac-like pouch
-Attached to the Vas deferens near the base of the bladder
-Produces thick, yellow, alkaline secretion rich in fructose that provides nutrients to the sperm

Prostate gland
-located below the urinary bladder
-Produces alkaline secretion that provides nutrients to sperm
Bulbourethral gland
-Pea-sized organs located on the side of the urethra just below the prostate gland.
-Known as Cowper’s gland
-Secretes clear, slippery fluid that lubricate the urethra to neutralize acids.

Female rep system

-Primary fem. rep. Organs where ova are formed
-There are two ovaries, located on the opposite sides of the uterus
-secretes hormones called estrogen and progesterone
(Ova- Female sex cells

-Release of an ripened egg from the ovary

Fallopian tubes
-Oviduct, extends from the upper sides of the uterus and lead up to the ovaries
-Transports ova to the uterus within 5 days

-Known as womb
-7.5 cm LONG, 5 cm WIDE, 2.5 cm DEEP

-Upper part of the uterus

-Lining of the uterus and is involved in the menstruation

-Between the uterus and vagina
-Opening through where sperm cells must pass to fertilize an egg

-Tube like structure measuring 7.5 cm
-connects internal rep organs
-point of entry from the penis during intercourse
-final passageway through which the baby exits at birth

-External female genitalia
The diff between male and female gametes
-Measure 0.06 mm(Relatively small)
-Great in number, millions are released
-Are motile (uses their flagella)

-Measure 0.1 mm(comparatively larger)
-Normally releases one egg during ovulation
-Are non-motile

Fertilization and embryonic dev.

-Union of the sperm cell and the egg cell
-Is possible if the sperm cells arrive a day or two before or after ovulation
-Fertilization is still possible since sperm can live for 3 days in the female rep org.
-Preg. May occur within 3 days of ovulation
-After fertilization, structure of egg membrane changes preventing other sperm cells to enter
-Resulting zygote moves through the fallopian tube and into the uterus(contains 46 chromes)
-Zygote divides rapidly in two, four, eight cells and so on until forming a MORULA
-Growing continues to hundreds and forms a hollow ball called BLASTOCYST
-BLASTOCYST attaches to the endometrium of the uterus. This is called IMPLANTATION
-8 weeks, zygote is now called EMBRYO
-The PLACENTA serves as the organ of nutrition, resp. And excretion for the embryo
-9 weeks, embryo is now FETUS(Term used from beginning of the 3rd month till birth)
-Rapid growth of fetus occurs on the 4th to 6th months of dev.
-Takes 9 months before ready to born

Development of EMBRYO
-Amniotic Cavity
-Amniotic fluid
(Amniotic fluid function:
-Protects and cushions the fetus from sudden blow or mechanical stress
-Support the dev embryo and eventually the fetus
-Acts as lubricant to reduce friction during birth process)

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