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I am grateful for my English teacher who taught me through

1st to 4th quarter even though we gave him a hard time

teaching us he still bare with our attitude he always help us

when we need to ,he don’t make the lesson to hard for us to

understand,he’s forgiving and understanding and fun to have

around in the class also we are very grateful to have a very

supportive teacher. I am also grateful to my classmate and

friends who helped me push my self they, help me in every

thing there always by my side through hard time, when im

with them I can do things that im not able to do before,they

help me make assignment and project. English really taught

me not be afraid in public speaking I over come a bit of my

stage fright thanks to my teacher. I am also very thankful to

my parents too because they help and support me to what I

need in school they don’t complain when I ask them what I

need to a school project, they don’t pressure me to have high

grades or live up to there expectation they only want me to

enjoy school and have fun but also pass.

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