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Literature, Science and Knowledge

LECTURER : Paisal Manurung, M.S


Muhammad Akbar
Rosvi Rahmawati

Feby sonia


A. Definition of Literature
What is meant by literature (literature)? In general, the meaning of literature is all written
works that can be used as references or references in various activities in the field of education and
other fields because they are considered to have lasting advantages or benefits.

Another opinion says that the meaning of literature is all sources of information that can be
used as a reference by its users. In other words, literature does not have to be written, but can also be
in the form of films, recordings, LPs, laserdisc, and other objects that can provide useful information.

According to the ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, the meaning of literature is a
reading material that can be used for various types of activities, both intellectually and recreationally.
From the explanation of the definition, the following are some of the functions of the literature:

 To assist users in finding the required information.

 To strengthen the information generated from an analysis or hypothesis.
 To complete an information or additional information.

A. Types of Literature

In general, the literature can be divided into three types. Referring to the notion of literature,
some types of literature are as follows:

a. Types of Literature Based on the Sharpness Level of the Analysis

1. Primary Literature

Primary literature is a type of literature created from research results where the content has not
been published by other people before. This type of literature generally contains new ideas or theories
in various disciplines.

Some examples of primary literature; theses, dissertations, papers, journals, patents, research
reports, interviews, and others.

Primary literature features:

 The contents are original and sourced first-hand without any changes or modifications.
 This type of literature is a form of registering and implementing a new invention or idea. It
can also be in the form of an explanation of a new tool.
 Literature can be in the form of scientific papers submitted for obtaining a doctorate degree at
a university. For example a dissertation or thesis.

2. Secondary Literature

The definition of secondary literature is a type of literature whose contents are made using
references from the primary literature. Usually in this type of literature there are theories or ideas that
have previously existed and tend not to explain new findings.

Some of which include secondary literature; indications, abstracts, encyclopedias, magazines,

newspapers, manuals, and others.

 This type of literature does not come first hand.

 The information in this literature comes from primary sources that have been modified or
 This literature contains information related to the primary document, but is presented in a
form that is easier for the reader to use.
 This type of literature is published more informatively because it is supported by information
from other documents.

3. Tertiary Literature

This type of literature contains information in the form of instructions for getting secondary
literature. Several types of tertiary literature include; almanacs, literature manuals, directories,
abstracts, index lists, and more.

B. Types of Literature Based on Collection Placement

1. General Collection

This type of literature consists of various types of books for adult readership level. Usually
this type of literacy is on an open shelf and is free for anyone to use as reading material.

Some of the books are included in general collections; novels, comics, series, books on plant
cultivation, and others.

2. Reference Collection

This type of literature usually contains a collection of information that can answer questions
directly. For example dictionaries, encyclopedias, manuals, directories, and others.

In addition, a reference collection can also be a collection of information that refers to other
sources of information. For example, bibliographies, catalogs, and others.

C. Types of Literature Based on Their Nature

 Textual Documents, which are types of literature in which there is information in the form of
text that can be read by the user.
 Non-Textual Documents, namely types of literature in which information is contained in the
form of images, sounds, photographs, and others.
 Mixed Documents, which are types of literature in which information is a combination of
textual and non-textual documents.

B. Definition of Science

The word science comes from the Latin "scientia" which means knowledge. based on the
webster new collegiate dictionary the definition of science is "knowledge obtained through learning
and verification" or "knowledge that covers a general truth of natural laws that occur, for example,
obtained and proven through scientific methods. Science in this case refers to a system for gaining
knowledge that uses observations and experiments to describe and explain phenomena that occur in
nature. the notion of science also refers to the structure of knowledge that people acquire through these
methods. or in simpler language, science is the way knowledge is obtained using certain methods.

A. Science Goals

Everything was created with a purpose, and so is science. There are several reasons from
which the birth of science. One of them is as a means of calculating a fact. Of course this can only be
done by using several methods of scientific investigation such as observation, hypothesis, prediction,
research and then conclusion.

B. Characteristics of Science

To be able to recognize and understand science, the following are some of the characteristics of
science that can be used as a reference.

 Science has one characteristic of being logical and rational (makes sense)
 Based on evidence that can be proven accuracy
 Falsifable
 Can be used in many of the same situations
 There is a gap that cannot be explained by theory
 Objective, both in terms of bias and control variables
 Honest and honest
 There is no doubt like coincidence or other unprovable correlation
 Has a simple explanation

C. Definition of Knowledge

Knowledge is the knowledge that a person gets in the educational process as well as the
experience he experiences on a subject. Information and facts that the situation on a subject is
observed, analyzed and studied become something that is remembered in someone's memory and is
used as a source of solving a problem in the future.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, knowledge is defined as:

1. skill that a person has through education and personal experience

2. Facts or information that are known practically

3. Awareness gained of a subject through certain situations

(source: wikipedia)

The acquisition of knowledge that is obtained by a person through several stages of process,
namely starting from the existence of a perception, learning, communication, association, and finally
giving rise to a thought on the subject the person is facing.

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