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Anatomy and Physiology Systems 1

1016MSC T1 2023

Module 2 Muscular System

Tutorial Worksheets

Module 2: Muscular system: Topics 2.1, 2.2, 2.3


Module 2: Muscular System

2.1: Nature of the muscular system and terminology

Label the connective tissue layers marked on the following diagram.

A Epimysium

B Blood Vessel

A C Perimysium

D Endomysium

E Muscle Fibre


Label the actions occurring at the shoulder joint below.


A ________________________________
Flexion B _______________________________

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


Answer the following questions regarding muscle tissue.

1. Name the connective tissue layer surrounding a bundle of muscle fibres


2. Identify 3 types of muscle tissue and where you would find them.
a) __________________________________________________________________
Sternocleiodomastoid = Neck

b) __________________________________________________________________
Obicularis Oris = Mouth

c) __________________________________________________________________
Obicularis Oculi = Eye

3. Which muscles work together to perform the same task? _______________________

4. Fixation involves muscles from both compartments acting to ______________ joints.
5. Within opposing pairs of muscles, one muscle called the ______________________
contracts to cause an action, while the other muscle called the __________________
yields or stretches to the action of the agonist.
6. In which part of the body would the following muscles be found?
Orbicularis oculi? ______________________________________________________

Rectus abdominis? Abdomin

Tibialis anterior? _______________________________________________________
Lower limb

Sternocleidomastoid? Neck
Quadriceps femoris? ____________________________________________________
Pelvic Region

7. ______________________
Fixators contract and stabilise intermediate joints to aid the action
of the prime mover.
8. Give an example of a multipennate muscle. __________________________________

9. Give an example of a fusiform muscle. _____________________________________

Bicepts Brachii

10. Describe the appearance of a skeletal muscle cell. ____________________________

Striated, long, cylindrical,



1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


2.2: Muscles of the face, neck, trunk and abdomen.

Answer the following questions.

1. Which muscles elevate the mandible? _________________

Masseter and ____________________

2. Which of these is the prime mover? ___________________________________________


3. Sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover for flexion of the head at the atlanto-occipital
joint. If only one sternocleidomastoid contracts, which movements occur?
Ipsilateral Flexion and __________________________________
Contralateral rotation

4. Name 2 facial muscles in which the muscle fascicles have a sphincter arrangement.
________________________________ and ____________________________________
5. Name 2 muscles that act synergistically to help you smile.
Obicularis Oculi and ____________________________________
Zygomaticus major

6. Name 3 key muscles that help you to chew food.

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

7. Which of these 3 muscles is the principal muscle of the cheek? _____________________


8. Splenius muscles act as antagonists to sternocleidomastoid in head flexion, but are prime
movers for head extension. What movements are caused by unilateral splenius
contraction? __________________________ and _______________________________
9. What function do the Erector Spinae muscles perform?
Move the vertebral column

10. Contraction of one Quadratus Lumborum results in which movement(s)?

11. Unilateral contraction of the abdominal muscles does what?
12. What type of tissue is the linea alba made of?
Collagen and elastic fibrous connective tissue

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


Label the 3 columns of muscles that form the ‘erector spinae’ muscles.

Spinalis Thoracis


Iliocostalis Lumborum

Label the 4 pairs of abdominal muscles. What is their function as a group?

A External oblique

A B Rectus Abdominis

C Internal Oblique
D B D Transversus Abdominis
C Function

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


2.3: Muscles of the upper limb

Match the muscle of the upper limb with its function. eg: 3f
1 Infraspinatus a Scapula adduction 1K

2 Levator scapulae b Elbow flexion (with forearm semipronated) 2d

3 Biceps brachii c Wrist flexion + abduction 3f

4 Rhomboids d Scapula elevation + adduction 4a

5 Pectoralis major e Shoulder abduction + rotator cuff stability 5m

6 Triceps brachii f Elbow flexion + supination 6H

7 Brachioradialis g Shoulder flexion + adduction 7B

8 Flexor carpi radialis h Elbow extension 8

9 Supraspinatus i Shoulder extension + adduction + medial rotation 9E

10 Extensor digitorum j Shoulder flexion + abduction + extension 10l

11 Latissimus dorsi k Shoulder lateral rotation + rotator cuff stability 11i

12 Deltoid l Wrist + finger extension 12j

13 Coracobrachialis m Shoulder flexion + adduction + medial rotation 13g

Answer the following questions.

1. Which muscle situated on the anterior thoracic wall acts as a synergist for abduction
of the scapula and is known as the boxer’s muscle? _________________________
Serratus anterior

2. Name 2 muscles of the anterior upper limb compartment that abduct the scapulae.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
3. Name 2 muscles of the posterior upper limb compartment that adduct the scapulae.
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
4. Which actions of the shoulder and elbow are involved in a push-up (starting point
flat on the ground)?
a) __________________________________________________________________
Horizontal adduction (Bringing your arms to the midline of the body)

b) __________________________________________________________________
Elbow extensions (Straightening your arm)

5. Which muscles are involved in performing these actions during the push-up?

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


Clinical application:

Tennis elbow
 lateral epicondylalgia - lateral elbow pain
 tenderness over the lateral epicondyle of
 pain with resisted wrist extension
 aggravated by repetitive gripping and
extension activities
 common in tennis players, manual workers

Golfer’s elbow

 medial epicondylalgia - medial elbow pain

 tenderness over the medial epicondyle of humerus
 pain with resisted wrist flexion and repetitive flexion activities
 common in golfers, baseball pitchers and climbers

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


Carpal tunnel

 created by
 flexor retinaculum anteriorly
 carpal bones posteriorly

Carpal tunnel syndrome

 narrow passageway in wrist through which flexor
tendons and median nerve pass
 inflammation of structures in tunnel place pressure on
median nerve, tendons and blood vessels
 pain, weakness and/or numbness in the hand and wrist
 caused by:
 writing or keyboard typing
 gymnastics, cycling, golf, tennis
 using screwdrivers or hand tools that vibrate
 repetitive heavy lifting
 driving

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


Answer the following questions.

1. In which compartment would you find the wrist extensors?

2. Which muscles are involved in shoulder extension?
3. Name the common condition caused by overuse of the wrist extensor muscles.
4. Where is pain in this condition primarily located?
5. Explain the underlying cause for ‘Golfer’s elbow’.
6. What is the anatomical name for this condition?
7. In which compartment would you find flexor carpi radialis?
8. In which compartment would you find the middle deltoid fibres?
9. What is the role of extensor indicis and describe where it is located?
10. What symptoms would someone diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome experience?
Explain why by describing the specific anatomical structures involved and how they
would be affected.

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


Label as many muscles as you can on the following diagrams.

A. Sternocleidomastoid H. Supraspinatus N. Extensor carpi radialis longus

B. Deltoid I. Infraspinatus O. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
C. Biceps brachii J. Triceps brachii P. Extensor carpi ulnaris x 2
D. Pectoralis major K. Latissimus dorsi Q. Flexor carpi radialis
E. Serratus anterior L. Teres major R. Flexor carpi ulnaris
F. Brachialis M. Teres minor S. Extensor digitorum
G. Brachioradialis x 3 T. Palmaris longus

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


Module 2: Muscular system: Topics 2.4, 2.5

2.4: Muscles of the lower limb and selected muscles

Match the muscle of the lower limb with its function. eg:
1 Adductor magnus a Hip adduction 1A

2 Tibialis posterior b Hip abduction + medial rotation 2L

3 Gluteus maximus c Ankle eversion 3K

4 Rectus femoris d Hip flexion + external rotation + abduction 4H

5 Semitendinosus e Hip extension + Knee flexion (medial insertion) 5E

6 Fibularis longus f Toe flexion 6C

7 Sartorius g Hip extension + Knee flexion (lateral insertion) 7D

8 Tibialis anterior h Hip flexion + Knee extension 8M

9 Soleus i Ankle plantarflexion + Knee flexion 9J

10 Biceps femoris j Ankle plantarflexion 10G

11 Gastrocnemius k Hip extension 11J

12 Flexor digitorum longus l Ankle inversion + plantarflexion 12f

13 Gluteus medius m Ankle dorsiflexion + Foot inversion 13B

Name the compartment that each of these muscles of the lower limb is found in?
Anterior Posterior Medial Lateral
1 Adductor magnus Medial
2 Tibialis posterior Posterior

3 Gluteus maximus Posterior

4 Rectus femoris Anterior

5 Semitendinosus Posterior

6 Fibularis longus Lateral

7 Sartorius Anterior

8 Tibialis anterior Anterior

9 Extensor digitorum longus Anterior

10 Biceps femoris Posterior

11 Gastrocnemius Posterior

12 Flexor digitorum longus Posterior

13 Gluteus medius Lateral

14 Soleus Posterior

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


Answer the following questions.

1. Describe the 4 muscles, function and location of the Quadriceps group.

Rectus Femoris: knee extension and hip flexion Runs straight down thigh and crosses hip

Vastus lateralis: extend leg and stabilizes knee, lateral aspect of thigh

Vastus medialis: extends leg and stabilizes patella, forms infermedial aspect of thigh

Vastus intermedius: Extends legs, betweem vastus lateralis and vastus medialis on ant

2. Which of these muscles is a 2-joint muscle, acting over the hip as well as the knee?
Rectus femoris: knee extension and hip flexion

3. Name the individual muscles that are collectively termed ‘the hamstrings’ and describe
their function.
Biceps Femoris: movement of the hip joint and knee joint

Semitendinous: Extend at the hip and flex at the knee

Semimembranosus: Knee flexion, knee internal rotation and hip extension

Hip extension and knee flexion

4. Explain how the functional anatomy of the compartments differ in the lower limb from
the upper limb.
Upper limb: Anterior compartment muscles are flexors; posterior compartment muscles are


Lower Limb: Anterio compartment muscles are extensors; posterior compartment muscles are

flexprs. Due to intrauterine development of the lower extremeity consisting of outgrowth

rotation, and regional morphological development of structure (thigh, leg, foot)

5. Name the muscle that is the prime mover for inspiration.

Diaphragm: Flattens down when breathing

6. Name the 2 muscles that make up the pelvic diaphragm.

Levator ani and coccygeus


1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


Label as many muscles as you can on the following diagrams.

A. Iliacus H. Adductor longus O. Tibialis anterior

B. Psoas major I. Gracilis P. Fibularis longus
C. Tensor fascia latae J. Gluteus maximus Q. Plantaris
D. Sartorius K. Gluteus medius R. Soleus
E. Rectus femoris L. Biceps femoris S. Gastrocnemius
F. Vastus lateralis M. Semitendinosus T. Extensor digitorum longus
G. Vastus medialis N. Semimembranosus U. Pectineus


Adductor Magnus

Bicepts Femoris



1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


2.5: Physiology of muscle contraction

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


Answer the following questions.

1. What causes the striations that characterise skeletal muscle?

2. Name the functional contractile unit of a muscle cell.
3. Name the two contractile myofilaments specially arranged in each myofibril.
4. Which myofilament has a binding site for calcium?
5. When a muscle fibre contracts the banding pattern changes. Describe this.
6. List the 3 stages of excitation-contraction coupling prior to the cross-bridge cycle.
7. What event causes the ‘power stroke’ in the cross-bridge cycle?
8. What two events are necessary for relaxation of the muscle fibre to occur?
9. Outline the difference between isotonic and isometric contractions.
10. Describe the 3 pathways for generating ATP for muscle activity.
11. Which of these pathways is the fastest?

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets


12. Which of these pathways provides the most ATP energy?

13. Which pathway is predominately used in endurance sports?
14. Calcium ions bind to which molecule in skeletal muscle cells?

Label the following diagrams.

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets



15. What area do I feel most confident with? Why?

16. What area needs improvement? How can I make this improvement?
Have you completed your Muscular System checklist?

1016MSC T1 2023 Module 2 Tutorial Workshop Worksheets

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