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Name: Grade & Section:

Activity Title: Summative Test I Date: February 1, 2024

Activity No.: 3.9 K______S ________ U_______
Learning Target:
1. Identify types of writing
2. Identify types of imagery
3. Explain the significance of diction and imagery in communication
4. Create a poem based on their personal experiences

DIRECTIONS: Identify whether the following text is a product of imaginative or technical
writing. Write the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
One point for every correct answer.

_______________1. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" directed by Michel Gondry

_______________2. Scientific Journal Articles
_______________3. A research proposal about the Perception of Senior High School Students
on the Implementation of Mandatory Reserved Officers Training Corps.
_______________4. "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll
_______________5. "The Yellow Submarine" (animated film)


DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully and write the LETTER of the correct answer on
the space provided before the number. One point for every correct answer.

For items 6-15 choose from the choices below.

A. Auditory C. Olfactory E. Visual

B. Gustatory D. Tactile

_______________6. The old man took the handful of dust, and sifted it through his fingers.
_______________7. The starry night sky looked so beautiful that it begged him to linger, but
he reluctantly left for home.
_______________8. The fragrance of spring flowers made her joyful.
_______________9. The sound of a drum in the distance attracted him.
_______________10. The people traveled long distances to watch the sunset in the
_______________11. The stone fell with a splash in the lake.
_______________12. The sound of bat hitting the ball was pleasing to his ear.
_______________13. The chirping of birds heralded spring.
_______________14. There lay refuse heaps on their path that were so smelly that it maddened
_______________15. The silence in the room was unnerving.
DIRECTIONS: Read and answer the given questions below. Rubrics is given for scoring.

4 3 2 1 0 1 2
Correctly identified the term or With error in the Incorrect or
---- ----- phrase asked term or phrase no answer
Correct grammar, With 1 or 2 incorrect With 3 or 4 incorrect grammar Many errors No answer
spelling and well- grammar and or spelling and and or spelling and not that
constructed sentence not that well-constructed well-constructed
Explained well and Correctly explained but not Explained but confusing Not explained No answer.
correctly with examples well done

1. As a student, how does the selection of words during a conflict or in a difficult

conversation affect the outcome and emotional tone of the interaction?

2. As social media user, can the use of memes, GIFs, and other visual elements be
considered a form of imagery in online communication? How do they influence the


DIRECTIONS: Write a 3-stanza poem about your most memorable experiences. Rubrics is
below for scoring.
4 3 2 1 0
Correctly identified the term or With error in the term Incorrect or
---- -----
phrase asked or phrase asked no answer
Correct grammar, spelling and well- With 1 or 2 incorrect grammar and With 3 or 4 incorrect grammar and Many errors No answer
constructed sentence or spelling and not that well- or spelling and not that well-
constructed constructed
Poem is well -aligned to the given Poem is connected to the given Poem is less connected to the given Not connected No answer.
theme. theme. theme.

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